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Sam's pov

I wake up and Colby's arms are wrapped around me I smile and turn around and face him which causes him to stir and unwrap his arms I kiss his nose and I get up. I grab my phone and it's 9:15 I walk to the kitchen and look for something to eat seeing nothing I sigh and go to my apartment feeding stormy before leaving. I go to my room and grab some clothes and get in the shower. I get out and put on short shorts and one of Colby's hoodies I brought with me and slightly tuck the bottom of the hoodie in the front so you can see I'm wearing shorts. I walk out of the bathroom and put my old clothes in the hamper and putting on white slide on vans. I walk back to Colby's apartment and look in the room to see if he's still sleeping which he is I walk in quietly and grab my small backpack and walk out of the room I see stormy at the door and I don't remember the last time I took him to the park so I grabbed some toys put them in my bag and I grab his leash and clipping it on his collar but before I left I texted Colby

Sammy: I took Stormy to the park be back soon ❤️

I turned off my phone and put it in my back pocket and I left. I was halfway there and I was getting really hungry I looked around to see if there was any place I could go to get food I didn't see anywhere I sighed and kept walking. My stomach growled loudly and I remembered seeing a bakery or coffee shop around here somewhere but I don't remember where exactly. I soon smell something that smelled really good and stormy was also smelling the air I giggled and then I seen the bakery coffee shop thing I smiled and walk to it then I frowned realizing I had a dog I sighed and walked away but then I seen a sign that said dogs allowed I smiled widely and I walked in smelling delicious my stomach wanting me to eat "hello" the lady smiled brightly "hi" I smiled back "what would you like to get" "well I've never been here what do you like the best" "oh um I like to get a vanilla bean frap and a muffin" "that sounds good I'll get that with a chocolate chip muffin" she smiled "very well that will be $9.50" I gave her the money "name" she asked "Sam" she smiled and nodded and I took a seat and stormy sat down next to the table I smiled and pet him soon the lady came by "here you are sam" "thank you" she smiled and then looked down "aww cute what's its name" "his name's stormy" she smiled "cute" she pat his head "enjoy" she smiled and left I ate. I finished my muffin but not my drink so I decided to go to the park and bring it with me "have a great day" the lady waved I smiled "you too" she smiled and I walked out and headed to the park.

I got to the park and I sat at the tree and I took Stormys leash off and he ran somewhere to use the bathroom I grab my bag and took out the ball and rope and as I did my phone pinged so I grabbed it

Colbs: why didn't you wake me up baby

Sammy: sorry you looked peaceful and I didn't want to wake you

Colbs: ok is it ok if I meet you there

Sammy: yeah sure

Colbs: ok see you soon ❤️

Sammy: ok ❤️

I turned off my phone and stormy ran towards me and he stopped in front of me and did the downward dog wagging his tail I giggled and grabbed the ball "you want it" he barked "go get it" I threw it and he barked and ran after it. We did this for a bit and he got bored of it so I grabbed the rope and he wasn't interested in it so I got up and he jumped and spun I giggled I turned around "hide!" He barked and I heard him run off somewhere I waited a couple seconds and I went to look for him "hmm" I walked around the tree him going around it "Stormy where are you" I turned around and went back around the tree seeing his head stick out "found you!" He barked and jumped in me and I fell back I giggled and pet him then I heard a chuckle from behind me I jumped and turned around "Colbs you scared me" I giggled "sorry baby" stormy ran over to him and jumped at his legs he chuckled and pet him and I stood up and he look from stormy up at me and he smiled "what" "I was looking for that hoodie" I giggled "sorry" "it's ok baby" I nodded Stormy walked back to the tree and laid down and closed his eyes I giggled and walked over and sat next to him and drank my drink "where'd you get that from" Colby asked sitting next to me "the bakery coffee shop thingy" he furrowed his brows I giggled "the one around the corner" he chuckled and I tilted my head "it's a coffee shop" I nodded he chuckled and we sat in silence a bit "hey baby" I hummed in response "why do you like sitting here" "what do you mean" "like by a tree your always sitting at one if there's one" I shrugged not wanting to explain he nodded and I scooted closer and put my head on his shoulder and he put his arm around me and kissed my head

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