8. My parents

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Eric's P.O.V.

Before I left the house, as I went down the stairs, I heard someone sobbing. 

I looked into the study and saw April crying -- her face red and eyes puffed up. She spotted me and slammed the door in my face.

I pressed my ear against the door and waited for her to move or make a sound.

I listened as she opened the window and climbed out. I had really good hearing because of me being a werewolf and all. I heard the tree outside the window rustle. She was running away, I thought.

I ran down the stairs, said a quick "goodbye" to April's mother and I ran out the door. I darted down the porch and down the garden path. I spotted her running to her car.

I ran torwards her but stopped when, after she opened the car door, a tall vampire stepped out of it.

"Hello April." the man greeted.

"Dad." She exclaimed excitedly and then gave him a big hug. "I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too honey." I took a step backwards and the man snapped his head in my direction. "This must be Alexander."

He walked up to me, towering over me like a skyscraper. He looked at me through narrow eyes, his lips curving into a smile. His fangs pressed against his lips. I stared up at him, my eyes wide.

"This isn't Alexander." she told him, blushing. "This is the father of Kayli's child."

Her dad backed up and examined me with his light grey-ish eyes. He apologized for creeping me out and then turned to April. "What?" His eyes widened. "Kayli's pregnant?"

"I didn't do it intentionally." I told him. "We were both drunk at Alexander's par-"

"I don't really want to know where you fucked her," Her dad flinched when she swore. "So, I would really appreciate it if you shut up."


We walked back to April's house and I went back upstairs to see Kayli. 

She was still asleep so I sat in the chair I had sat in before. I stroked her cheek wit my hand and smiled. I think I might love her.

Kayli's P.O.V.

I opened my eyes. Eric sat asleep on the chair. 

I felt something coming up my throat so ran into the bedroom bathroom. I threw up in the toilet and immediately went to brush my teeth. I hate morning sickness.

I walked back into the bedroom and was about to get back into bed when I noticed I was hungry. I smiled at Eric and walked out the door.

I walked into the familiar kitchen and looked in the fridge. I was craving chocolate all the time and there was a huge bar of it on one of the shelves. 

I opened the wrapper and took a huge bite into it. It tasted so good. 

"Kayli?" April walked into the kitchen and saw me stuffing chocolate in my face. She laughed. "How are ya feeling?"

"I'm good." I looked at the chocolate in my hand. "I'm craving chocolate."

She laughed again. "I see that."

"Who's in there with you?" I took a few steps closer to the living room door.

"Alexander and my dad." 

I heard Eric coming down the stairs and he walked into the living room. I smiled when I heard him ask where I was.

"You know," April whipered, giggling. "My dad thought Eric was Alexander."

I started laughing with her. "That must have been so embarrassing."

"Oh, it was."

"Kayli?" called Eric. I was still laughing when I entered and sat beside him. He smiled and put his hand over mine. "How was your sleep?"

"How was yours?" I laughed. He squeezed my hand and I squeezed back.

Alexander made a gagging noise and I darted him a look saying "back off". I was about to tell him that's not what I meant, but the doorbell stopped me.

April's mother went to answer the door. I heard greetings and then with hesitation, she told them to come in.

To my complete horror, my parents walked were there.


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