A/N: song of the chapter: Reforget by Lauv

"Guess who's coming to the game tonight?" I said, setting my lunch down on the table before I took my seat.

Alayna glanced at me as she ate her sandwich. "You're not going to Jared's?"

"Oh no, are you guys fighting?" Grace added.

I shook my head. "No. He doesn't have a game tonight. He's coming here for the weekend."

"Finally we don't have to go to a game without you." Anna said. I smiled.

"I know. I missed the student section with you guys. We have to teach Jared to be a true Blue Raider."

"What's his mascot?" Alayna asked.

"Knights." I responded.

"Does that mean y'all are partying with us tonight?" Grace asked.

I nodded. "Yeah."


Emma's at this game. I saw her walk in with her boyfriend right before the game started.

And now my focus is off.

Every time the announcers say Grayson's name, I subconsciously look to see Emma's reaction. She always cheers for him. They're still friends despite her and I not being around each other anymore.

And yet whenever my name is announced, I look and Emma's distracted by her friends. Or talking to her boyfriend. I didn't think she had it in her to bring him to one of our school's games.


I ended up getting benched halfway through the game because my head was elsewhere. Definitely not on this field. Maybe not even on earth. My head was in outer space.

I immediately went for the alcohol when we got to Kyle's party, downing three shots right away. Grayson put his hand on my shoulder, narrowing his eyes at me. "Dude chill. You're going too fast."

I just shrugged at him before I went off to find a girl who I'll hook up with tonight.

I was walking out of the kitchen and into the living room before I went outside by the fire.

Of course. Of course Emma is out here. With her group of girls and her boyfriend.

Of course she brought him here.

I need more alcohol.

There was a beer keg nearby, so I filled up a cup before I chugged it.

I still can't believe that Emma smokes weed now. She's changing almost as much as I have.

A few minutes later I went back inside, had another drink, and found a girl to go upstairs with. I was heavily intoxicated by then, so I don't remember much except for the fact that it was just another hookup. Nothing special.

I still can't get Emma out of my head.

I walked home, showering and brushing my teeth before throwing on a pair of shorts and climbing into bed.

Part of me hopes a miracle happens and she doesn't take him back to her place tonight.



Jared was talking to a couple of guys from the football team while I was hanging out with Alayna, Grace and Kyla.

A tap on my shoulder, and a breath of relief when it's the twin that I'm still on good terms with. "We need to talk." He said, pulling me a few feet away from everyone else.

"What's going on, Gray?"

"It's Ethan. He's a fucking mess, Emma. He hasn't been this closed off since dad died. He's being an asshole to everyone including my mom and I. I think the only person who can set him straight is you. You need to talk to him."

I took a deep breath. "I don't know, Grayson. I don't think that's a good idea."

"Come on, please? Do it for me?"

"Fine. But not tomorrow. Jared's here till Sunday morning, so I'll talk to Ethan after that."

"Thanks, Emma."

"I just want what's best for him." I said, looking at the ground.

Grayson patted me on the shoulder. "I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Gray." I said, starting to walk towards where Jared was standing.

Once I got over there, I wrapped my arms around his stomach, pressing my cheek against his back. "Guess who?"

"Ummmm." He said, holding onto my hands. "Emma?"

I laughed. "Yeah, you silly goose."

He turned around, pulling me into a hug. "You wanna head home soon?" He asked.

I smiled up at him, nodding my head. "Yeah. Let's go."

He took my hand and we said bye to all of my friends before we walked to his car.

We both didn't drink much tonight, so he was sober enough to get us home safely in the car.

Once we were wearing comfy clothes and our teeth were brushed, we climbed into my bed.

"Emma, what color nail polish was it?" Jared asked.

"Orange." I responded. I hated lying about it, but why would I ever tell him that Ethan's name is engraved behind that piece of tape? I'd have to tell him everything. All of the complicated details of Ethan's and my previous relationship, and why I'm so emotionally unavailable.

"Mm. Cool." He said, snaking his hand around my waist and pulling me closer. We shared a long peck before he looked at me with worried eyes. "Emma, my mom texted me while you were in the bathroom and she said I have to go home tomorrow. Isa's not feeling well, and mom has to work. I really wish I could stay the whole weekend, but I need to be there for Iz."

Isa, or Isabelle is Jared's little sister. She's ten.

"It's okay. At least we didn't have plans yet."

He nodded, kissing me on the forehead. "I'll make it up to you, I promise."

"Okay." I whispered. "Goodnight."

"Night, babe."

That gives me the whole day tomorrow to figure out how I'm gonna talk to Ethan. What I'm supposed to say to him.

I don't understand how my life has to be this complicated.

I ended up spending the whole day Saturday pacing around the house, tidying up what I could, and thinking of what I could say to Ethan. Mentally preparing myself to talk to him for the first time in over half a year.

So, when Grayson kept me into the house and told me that Ethan was in the workout room downstairs, I took a deep breath and walked down the stairs.

It took a minute or two for Ethan to realize that I was standing there in the doorway, so he put down the weights he was holding before turning the blaring music off.

I couldn't read his expression as he wiped sweat from his forehead with a towel.

Then he narrowed his eyes at me.

"What are you doing here?"

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