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Colby's pov

I wake up to Sam trying to get out of my arms I hold him tighter "stop moving baby" he giggles and goes limp I pull him closer "daddy" I hum "when are we going back to schwool its been free weeks" I open my eyes and look down at him he smiles "well do you want to go back" he nods "I wanna see the oders" I check the time 6:25 "well we can still go today if you wanna" he nods "well alright" he smiles and we get up and he goes to his bag and I go to my closet I grab black jeans and a white shirt "I'll change in the bathroom" I say he nods "otay" I smile and go to the bathroom and change. I knock on the door after I finish changing "woo can come in" I open the door and he's wearing shorts and one of my hoodies with it tucked in the front so you can see the shorts "daddy" "yeah" "woo still have dat" he points at my arm that I cut I sigh "I'll go clean them and put on a hoodie" he nods and sits on the bed and I go back to the bathroom and unwrap it and clean them. I walk back in the room and I put on a hoodie "alright let's go eat" he nods making grabby hands and I pick him up and go to the kitchen I put him on the counter "wait how much time do we got" I furrow my brows and check the time "it's 6:45 why" "can we gwo to the coffee shop for fwood" I smile "yeah" he smiles I take him off the counter "go put on shoes" he nods and runs off to the room and I go to the door and put on my shoes and my backpacks here to as well as Sam's. Sam comes back and he has our phones too "here daddy" he hands me mine "thanks" I take it and he grabs his backpack "ok ready" he nods and we leave.

We get out of the building and Sam grabs my hand I smile and interlock our fingers rubbing the back of his hand with my thumb. "There it is!" He squeals and points to it I chuckle and we walk in and Samantha is here and she smiles at us "hi guys!" "Hi!" Sam squeals "what would you guys like" "chocy cup muffin and vaniwa fwap" I smile "alright how about you" "I'll take the same" she nods and smiles "that will be $19" I nod and I pay and we go to a table. Sam giggles "daddy wook, doggie" he points I look over and see a golden retriever and I smile "oh look it's Colleen's dog" I say Sam squeals "Sammy quiet" I chuckle he giggles "sowwy" Samantha comes and give us our food "thank you" I say she nods "oh Sam" Colleen calls "oh Colleen what are you doing here" she says and pets the dog "I was on a walk with max and I wanted to drop by" she nods "well I have to get back to work" she says and kisses her cheek "hi Coween!" Sam squeals "Sammy quiet" "hi guys" "hey" I say "about the playdate you never answered my text" "oh yeah sorry about that, maybe sometime next week" "yeah sounds good" Sam squeals I look over to see the dog liking his face I chuckle "oh max" Colleen giggles and pulls him back. Her phone goes off "oh sorry I have to go see you later" we nod and say bye. "Sammy let's go or we'll be late" "but I not done" he says looking in his cup "it's ok bring it with" he nods and we get up "bye Samantha" I say "bye guys!" "Bye bye" Sam waves and then we walk out. I grab Sam's hand and we walk the rest of the way to school.

We get to school "otay daddy hold dis" he said handing me his drink that's still halfway full "ok what are you doing" "jumping on Corwey's back" he giggles I chuckled and shake my head a bit. We walk closer and Sam giggles "otay weady" I nod "go for it" he runs and jumps on Corey's back "surpwise!!" He squeals "bubba I missed you!" Jake yells "we all did!" Tara said I get to the group "Colby!" Sam jumps off of Corey's back and takes his drink back "group hug!" Devyn yelled and we all hugged. "So when did you guys make up" Elton asked "the second week Sam came over and found me cu- uh crying in my room and we talked about it and made up" "but you've been gone for three" "yeah Sam got sick" they nodded "it was really boring without you guys" I chuckled a bit and we talk about other things. Then the bell rings "eww maf!" Sam giggles and we all laugh a bit and split ways going to class

Time skip

We get our food and so and we start talking. "Hi guys" we look up to see Aryia and Sam tenses but doesn't look up and continues to poke his food with his fork I wrap my arm around him and massage his hip "hey what are you doing here" Corey asks but I don't listen and I look at Sam "hey you ok" I ask quietly he looks up at me and smiles and nods he put his fork down and pushes his tray away and rested his head in his hands I pull him closer and rub his side "you sure your ok you've been quiet the whole lunch" he nods again "you sure" "I pwomise" I nod and kiss his temple. I look up and Aryia is gone "hey bud you alright" Elton asks "yep" he smiles and grabs his phone and I talk with the others

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