Chapter 1

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So this is my first actual story so it probably won't be amazing but I'm hoping it still turns out decent. Being a huge Rebels fan, I've heard all the rumors about the sequel series and Mandalorian crossovers and stuff, so I decided to make what story I would love to see from Disney and Lucasfilm. Obviously I don't own any of the characters or Rebels and this is just Fan fiction. So anyway enjoy!

The calm quietness of the plains of Lothal was broken by the sound of a couple ships above. Sabine has been living in Ezra's old tower before he met the crew, and she had fixed it up as her home for the past five years. She was standing on the balcony overlooking capital city when she heard a noise, and then a fleeting shadow passed above them. As Sabine looked up and a rush of joy overcame her as she recognized the T-6 shuttle accompanied by two X-wings. 'Ahsoka's here,' she thought to herself, overjoyed that they could finally begin the search they had discussed and planned for for months. As Ahsoka was finally back from the New Republic senate escorting Ryder Azadi.

She packed her bag and drove toward capital city. Loth Wolves trailed her and it Brought back bittersweet memories, when Ezra and her stole the TIE Defender they had crashed and were on the run from the empire. She only remembers brief flashbacks of her going in and out of consciousness. It was like they were riding a Loth Wolf and she was in Ezra's arms, and heard him reassure her that everything would be ok. He cared about her so much, and she let him just walk away when she could've told Hera that he was going to sacrifice himself. That was a moment she would never forget, the moment she realized she had feelings for him. But she tried to deny it to herself over and over.

As she got to capital city she saw Ryder Azadi heading to the newly constructed New Republic building on Lothal, made on top of where the Imperial dome was. Ryder was the representative for Lothal in the New Republic Senate, and as he noticed her he called her over. She pulled the speeder over and walked to him. " where are you going Mrs. Wren?" He asked. "I'm going to start my journey to find Ezra," " Oh that's right, Ashoka told me all about the stops you two were going to make and that she had a whole route planned out." " Yeah we've been in touch for a while, but anyway, take good care of Lothal while I'm gone." Sabine said as she hurried toward her mural where Ahsoka and her planned to meet up.

After Ahsoka landed her shuttle, she made her way to the Mural where her and Sabine planned to meet up. As she got there she saw Sabine touching Ezra's face on the picture.' He really means a lot to her,' she thought to herself, which made her heart go out to Sabine. They were going to bring Ezra back at all costs.

Sabine then turned around and noticed Ahsoka and then they both headed off to start their journey. The two were accompanied by Rex, and Ahsoka's Droid, R-6. Sabine walked into the cockpit where Rex was sitting in the seat behind the pilot's seat and cleaning a blaster. He had some forearm and shin armor that appeared to be from his clone armor, and had a hat that the strike team on Endor wore for the battle, and his camo jacket. He looked up at her as she sat down in the co-pilot's seat."How are you Sabine?" Rex asked in his voice that seemed really scratchy. His accelerated aging was really starting to take a toll on him, more than he himself would've liked to admit. Technically being only being a few years older than Sabine, he could pass as her grandfather. "I'm good Rex how about you?" Sabine asked in return. " Ready to get this mission started and bring Bridger home, that kid deserves to be back here." "Couldn't agree more with that, I really miss him," Sabine added with a slight sadness in her voice. " Hey kid, don't worry," He said putting his hand on her shoulder, " We'll find him. That kid's tough, I know from experience that Jedi are survivors." Just then, Ahsoka Walked in followed by her astromech. "Alright, is everyone ready?" She said as she sat down in the pilots seat. " Ready as I'll ever be," Sabine stated anxiously ready to get going. " So where are we going first anyway? Do we have any leads?" Rex asked. Ahsoka then pulled up a star map that had a line going through it. " This was the trajectory of Ezra's jump, there aren't many populated planets this side of the outer rim, but one that is right on the path is this planet." Ahsoka explained. As Sabine examines the map and saw which planet they were going to first, her heart sank, " Oh no..." she muttered under here breath, but Ahsoka heard it. " What was that Sabine?" " Oh-uh n-nothing, I'm good, we can go." Sabine responded nervously. Ahsoka knew something was up, but decided not to ask questions. " Alright then, setting course for Navarro..." Ahsoka announced, as they took off into hyperspace.

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