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Sam's pov

I got out of bed slowly and quietly to make sure Colby won't wake up I grabbed my stuffie and paci and walked to the kitchen stormy followed so I fed him I went to the living room and watched tv for a bit. I got bored so I walked back in the room and Colby was still sleeping I got back in bed and sat next to him and played with my stuffie "morning baby" I looked over and smiled "morning daddy" he sat up and I sat in his lap and hugged him he chuckled and hugged me back "I love you baby" he kissed my head "I love woo too daddy" we stayed hugging for awhile then he pulled away "let's get some breakfast yeah" I nodded and got off him he got out of bed and I made grabby hands he picked me up and I giggled and wrapped myself around him and he walked to the kitchen and set me on the counter and he went to the fridge "daddy daddy!" He chuckled "yeah baby" "let's wake up Jake and Tara" "and how would we do that" I giggled and jumped off the counter and grabbed two pans I turned around to face Colby and I giggled holding them up "Jake's gonna hate you" I giggled "come on!" He ruffled my hair and we started walking towards the room their in. Colby opened the door quietly and we walked in "3... 2... 1!" Colby said and I started banging the pans together "WAKEY WAKEY!" I giggled they groaned "bubba stop" Jake groaned I giggled "gwet up!" Tara threw a pillow at me "hey!" I giggled "get out" Tara mumbled "no! gwet up!" I giggled "Colby why did you let him do this" he chuckled I jumped on the bed "gwet up!" Jake pushed me and Im now sitting in the bed "hey!" I giggled and they sat up "finally" I giggled Colby started walking towards me "get him!" Colby yelled and they all started tickling me "n-no sto-stop p-pwease!" I giggled they stopped I sat up and crossed my arms "meanies" they laughed and started tickling me "hey! n-no st-stop" "pw-pwease!" They stopped and Jake started tickling me again "hey! s-stop i-it!" "J-jake s-stop!" He stopped "don't so it again" I pointed at Jake he chuckled "I won't" I squinted at him "pwomise" he chuckled "promise" "he said he wouldn't but I still can!" "n-no t-tara no p-pwease!" "St-stop!" She stopped i pouted and squinted at her she giggled she looked behind me and before I could ask Colby started tickling me "daddy! St-stop!" I giggled and started squirming "st-stop daddy!" pw-pwease!" He tickled me longer and he finally stopped "meanies now my stomach hurts" I pouted "aww bubba I'm sorry" "sorry Sammy" Tara ruffled my hair "I'm hungwy" Colby chuckled "ooo can we go to Ihop!" Jake said I looked at Colby with hope in my eyes he chuckled "sure" "yay!" They all laughed "c'mon baby let's get ready" he picked me up and went to the room.

He put me on the bed "daddy I need to go to mine for clothes" "o-" "Colby we don't have clothes" Jake said walking in I gasped they looked at me confused I giggled and got off the bed "Jake wear Cwobys clothes" "what about me" Tara asked I giggled "woo come wif mwe" Colby chuckled "just go Tara it'll make sense" "um ok" I giggled and took her hand "Sammy where are we going" I giggled and walked out the door I walked to my door and let go of her hand "Sammy where are we" I put the card in scanner and opened my door "my pwace" I pulled her in and shut the door "oh where we going" "my room!" I squealed and pulled her towards it we got in and I let go of her hand "Sammy why are we here" I giggled "woo forgot didn't woo" "umm" I giggled "I wear girl clothes" I said and opened my closet "oh yeah!" I giggled and pulled out clothes for myself "choose somfing I'll be in the bafroom" she nodded and went in the closet.

I changed into distressed ashy blue mom jeans that are cuffed at the bottom a white cropped tank top and a dark grey sweater zipped half way up. I walked out of the bathroom and walked into the living room and Tara was there and she's wearing plaid high waisted jeans also cuffed at the bottom and a black leather cropped tank top and she put her hair up. "Hi Sammy" "hi!" I giggled "you ready to go back "let mwe put my shoes on first" she nodded and I went to my room and put on white shoes "otay I ready!" I ran out to the living room "ok I left my shoes in Colby's apartment" I nodded and we went back "it's locked" Tara said I giggled and pulled out a key card and opened it "not anymwore" I giggled and we walk in "hi daddy!" I yell and run up to him and hugged him he's wearing black ripped jeans and an off white t shirt and a hat which is backwards and classic black vans he hugged back "hi baby" we pulled away "can we eat now" Jake asks as he walks out of the room he's wearing black ripped jeans and a band t shirt and purple shoes I giggle "what's so funny" "w-why are woo wearing purple shoes" I giggle and point to his shoes he chuckles "because I was wearing them yesterday and there the only shoes I have here bubba" "speaking of shoes where are mine" Tara asks "are they in the room" Jake asks she shrugged and goes to look stormy barks at me and i giggle "hi!" I pet him then I run in the room "baby where are you going" I run back out with a treat in my hand "watch this" he chuckles I hold the treat in front of stormy "sit" he sits I bring the treat lower "lay down" he does "roll over" he does "up" I bring the treat up and he jumps "spin" I move the treat in a circle and he turns "sit" he does "otay ready for this" I look up at the others and they look surprised I giggle "stay" I put the treat on his nose "don't eat it" I stand up "eat it!" and he does I pat his head "good boy" "how did you" Tara says I giggle "when did you teach him that" "when woo go to school"  "ok let's eat" "I didn't find my shoes" I giggle and point to the door "ohhh" she grabs them and put them on they are black platforms "otay lets eat!" They all laugh and Jake grabs his keys and we walk out the door

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