12. Running

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Kayli's P.O.V.

I ran back to April's house, still in my wolf form. I did not want to walk there naked. I howled outside the house and almost immediately, her mother came out with a blanket. Changing back into my human form, I put the snuggie (blanket with arms) over my head and she led me inside to put some clothes on. Sitting on the couch, I told her about how I lost it and almost killed Alexander, that Eric and I parents had shown up as wolves and that I told my parents I was pregnant.

"I can't believe I left Eric there to deal with my parents." Tears ran down my face like a river. "I'm such an ass."

"No you're not." April's mother assured me softly. "Eric will be fine."

"What about my dad?" I sobbed. "He can be abusive sometimes."

My dad was abusive. When I was younger, when I was misbehaving, he would hit me --hard. I remember I broke a glass and I ended up with a black eye. He was abusive to my mother too, so why not the father of my child? My dad loved me, he just didn't know his own strength.

"Don't worry." she hugged me.

"Where's April?" I had no idea where she was. It was so weird.

"She's gone out with this guy." she told me. "Rían, I think."

I laughed. "Ryan?"

"Yeah him."

She went somewhere with Ryan. She was trying to forget about Alexander so she went out with Ryan. He had, like, a major crush on her since they were 7. It was a cute little crush, not one of those obsessed crushes where they follow you everywhere.


Author's note:

A guy has an obsessed crush over me and follows me everywhere. It scares me.


I was about to tell my second mom that, again, I was an ass and that I shouldn't of left Eric, when I heard the latch on the door unlock. In came April, Eric and. . . Alexander? I ran for Eric and hugged him. He had a cut on his face. My dad.

After asking him if he was ok and telling how sorry I was for leaving him, I turned to April and Alexander giving them a puzzling look.

"Wha. . ." I trailed off. They were holding hands and whispering in each other's ear. "Please explain."

We were sitting in the living room, April sitting on Alexander's lap and me laying my head on Eric's shoulder. We sat across from each other so we could look directly at each other.

I had been cleaning up the gash on Eric's face, saying sorry every time I put the alcohol on it. I felt like such an idiot, leaving him alone with my parents.

"Is there a way to?" Alexander asked April.

She looked at him for a few seconds and finally said "Nope."

"Why did you lie to me?" I asked Alexander. He had told me Eric had a girlfriend and I soon found out that he didn't. "What were you thinking?" All the anger came back.

Eric softly squeezed my hand, telling me to calm down. "What did he say?"

"He said that you had a girlfriend before I got pregnant." I told him through my teeth. I felt Eric tense beside me. He realized that's where I got the idea from.

"That was you?" He stood up, making him look really tall. I tried to make him sit again but he wouldn't budge. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I stood up beside him. "Eric," I said in the softest way possible. "It's alright."

"No it's not alright." he looked at me and then back at Alexander, "Why'd you do it?"

"I felt like shit!" Alexander yelled. "I wanted someone else to feel the way I did!"

April had gotten off his lap and had walked over to me. I stopped her from punching someone by holding her arm.

The two boys yelled and shouted at each other. They both clenched their fists and tried to make themselves bigger than the other.

I couldn't help it. I didn't know if it was because they were fighting or because of the baby, but I let out a little crying noise and ran out of the room. I felt so stupid.

I ran out of the house and darted down the road. Why do I keep running?

Eric's P.O.V.

I stopped aguing with Alexander when I heard a little cry and watched Kayli run out of the room. We all ran to the front door and barely saw her run away. It took us a few minutes to react, but soon all of us were running down the road after her.

April and I were ahead  while Alexander ran behind, just in case we missed her. I could smell her perfume a bit of the way but soon it got weaker and weaker. We all stopped and thought.

"If I were a crying pregnant girl, where would I go?" Alexander said to himself.

"Shut up." I growled. Like a dog, I sniffed the air, trying to find a scent. I caught the scent and pointed around the corner. "She ran that way."

Going that way, we came to a dead end. Where was she?

Against the wall, I saw a bottle of perfume. I sniffed it and I knew it was Kayli's.

Wow, she was smart.


Author's note:

Hope ya liked it! I hope they find her. I wonder where she'll go.

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