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Sam's pov

"Sammy baby wake up" I hear Colby say and I feel his thumb rub my cheek bone I groan and I hear him chuckle "baby wake up we have school" my eyes flutter open slowly and I look up at Colby and smile and he smiles back "c'mon let's get ready" I sit up and rub my eyes with my small fists "I'm hungwy" he chuckles "I'll make breakfast after we get ready" I nod and we get up and he goes to his closet I watch him and my eyes wander to the corner of the room and I smile "daddy daddy!" "What's up baby" he turns and smiles "let's wear the clothes devwyn got us" I say and point to the bag in the corner of the room "are you sure you want to wear the skirt" I nod rapidly he chuckles "alright baby" he grabs the bag and takes out the clothes and gives me my outfit and I squeal "alright baby why don't you go to your apartment and get shoes and change there and maybe take a shower too" "otay!" I hug him he chuckles and hugs back "ok baby get changed" I nod and run out of the room and to my place. I get there and I grab some panties and go to the bathroom and take a quick shower. I get out and dry myself then I put on my underwear and my black skirt and then my white crop top I go to my room and I put on some shoes and I look at myself in the mirror and I squeal and giggle and I run back to Colby's apartment. I get back and unlock his door and run in and I see him at the stove "daddy look!" He turns around and smiles "cute" I blush a bit and giggle he walks up to me and puts his hands on my hips I look up at him and smile he smiles back and he leans in and kisses me I kiss back it wasn't very long he pulls away and I giggle "I love you baby" "I love woo too daddy" he pecks my lips again and then picks me up I squeal and giggle he chuckles and puts me on the counter so I can see him cooking "ooo yummy!" He chuckles "I'm almost done baby" "yay!" He kisses my nose I giggle and he goes back to cooking

He finishes the pancakes and he gives me a plate "tank woo daddy" "your welcome baby" I smile and start eating. We finish and he takes the dishes and washes them "I getting my bag" "ok baby" I go in his room and grab my bag I go to his closet and grab one of his hoodies and put it in my bag I giggled quietly and zip up my bag and go back to the kitchen "find it baby" "yep" he smiles and grabs his "ok we should get going" I nod and sling my bag over my shoulders and we head out the door

We're almost at the school and I'm excited to see the others "wait baby" I furrow my brows and look at him "yeah daddy" "ok so you know how they don't know your coming" "yep" I giggle "ok so you also know how you like to jump on Corey's back" I giggle "yep" he chuckles "so I have a plan" I tilt my head he chuckles again "ok so I will walk by myself and they will see me and be distracted when they are, you sneak around them and then jump on Corey's back" I giggle "otay" he smiles and we start walking again

"Ok baby you remember what to do" I nod he smiles "ok ready" I nod excitedly he chuckles and leaves "Colby!" everyone yells I look around the corner and they are facing the other way I giggle and run up to them and jump on Corey's back "surpwise!" "Sam!" Corey says in a funny voice I giggle "bubba!" I smile I get off Corey's back "we missed you!" They yelled "group hug!" I giggled and they hugged me, they pull away "you look better in that outfit then I thought you would" Devyn said I blushed a bit "t-tanks" she squealed and I jumped she laughed a bit "why did woo do that" "your in little space" I giggled they started talking about something I didn't pay attention and I looked off somewhere else "baby" Colby whispered I jumped "yeah daddy" "are you ok" "yeah I'm otay" I looked up at him "you sure baby" I smile "yeah" he kisses my forehead I smile he smiles back and pulls me closer by my waist and I lean into his touch he chuckles a bit and joins the conversation again and I look off again "Sam!" I jump "w-what" "we've been calling you for a minute" Corey says "sowwy" I look down "hey hey it's ok but what's up" "nofing I otay" I look up "are you sure bubba" "mhm I otay" I smile they nod "baby are you sure your ok" I look up at him "I sure daddy" he cups my cheeks "baby what's wrong" "nofing daddy I pwomise" he pecks my lips and caresses my cheek bones "tell me if anything's wrong ok baby" "otay daddy" he pecks my lips once more and pulls me to his side and this time I join the conversation

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