19.The Basement

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April's P.O.V

"You bastard!" I shouted across, hoping Will would somehow be offended. 

I struggled, trying to shrug the ropes off, even though it really was no use.

"April, ssh!" Will ushered, and waltzed closely to me.

I tried jerking back, but couldn't, unless I'd like my head to be split open and poured out onto the concrete floor. He pulled himself very close to me, planting his lips on mine. He almost forced my tongue to move with his. He sat on my lap, still kissing me. I struggled to get free and heard Kayli shudder. 

Finally, Will stepped away, but soon returned to Kayli. He went to sit on her lap.

"Get the hell away from her, or I fucking swear, I'll cut these ropes along with your throat!" I snarled.

Will still continued, moving his hand to Kayli's stomach, petting it almost. I shot him a glance, growling. Kayli let out a high pitched whimper.

"KAYLI!" I yelled. "Will, I fucking demand you get the hell away from her" and suddenly, under my control, he was in the air. He struggled to fall, but I was focused this time...and sitting down.

"You bitch! When the hell did you learn how to do that?!" He shouted.

"When you came onto the fucking scene!"

He was still struggling. I was pissing myself mentally. It was hilarious to see him dangle in the air. But then my focus dropped and so did he. He rushed over to me and kicked the chair over. He jumped on top of me, forcing another kiss. 

"I thought you liked Kayli!" I gasped between breaths.

"I do, but you're pretty hot too!" he laughed.

My legs were not disabled and so I kicked him, gained focus and threw him against the wall. Bet he wished he was smarter now. He soon regained ability of his feet and leaped over to Kayli's chair. He untied her ropes and pulled her outside the room. My heart raced, almost popping out of my chest or mouth.

Alexander's P.O.V

Where the hell was April?!?! She always called me at 11:35pm. It'd been 2 hours since then, so no way in hell could she be late. 

I fumbled through the bushes to Eric's house. I knew his bedroom...I knew his snoring sounds. I jumped to the windowsill and carefully forced the window open. I kicked Eric lightly, but enough so he'd wake up. 


"April and Kayli are gone!" I interrupted him.


"Shut up! Just come with me!"

We shuffled to the window and he grabbed a pair of trousers and a shirt. He took a quick glance at my bare chest and threw the shirt behind him, deciding on just a hoodie and bottoms. We both leaped out of the window and headed for a weak scent we'd smelt of April and Kayli. Will's scent was also combined within April's peachy scent and Kayli's vanilla scent, although it was masked with April's peachy bedsheet smell. Will smelt awful, really awful..

I called April and Kayli several times, but received no relieved voice on the other side. I just hoped April, the baby and Kayli were ok. They had to be. April would have enough control over Will anyway...

April's P.O.V

Shit, I had no control over Will.

I heard screams and shouts so many times, I was brought to tears. 

"Kayli!" I sobbed.

Will finally released the rope from my hand and forced me into a different room. He better not try anything. 

He turned to me with concerned eyes. What had happened?!

He grabbed my wrists, pushed me on the bed and kissed me. I was still crying. I attempted ripping my clothes off, but decided he'd die after..not that he wouldn't went we got out of here.

Instead, he ripped his off, and returned to me, lying on my stomach.

"Will! GET OFF!" I whimpered, struggling. "Please.."

"Never" he laughed, sticking his tongue in my mouth. Oh shit.

"Please! I'll do 'it' with you if you just let me see Kayli!" 

"No, you don't need to see Kayli. You'll do 'it' with me anyway"

He finally freed me of my jeans and shirt. I shivered in my bare skin. 

Here goes nothing.

I leapt on Will, kissing, intertwining my hands with his, running my hands along his abs. Then, just at the right time, I flung him at the wall and held him there, while I dressed myself. I quickly ran out, and locked the door. I shoved a bookcase infront of it and rushed off to another room. 

I heard the bookcase fall and Will escaped.  Kayli screamed in pain and terror. 

Just one more step.



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