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We get to school by the others and Sam goes closer to me "what's wrong baby" I ask wrapping my arm around him "what if he come back" he whimpers I sigh and pull him in a hug "it's ok baby, I won't let him hurt you" he nods and I kiss his head and we pull away from the hug and I grab his hand and we talk with the others.
I was talking to Jake when Sam's hand was ripped away from mine and I look over "let gwo!" He yells and I see Brennen and I growl Cole coming out and I go over and punch Brennen in the face making him let go of Sam and Brennen punches me and I growl and grab his collar and slam him against a tree and I go to punch him "Cole stop" Elton says I growl and slam Brennen hard against the tree making him groan "Cole stop!" Everyone yells but I don't listen "COLE!" Elton yells and pulls me off of Brennen and he runs away "what the fuck!" I growl angrily "your scaring Sam" Elton says and I look over to see Sam crying hugging his knees and everyone is trying to calm him down and I groan rubbing my face and I go over to him "Sam" he whimpers backing away I shake my head and pick him up "n-no!" He screams thrashing around and I walk to a different tree ignoring all of his screams and sit down against the tree and he tries getting away but I grab his hips "Sam" he keeps thrashing around "Sam stop" he doesn't listen "Sam!" I yell "n-no hwurt m-mwe" he whimpers "Sam... I'll never hurt you" I say a bit hurt that he thinks I would "w-woo d-id" "I didn't mean to and you know that" I say getting mad not liking that I have hit him he lets out a sob and I pull him in for a hug and he puts his head in my neck crying and I rub his back.
He calms down and I pull him away from the hug and cup his cheeks wiping his tears "no dwo dat no mwore it scare mwe" he pouts "I can't promise that, if someone hurts you I'm going to hurt them" he huffs "otay, no hwurt mwe?" I shake my head "never" he smiles "pwomise" "promise" he smiles and hugs me again. He pulls away and looks at me and I look back at him and he pouts "what's wrong" he whines "kissyyyy" he whines while pouting I shake my head "pwease" he gives me puppy eyes "no Sam" "whyyyy" he whines I just shake my head "pwease jus one kissy" he begs "no" he huffs puts his head on my chest. "kissy now" he asks again "no" he sighs and looks up at me and kisses me but I don't kiss him back he pulls away "kissy backkk" he whines pouting you can kiss him Colby says I shake my head and stand up and put Sam down "no! we no gwo in!" "And whys that" "woo no kissy mwe!" I shake my head and pick him up and he giggles wrapping around me "kissy" he tilts his head "nope" I say and walk inside and he sighs and I walk to the first class. "kissy now" he asks as we sit down "nope" he whines and slumps back in the seat crossing his arms pouting.


It's now free period and we walk to the bleachers "kissy now" "no" I say getting annoyed since he asked after every class and before each one. "now" "no" he huffs and we walk outside "now!?" "nope" we walk to the bleachers and sit down "now!?" "no Sam" he whines "what's happening" Corey asks "he no gibs mwe kissy" Sam pouts "still" Jake asks with a slight chuckle since he asked multiple times during math "yeah its getting annoying" Sam whines "jus one!" "no" he sticks his tounge out at me and I shake my head and he huffs.
Sam moves wrapping around my side and I wrap my arm around him and he looks up at me "kissy" I shake my head softly he sighs and puts his head down looking at the others listening to them. "tan I pwease has kissy now" I shake my head and look down at him "no" he huffs and licks my lips "what the fuck!" I wipe my lips "hey!" He yells "what" I say annoyed "woo sweared!" I chuckle slightly "swore" I corrected him he huffs "whateber" he pouts giving me pleading eye "pweaseee" he begs "c'mon how can you say no to that" Devyn says "easy" I look back at Sam "no" "dude just give him one" Corey says I shake my head why don't you want to kiss him Colby asks 'i do' then why won't you 'cause I'll only want more' "kisssyyyyy" Sam whines "stop" "pweaseee" just let me out I close my eyes and let him out "kissyyyy" I open my eyes now Colby and I look at Sam and he's looking down pouting I lift his head up and kiss him and he kisses back. We pull away "yay!" He hugs me and I hug him back "why wouldn't Cole kiss him" I shrug Sam whimpers and hugs me tighter "baby what's wrong" "b-brennen" he whimpers and I look up to see Brennen coming and cole takes over before I get a chance to stop him.

He gets here and Sam whimpers and I pull him close to me "hey" he smirks and I growl "Brennen go" Elton says getting mad "why can't I hang out with my old friends" he smirks and I growl and tighten my grip on Sam and he stuffs his face in my chest "Sam.. how was last night" Brennen smirks and Sam whimpers as he says his name and everyone gives Brennen a confused look but he ignores them "here.. you left this" he puts a phone -Sam's phone- down and he walks away. Sam pulls away when he leaves fully and looks at his phone "how he get dat" he tilts his head "maybe you dropped it" Tara says he grabs it and turns it on and I shake my head at his lock screen it being a picture of me- Colby with the orange flower behind his ear. He looks through it seeing if anything was different but he didn't find anything "tan woos hold it I has no pockets" he says holding it up to me "you could put it in your backpack" Aaron says "no no, I no wike it in dere" I take it and put it in my pocket and we talk more until the bell rings.

We sit down at the table and we eat and talk. "Daddy" I look at him "yeah" "tan I pway on woo phone pwease" I nod and take out my phone "here" I hand it to him "tank woo!" I nod and he plays on it and eats. While Jake was telling me something Sam's phone went off in my pocket but I ignored it I feel a tap on my shoulder so I look over "tan I dump an use bafroom pwease" I nod and he puts my phone on the table and gets up and leaves and his phone goes off again so I take it out this time and turn it on and my heart drops at what I seen..

oooo cliffhanger I haven't done one in a while so..
what do you think he seen?

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