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Me and Colby are sat on the couch waiting for the others to come so we can load the truck that they are bringing. I sigh and I cuddle into Colby and he wraps his arm around me and he kisses my head.
Soon there's a knock on the door and I get up Colby behind me and I open the door and they are all here and Devyn, Tara and Elton come in and Colby leave with the others going to his apartment and we load
up the truck.
"Ready?" Colby asks as we finish loading it up and our apartments are now empty I sigh a little and pick up Stormy "I guess so" he kisses my head and I smile slightly and look up at him and he smiles and kisses me and I kiss him back. "let's go baby" I nod and we leave the apartment and we head down.
We get to the front and we give the worker our keys and check out and we head outside and get in Colby's car and we head to the house.

We get there and we get out of the car and Colby goes to the truck where the others are and I go inside and put stormy in there and he runs off to the living room and jumps on the couch I smile a little and I go over to the truck and help unload it.
"Ok I'll go return the truck and you guys can figure out what you want to do" Elton says and we nod and he leaves "how about you guys set it up how you want it and we'll go get anything if you need it?" Tara suggests and we nod and we head up to a room that is a guest room but it only has a bed in it and we start unpacking and setting up the room.
"Done!" I say as I hang up the last piece of clothing "finally!!" Colby cheers and comes to me and picks me up and lays on the bed and I giggle "I'm hungry" I say looking at him and he laughs a little "ok cmon" he says and we get up and head
"Are you guys done?" Devyn asks glancing up from a pot on the stove  "yeah" Colby says "ok, do you need anything to buy?" "no" she nods and then she moves to the sink with the pot "what are you making?" I ask impatiently "spaghetti" she says as she goes back to the stove and grabs bowls and forks and she dumps the sauce in the pan and I watch her impatiently waiting for her to be done "here" she says handing us a bowl "finally thank you!" They laugh at me and then me and Colby go to the living room and the others go in the kitchen to get a bowl them selves.

Me and Colby are cuddled in our room watching tv when there's a knock on the door "yeah" Colby calls and then the door opens and we look over to see Devyn "we'll be back we're going to the store" she says "all of you?" I ask "yeah" we nod
"ok, bye" I say "bye" she smiles a little and then leaves and Colby pulls me close nuzzling his head in my neck and I smile.
I yawn and I turn in his arms and I snuggle into him and he holds me tight "g'night Colbs" I mumble tierdly "goodnight baby" he kisses my head and with that I fall asleep.


There's a soft knock on the door and it opens "you get everything?" I ask Devyn quietly "yeah, come help" I nod and I get up careful not to wake Sam and I pull the covers over him and he snuggles into them curling in a ball I smile and leave the room quietly.
"So light grey?" Tara asks as we were debating what color to use "yeah" she nods and we start painting the walls.
Soon the paint dried and we brought everything they bought up to the room and we built all the furniture together and set it up.
We finished and it's now 2 am and we're all tired "I'm so tired" I groan rubbing my face "but he'll definitely love it" Devyn says smiling "yeah" I smile softly "ok I'm going to bed" Jake says leaving the room "goodnight guys" I say and we all split ways going to bed I close the door and head in to mine and Sam's shared room and I get in next to him and pull him close and he cuddles into me I smile and kiss his head and I fall fast asleep.



I wake up and sit up stretching and I giggled as Colby groans and turns around I get out of bed grabbing my stuffie and I leave the room closing the door quietly and I run downstairs. I get to the kitchen to be met with Devyn "hi Devwyn!" She smiles "morning Sam" I giggle a little "I hungwy" "breakfast is almost done" "otay!" I squeak and I run off to the living room and I jump on the couch sitting in it "morning sammy" Tara says smiling "mornin!" I squeak "hey bubba" Jake says walking into the room "hi!" I giggle as he tiredly slumps on the couch "foods done!" Devyn calls end I squeal and run to the kitchen "tank woo!" I squeal and run back to the living room with my plate and I eat.
I get up and walk upstairs and I go to mine and Colby's room and go in quietly and I look around trying to find my toys and I huff not finding my toys I get up and crawl on the bed and lay on Colby "daddy" I whine and he groans "daddy" I say again poking his face "hm" he hums "I tan't fine mwy toys" I whine he hums again "daddyyy" I whine but he starts snoring again I huff and get up and go downstairs and slump on the
couch pouting. 
"Sam what's wrong" Corey asks "nofin" I huff "Sammy.." I huff and get back up and stomp up the stairs.
"Daddy!" I yell shaking him "stop" he groans "daddy!" I yell again shaking him faster "Sam stop" "daddyyy" I whine "what" he groans "I tan't fine mwy toys" I whine "look in the boxes" "I did!" "Again" I huff and go to them and look through them not finding my toys "daddy" I huff standing up and I go to him again "daddy!!" I scream as he fell back asleep "go away!" he groans mad I walk to the corner of the room and sit there pouting.

"baby" Colby groaned as he woke up I glance at him as he sits up and I look away "baby, what are you doing" he asks confused "nofin" I huff "what's wrong" "nofin" I huff again "right.." he gets up and sits in front of me "tell me what's wrong" I didn't say anything "baby tell me what's wrong" I huff and stand up and leave the room and stomp down the stairs. I go to a room that has a couch and a bar area thing and I go behind the counter and sit down on the corner hugging my
stuffie close.
"baby!?" Colby calls as I hear him come down the stairs but I don't say anything "guys do you know where Sam went" I hear him ask "I think he went over there" I hear Elton say.
"baby, oh baby what's wrong" he asks coming around the counter "nofin" he sighs and sits in front of me and pulls me in his lap "if it's nothing you wouldn't be crying baby" I huff and wipe my face and crawl off his lap "baby what's wrong.. please tell me" he says sadly I glare at him "baby..." He sighs "woo yell at mwe" I huff and he furrows his brows and I huff again and get up walking past him and I go to the couch in here and lay down curling in a ball hugging my stuffie "baby.." he sits next to me and runs his fingers through my hair "tell me what happened" he says softly "woo yell at mwe when I twy fine toys an I ask woo fwor hep an woo yell at mwe" he sighs and pulls me in his lap "I'm sorry baby I was just tired" I nod and hug him "Colby! Can we show him now!?" Devyn yells exciedly running in the room and I look up at Colby tilting my head and he smiles at me "do you still want to play" I nod "yay! C'mon!" Devyn squeals and I look at Colby confused but he doesn't say anything and just smiles and we get up and he grabs my had and we follow the others upstairs.

"open it baby" he says as we get to the room across from our bedroom "why" I ask tilting my head "do it!!" Everyone yells with big smiles and I jump not expecting them to yell "sorry" they laugh a little "Sammy open it!" Tara says and I nod slowly "otay.." I turn to it and put my hand on the knob and turn it pushing it open and I let out a loud high pitched squeal and run in and everyone laughs "you like it baby" Colby asks coming to me I just squeal again and hug him tightly "guys.. I think he
hates it" Corey says and I giggle a little and everyone else laughs. I pull away and I go to the shelf and I pull out one of the bins and pull out the toys and start playing. I look up to see them smiling as they watch me play I giggle and stand up and grab Colby's hand and drag him back to the toys and I sit down "pway!" He nods with a small laugh and sits down "we'll leave you to be" Devyn says with a smile and they leave closing the door behind them. I crawl in Colby's lap and hug him "tank woo" he hugs me back "your welcome baby" he kisses my head I smile and look up at him and he kisses me passionately.
"I love you baby" he says after we pulled away "love woo too daddy" he smiles and pecks my lips "let's pway!" I squeal crawling out of his lap and he chuckles and we play.

I get up and leave the playroom and run downstairs "daddy! Is done yet!?" I ask as he cooks dinner "almost baby" "yay!!" I squeal and I run out of the room going to the living room by the others "bubba! Come play!" Jake yells holding a controller out to me I giggled "otay!" I take it from him and I sit on the couch next to him and we play with Corey.
"Foods done" Colby says walking in and everyone gets up and goes to the kitchen "here baby" Colby says and hands me a bowl and sitting next to me "tanks!" I squeak and start eating soon the others come back in
and sit down.
I put my bowl in the sink and I grab Colby's hand and drag him upstairs "baby what are you doing" he chuckles I giggle and continue pulling him to our room.
I let go of his hand and I go to the closet and I pull out a onesie and walk out "hep mwe put on!" He smiles with a small chuckle "alright" I smile and give him the onesie and he undresses me and puts it on "yay! tank woo!" I giggle as he pulls up the hood and he smiles and I lean up and peck his lips he smiles and kisses me again. We pull away and I hug him and he hugs me back putting his head on top of mine. "daddy" I ask pulling away "yeah baby" "tan we has mobie night" I ask hopefully "of course baby" "yay!!" I grab his hand and drag him downstairs and go to the living room.
"Bubba!" Jake yells as I change the channel while he was in the middle of a game "someone had to do it" Tara says and we all laugh "mobie night!" I squeal "yess!" Devyn and Tara yell at the same time and I giggle "we'll get the snacks!" They say leaving the room "ok, what movie" Jake says taking the remote from me "wion kwing!" I squeal with a giggle since I have a lion onesie on and he nods with a slight chuckle and puts it on right as Tara and Devyn come in and we watch movies for the rest
of the night.

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