4. Unexpected

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Kayli's P.O.V.

I woke up, after being passed out, on the floor. April had thrown water on me so I woud regain consciousness. My head swirled from the hangover. I could not remember anything from last night.

I wrapped the blanket around my body and quickly ran to the bathroom. April and the group of boys watched me. I heard April at the door while I threw up. It must have been all the wine I drank. I promised myself I wouldn't drink that much ever again.

"Kayli," April knocked on the door. She sounded concerned, "are you alright?"

I took my head away from the toilet. "I'm fine."

"Let me in." she damanded softly.

"Ok." I unlocked the door and opened it. She walked in and her nose wrinkeld when she smelt my sick. "Hi."

"Did you puke?" She turned and looked at me. Her eyes widened. "Wow, you're a mess."

I looked in the mirror over the sink and saw what I was like. My hair was all over the place and I had purple circles under my eyes. I looked like something out of a horror movie. "I know, right?" I laughed weakly. "I'm not feeling so good."

I lost my balance and April's arms immediately shot out to catch me. "We need to get you home." She helped me up. "I'll go find you some clothes."

"April," I called weakly, "I can't go home."

"Why not?" She walked into the bathroom holding some spare clothes she kept in Alexander's bedroom. She handed me a clean bra, some demin jeans and a red tank top.

A tear drop fell from my eye and I wiped it away. "I can't go home looking like this."

"You can stay in my house." she suggested. "My mom will understand."

"Thanks." A small smile formed on my lips. I didn't want my parents to see me like this. I should of been more responsible. I felt so ashamed.

"And, em, Kayli?" she said before I closed the door.


"Em. . . one of the boy's told me you and Eric totally got it on last night."

Oh my God. Could I be pregnant? Werewolves can get pregnant very quickly, unlike humans. As soon as the sperm hits the egg the morning sickness and all that shit starts happening the day after. I learned all this from my parents when they were home-schooling me. They also said if I ever got pregnant at a young age, there would be murder.

Did he wear a condom?

I closed the door and started to cry.


Eric P.O.V.

I went home after walking around town in despair. What if I got her pregnant? I kept asking myself. I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing and I fucked a girl. Not just a girl, but a sweet, innocent girl that got drunk at the wrong time. And she was also the girl I had a major crush on. I felt so guilty.

I needed to call her, need to say how sorry I was. I hope she was not pregnant and she had just lost her virginity.

Though in all the guilt and despair, I had forgotten how good sex had been. It had been amazing losing my virginity even though I was to fucking drunk to remmember the condoms. I mentally slapped myself.

I took out my phone and dialled her number. April had given it to me saying I'd need it sometime. She was right.

"Hello?" someone answered.

"Kayli?" I asked.

"No, April." she replied. "Who's this?"


I heard her gasp and then she whispered away from the phone, "Kayli, it's Eric."

"Tell him to fuck off." I heard Kayli say.

"She wants you to fu-" April began.

"I heard." I interuppted. "Is she alright?"

After a long pause she whispered to me, "She's pregnant."

My world ended around me.

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