13. April and stuff

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April's P.O.V

I was running after Kayli with Eric and Alexander. The perfume was cracked against the wall. I leaped backwards, and ran faster than anyone of them.

I leaped over trees and rivers until I finally caught a scent. The boys were about an hour away.The scent I'd picked up was the witch Ryan told me about. I remembered the potion I had to drink just about two hours ago. It didn't feel like I was not vampire, but I didn't crave blood as much..

I dropped to the floor, coughing.


Alexander's P.O.V

I heard April's winces and ran faster than Eric or faster than April had. She was on the ground, blood spluttering out of her mouth.

I pulled her from her leafy blanket and soothed her with my words. Her eyes were not the usual goldeny violet blue they were just violet and blue. Her skin had a slight tan but she still had fangs. I could feel her breathing but no heartbeat.

"It worked" she coughed, opening her eyes.

"What worked?" I asked.

"Nothing.." I looked her smile that didn't fade.

She was beautiful in the light.  Eric showed up and looked at my blood covered hands. April looked at both of us.

"Please you guys gotta stop fighting" she whispered. "I know you're protecting me, Alex and Eric, I know what you're doing, being protective over Kayli and making sure that she doesn't get hurt through all of this, and I appreciate it really I do, but, guys, Kayli and I really just wanna be happy with both of you"

"I'm not losing you April, so, I'll do whatever.."

I smiled "So does this mean the marriage is still on" she smirked.

I nodded, realising she never took the ring off.

"Love you"

We kissed. Eric gagged in the background. I laughed.


April's P.O.V

Late that night.

  "Kayli is home" I nodded towards the wall as I spoke to her mom.

"Thank you April" I heard her mom's voice return.

"No problem, see you"

Alexander jumped up behind me and kissed me. I was kinda shocked..yeah I was shocked.

So I lied that Kayli came home. Truth was, Eric was looking for her and I couldn't. I would if I could but I actually couldn't. Every time I left the house I felt like puking. So Alexander said he'd stay with me.

He carried me up to the bedroom and soon enough (maybe an hour or two) we were asleep in my bedroom.


Alexander's P.O.V

The Next Morning

I woke up at 10am. April was somewhere I didn't know. I rolled out of bed and called her name, realising I wasn't wearing much..at all. 

"April, you there?" I sighed again.

I walked downstairs once I'd thrown a pair of tracksuit bottoms on. April's parents gave me a few weird looks before her father lifted his chin at me.

"She's in the bathroom, throwing up" he snarled and looked back down to his paper.

"Oh shit" I growled and ran up the stairs.

I practically knocked the door down. She was okay, just throwing up in the toilet. I held her hair back and hugged her, helping her. She smiled at me, at laughed. I grabbed a tissue and handed it to her. I then raced to her bedroom again, searching for something for her to wear. She had barely anything on. I tossed her underwear on the bed, grabbed a pair of shorts and snatched my shirt of the dresser. I handed them all to her, helping her dress.

"Do you feel ok?" I asked, stupidly.

"No. But Alex, I don't think it's the whole half vampire thing.." She said, cautious of her parents presence in the house. 

I stared at her. She meant she had a cold..I hoped.

She took my hand and kissed my cheek.

"I love you, Alex" she smiled.

"I love you more than anything" I smiled returned.

"And now we can have a family.."

"Wow..we can can't we..how are you gonna tell your parents.."

"Not sure"

"I can do it"


"I'll tell them" I whispered.


"I'll be back in a few"

I rushed down the stairs but grabbed a shirt that I put on, just before I nearly tripped on the stairs.

"Mr and Mrs. Tepes.." I stepped out of the door way's shadow.

"Um, April's..Well we're not certain but.."

"I'm having a baby.." April said from behind me.

I turned around to hug her, making sure tears weren't certain of falling.


April's P.O.V

I sighed in Alexander's shoulder.

"Ok, but one thing I wanna say..You guys need to move out. For your sake. You want a family in a happy environment" My mom smiled.

My dad hugged Alexander and shook his hand. My mum picked me up nearly. I squealed.

"Sorry sweetie!" 

"It's ok mom!" I smiled.

"So, we have a house for you guys ok?"

We looked at each other dumbfounded.

"Really?" We smiled.

"Yup! Let's go!"


A.N: Like it? Lol I'm sorry but they deserved a little happiness. House pic in the side :D

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