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"Baby" Colby whispers in my ear waking me up "what" I mumble tiredly and he chuckled "get up we have school" I huff and cuddle into the blankets "no baby get up" he pulls the blankets off me I whine and sit up rubbing my eyes "get dressed baby" I nod and stand up "I'll be in the kitchen" I hum in response and he leaves and I go to my bag of clothes and change into high waisted skinny jeans and one of Colby's hoodies and white slide on vans I grab my phone and go to the kitchen. I get to the kitchen and Colby's making food I smile a bit and jump on the counter sitting on it "oh hi baby" Colby says and comes stand in between my legs I smile "hi" he pecks my lips and goes back to the stove. I get off the counter and grab Stormys bowls and put water and food in them and put them back down and he starts eating "here baby" I look up and take the plate from him "thank you" he nods and we start eating.


We get to school and I go to Colby's locker with him since I still carry all my things around. "Hey guys!" We look over and the others are now here "hey" me and Colby say back and we start talking. "Guys!" We look over and it's Aryia "what's up" Elton asks "I'm having a party on Saturday wanna come" everyone nods except me and Colby "you guys coming" he asks with hope "oh uh.. sure" I say "cool! Colby?" He looks at him "yeah sure" he says in an annoyed tone "cool! See you guys there!" He says and runs off to another group "Colbs are you ok" "yeah fine, I'm going to class" he lets go of my hand and walks away I frown and furrow my brows watching him walk away "what's up with him" Jake asks I shrug "well we all should get to class it's about to start" Devyn says we nod and I walk with Jake to math. We get in math and go to the back where Colby is and I sit next to him "are you ok" I ask "I'm fine Sam" he snaps and my face drops and he looks at me as a tear falls I wipe it quickly "shit baby I'm sorry" he goes to grab my hand my I pull it away "baby please I'm sorry" I ignore him and pay attention to the class as the teacher walks in.

It's now lunch and everyone gets food but I stay back at the table not hungry I rest my head in my hand and go on my phone. Everyone comes back but I don't bother looking up from my phone "Sam you alright" Corey asks "mhm" I hum "Sam" he trails off "I'm fine I promise" I look up at him and give a small smile and he sighs and nods probably knowing it was fake. "Baby can we talk" "yeah sure" I turn off my phone "we'll be back" he tells the others and they nod and we leave the cafeteria standing out in the hall. "What'd you want to talk about" I ask he sighs "I'm sorry for snapping at you earlier" I nod "but why did you.. why did you get in a bad mood" I ask "i-" he sighs "I just don't want you to go to the party" I sigh "I wasn't totally sure myself either but I-" "then why'd you say you'd go!" He's says a bit angrily "cause I don't need to be around Aryia" I say quietly "but he'll find a way to be by you it's not that easy!" "You don't need to keep yelling at me if it's such a big deal I'll tell him I won't fucking go!" I yell and walk away "wait!" He calls I ignore him and I get in the cafeteria and I go over to Aryias table "oh hi Sam!" He says with a smile "I can't go to the party" he frowns "what why" "because I'm not fucking allowed to" I say and then walk away and I get to my table "I'm going home" I grab my bag and walk out.

"B-baby! Baby wait!" I roll my eyes and turn around and I get engulfed in a hug "I-im s-sorry" he sobs digging his head in my neck I sigh and hug him back "w-e c-can go t-to the pa-rty I-im sorry" "Colbs please stop crying" "I-im so-sorry" I sigh and rub his back "i-m sorry" I frown as he apologizes over and over again I put my hand under is shirt and scratch it gently "stop apologizing it's ok" "I'm s-sorry" I sigh and keep soothing him. He calms down and I pull away from the hug and I wipe his tears "I'm sorry" I says quietly "Colbs stop it's ok I promise" he nods "we can go if you want" "I don't know it's probably just some drinking party and I don't drink much" he nods with a sigh "let's go home" he nods and I smile slightly and peck his lips he smiles and grabs my hand and we walk home.

We get back to his place and I slip into little space I put my backpack down and run into Colby's room "baby where are you going!" Colby shouts I giggle and go through my toys and grab the bag of big legos and I run out of the room giggling and I go to the living room where Colby's on the couch "daddy!" I squeal he chuckles "c'mere baby" he opens his arms I giggle go to him and he grabs me and puts me in his lap I giggle and I grab the legos "pway wif mwe!" "No baby I'm gonna make lunch you didn't eat" I pout "pwease pway" "I will after lunch" I nod "otay" he smiles. I look down and fiddle with the zipper trying to open the bag "you want Mac and cheese" "wes pwease!" He lifts my head up and kisses me gently I giggle and he picks me up and set me on the floor and opens the bag for me and I start playing with them and he places a kiss on my head and leaves.

"C'mon baby" I look up and he's on the couch with two bowls of Mac and cheese I squeal and stand up and go to the couch sitting next to him and he gives me a bowl "tank woo daddy" "your welcome baby" he kisses my head I smile and reach for the remote and turn in paw patrol Colby chuckles and pulls me close I smile and eat while watching tv.
Colby comes back after putting our dishes away and I make grabby hands and he picks me up "daddy tan we pway now" "course we can baby" I squeal happily and he goes to the legos and he set me down on the floor and sits down after and I crawl over to him and sit in between his legs he kisses my head I giggle and grab some legos and he does too and we play. I soon get tired and I turn around facing him and I wrap around him nuzzling my head in his chest closing my eyes "baby let's clean up first" "o-otay" I yawn he chuckles and kisses my head and we clean up the legos. I make grabby hands and he picks me up and I nuzzle my head in his neck and he walks to the room. He lays me on the bed and I pull the covers over me and cuddle in them "wait baby change into something else" I whine and cuddle further in them he chuckles and pulls them off of me and I whine "daddyy" "one second baby" I whine and he unbuttons my pants and takes them off and he covers me back up and I cuddle into them. Soon he gets in next to me and pulls me close and kisses my head "I love you baby" "love woo too daddy" I mumble he pulls me closer and I drift off to sleep.

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