
622 18 1


I wake up and Sam isn't in bed I sit up stretching and I get up and throw on a hoodie and I go to the playroom to see if Sam's in there. I open it to see that the room is a mess but he isn't in here I sigh shaking my head and I head downstairs. I go to the living room to see everyone siting around "oh good morning Colby" Tara says with a smile "morning, where's Sam?" I ask noticing he isn't in here "oh.. he uh.." "he what" I ask getting scared "he's in a bad mood we don't know why and we're not sure where he went, he was yelling at us and then we tried calming him down but then he stormed off" Corey explains I nod with a sigh and I walk away
to find Sam.
I look everywhere downstairs not finding him so I go upstairs and look in the playroom again and he's not in there and I check our room which he isn't in I sigh and check everyone else's bedrooms.
I sigh closing Jake's bedroom door and I go to Coreys which is the last one and I open the doors "Colby what are you doing" Corey asks coming up the stairs "oh I was just going in for a second to see if Sam would be in here it's the last place I haven't checked" I explain "oh ok" I nod and I go in and walk down the small hallway and I look in seeing sam cuddling with navi on the bed and stormy curled up by his legs "baby what are you doing in here" I ask softly and he doesn't answer "I'll let you talk to him but don't look around" Corey says grabbing his charger "ok thank you" he nods with a soft smile and leaves the room and I sit on the bed and run my fingers through his hair "are you ok baby" he still doesn't answer me "whats wrong" I ask still getting no answer and I sigh and stop talking running my fingers through his
hair still.
"what happened baby" I ask after a while still getting no response
"baby.. talk to me please" he only huffs "please baby" "what" he yells sounding annoyed, mad, maybe even sad and I sigh "just.. what's wrong" "nofin!" he yells again "stop yelling" I say gently "shut up!" He screams "baby..." "go away!!" He screams again and I sigh and remove my hand from his hair "go!!" He screams I sigh "ok.." I kiss his head and get up and leave the room closing the door and I head downstairs.
I slump on the couch with a heavy sigh and I pull out my phone "you ok" Corey asks "yeah" I sigh slightly "what happened" "just asked if he was ok and he screamed at me telling me to go away" I explain briefly and they nod and I go back in my phone with a small sigh.

I make a grilled cheese and I go in the fridge grabbing a juice box and I head upstairs. I go to Coreys room and he's not in here anymore and I sigh and go see if he's in our room. I open the door and I sigh not seeing him in there so I go in the playroom and he's sitting at the table coloring and I smile softly "hi baby" he doesn't say anything making me sigh. I shut the door and I go over to him and I put the plate on the table along with the juice and I sit next to him "eat baby" he looks up at the plate and he smiles and grabs it and eats and I smile and kiss his head.
He finishes the grilled cheese and he grabs the juice box trying to open it and he whines frustratedly "I'll do it baby" I say with a light chuckle taking it from him and opening it for him and I give it to him and he drinks it a slight smile on his face "baby can you tell me what's wrong now" he rolls his eyes turning his attention to coloring "at least talk to me.." I sigh "at least tell me I didn't do something wrong" I say sadly and I wait a couple seconds for a response but there wasn't any and I sigh "please.." "GO!!" he screams loud and I look at him in shock and sadness and I scan his face as he keeps his eyes glued to the book seeing mostly anger and I sigh and I kiss his head "I love you.." he doesn't say it back only screaming another go away as I kiss his head again "I'm sorry" my voice breaks tears brimming my eyes and I get up and grab the now empty plate and juice box and I go downstairs. I throw away the juice box and I put the plate in the sink. I go to the counter leaning over it and I pull out my phone and scroll through it mindlessly. I put my phone down and I sit on the floor leaning against the counter putting my elbows on my knees gripping my hair the tears falling "Colby!" Jake calls and I quickly wipe my face from the tears and I stand up and grab my phone shoving it in my pocket and go to the living room "yeah?" "Wanna play" "oh no it's ok" he nods and starts a game with Aaron and Corey I sigh and I go up to mine and Sam's room and I turn on netflix not really paying attention to it my mind wondering to Sam and I soon start to cry.
I sit up against the headboard and I wipe my face with a deep sigh and I grab my phone. The door opens and I glance up seeing sam and I sigh and look back at my phone not knowing if he's not gonna talk to me "daddy" he says barely audible "daddy I sowwy" he says sadly getting on the bed "I sowwy" he says again crawling in my lap stuffing his face in my chest and I smile a little putting my phone down wrapping my arms around him
"why" I ask resting my head on his closing my eyes "I no no, I bad mood so I no wike be by pepo" I hum rubbing his back "I no get... punishment" I chuckled as he pronounces it to himself "no baby but if you scream or yell at me again you will" he nods "otay I sowwy" "it's ok baby" I kiss his head "do you" I ask and he pulls away looking at me tilting his head and I smile "do you love me back" he gasps "wes!! I loves woo too mwuch daddy" I coo quietly and he giggles and pecks my lips and I smile and kiss him and he smiles in it kissing back. I pull away and he smiles with a soft giggle and he puts his head back in my chest and I wrap my arms around him tightly and put my head on his again.
"daddy tan we takes nap pwease" he asks looking up at me "of course baby" he smiles and crawls off my lap and grabs his paci putting it in his mouth and then crawling to his side getting under the covers and I smile and lay down and wrap my arms around him pulling him close and he leans into me. I tighten my grip and kiss his head "love you baby" "loves woo too daddy" I smile and kiss his head again and we fall asleep.

My Distraction {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now