Chapter 12

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As they got outside the Cardinal was standing in front of Sabine with a gun to her head. "Try anything and they're dead Jedi." He said then looking over at Jay. "So, JY-3107, you're a traitor." He said punching him in the face making his nose bleed and he fell to the ground. "I can't believe I made you a lieutenant." He said shooting him in the stomach. Tiddus, Ahsoka, and Sabine gasped at the sight. "You monster!" Sabine growled at him. He turned over to her and smirked under his helmet. "The weak will perish, and the strong will survive." He said with a chuckle. "Let's move out!" He orderd and all the troopers moved out and grabbing the remaining 3, leaving Jay on the ground holding his stomach and groaning in pain. Sabine looked back at him and guilt washed over her, she get like she was failing him, like she failed Ezra. As they got back to where all the transports were, there am were dozens of dead stormtroopers and burning transports. "What the-" the Cardinal started, when a blaster bolt came from the bushes and hit the trooper holding Ahsoka's lightsabers, then a volley of shots coming from different directions came and hit different troopers as the scattered. Ahsoka used this opportunity to force pull her lightsabers off of the dead corpse of the trooper and ignited them, cutting the cuffs on herself and Sabine. Tiddus ran for cover behind a rock while the unknown force key fighting the stormtroopers jumped out from the bushes. They were alien-like beings with pointy ears, long dark hair, pale skin, and fangs.

(The Grysk supposedly replaces the Yuzohn-Vong in Disney Canon and apparently look the same I think, so just go with it).

Some of them carried blaster rifles, and some carried melee weapons. They quickly took care of any stormtrooper that was in their way. Sabine was able to gather both of her blasters and took out a few bucket heads herself. The Cardinal and a couple of remaining bucket heads made a last ditch attempt to escape but throwing every thermal detonator they had left into the chaotic fight going on, not worrying about friendly casualties. They all crowded into the last transport and made their escape. As the smoke cleared, the Alien warriors surrounded them. What appeared to be their leader stepped forward. She was taller than everyone else, and carried a red blade, and Ahsoka could sense she was force sensitive. "Greetings." She said with a grin. "You must be Sabine Wren, Ahsoka Tano, and Tiddus Ricaro." She added. "We are, and thank you for the rescue." Ahsoka said. "Don't mention it, this Chiss usually need something from us... or we just take what we want." The smirk on her face getting bigger. Tiddus balled his fist, his people and the Grysk have been enemies for centuries, and he didn't like getting help from them. "A man named Thrawn, or something like that requested that we come to your side, since this is technically part of our empires border dispute between us and the Chiss Ascendancy. We rescue you, and this is officially part of our borders within our empire." She said with a chuckle. "So that's why you saved us?" Sabine asked, then realizing they left Jay in the forest. "Oh no! We left Jay, we have to go get him." She said starting off with Ahsoka's following. Once they got there, he was laying limp on the ground clutching his side. Sabine checked his pulse and was relieved that he still had a heartbeat, but that relieved went away when she saw his side. "We need to get him medical attention immediately." Sabine said and Ahsoka nodded, and together carried him back to where they were, where a Grysk starship landed. " We have a medical bay aboard, so your friend will have some treatment in the meantime." The Grysk leader said, so the girls put Jay on the medical stretcher where the Grysk medics had very unorthodox ways of treating wounds, and it really disgusted them so they went back to the cockpit. "Set a course for Csilla." The leader told the pilots and they did as they were told, as they jumped into hyperspace. "You! Skywalker!" The Grysk said to Tiddus but caught the attention of Ahsoka who looked up at them. "If you want your friend to survive you can make this trip quicker if you do your job and get us through the hyperspace lanes." She hissed. Tiddus nervously nodded and stood in the middle of the cockpit navigating them through. "We never caught your name." Ahsoka said breaking the silence. "I am Kali, Chief of the outer Grysk territories." She said very proudly. " "Well, um thanks for the save I guess." Sabine said. "So anyway, once we get you and your friend will have to leave on an escape pod." Kali said. "Why is that?" Ahsoka asked. "Because we are not taking the risk of landing on the Chiss Capital." She said as they exited hyperspace.

As the escape pod landed at the building they were at earlier, where Eli Vanto greeted them again, and took them to see Thrawn. "I see you have returned, except, you have brought along another member who appears to be a stormtrooper." Thrawn said with his back turned against them looking out the giant glass wall/window. "Uh, yes this is Jay, he defected and has helped us surive against our attackers." Sabine said. "Sir, if I may speak, the First Order are from the ashes of the empire, and plan to start another war. To destroy the New Republic." Jay said stepping forward. "I see, but right now my allegiance is to my people, and to assisting in finding Ezra and the younglings." Thrawn said Turing to face them. "Yes, and we know what ship they're on, they're on an intridictor clas star destroyer." Sabine added. "Just send the fleet so we can infiltrate it and save him. We did it all the time to you and the empire." Sabine said. "True, but you do not know where this star destroyer is now." Thrawn said. "Yes! I do!" Jay spoke up. "Do you have a star map?" He asked Thrawn, who nodded and pulled up a holomap of the unknown regions in the middle of the room. "Right here." Jay said pointing to piece of wild space that was almost completely uncharted even by the Chiss. "There is nothing there." Ahsoka pointed out. "I remember looking at star maps of our training bases here, somewhere on a world called Exegol I think, but the fleet moves around constantly, and I don't know where Exegol is exactly, but I do know that the rest of the fleet should be around here somewhere." Jay explained. "Hmm I can send you with a new ship, this time a light cruiser, with old Imperial codes that may or may not work, but nonetheless, it will be well shielded and you be able to escape if necessary." Thrawn said. "Thanks, but we're not 'escaping' without Ezra." Sabine said folding her arms. "And the younglings." Ahsoka added as she sensed Thrawn's slight anger to Sabine's response completely forgetting about the Chiss children. "Very well, be on your way, and this time, I doubt I will be able to negotiate a PLANET, to get you back safely." He said putting lots of emphasis on the word 'planet.' So the three walked out to an old imperial light cruiser that the Chiss has apparently captured some time during the war. As they got aboard the crew was completely composed of Chiss, no imperials on board, except for one human standing at the front of the bridge, who turned around when they walked in and greeted them. "Hello, welcome aboard, my name is Captain List, I am the commanding officer in this vessel."

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