Chapter 9

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As they all walked out of the pod, Sabine was eagerly to look around. She searched all over the place looking for clues or anything that could be a lead. It was scorching hot and the jungle made it feel humid. "Why would Ezra want to got to this place? It's a terrible planet to live on." Sabine said already sweating from the heat. Ahsoka, who put her hood on her head still carrying her staff said " he felt a strong connection to the force in this place." " It does feel strange." Tiddus spoke up, when Ahsoka felt a pull from the force, causing her to turn her head to a burnt part of the building. Walking past the rotted corpses of Chiss soldiers and... some Chiss children. Tiddus noticed the bodies of the children, and fell on his knees in front of them. He put his hand on his heart and sighed. " I feel a great evil took their lives." He said then putting his hand on them and muttered something in Chiss, probably a prayer or something. Ahsoka made her way to what looked like was the corner of the outpost and put her hand on the wall. " Sabine looked at her puzzled. " Whatvare you doing?" She asked. Ahsoka's didn't answer, except she stuck her staff in the ground, and pulled out her lightsabers cutting a circle in the wall , revealing a tiny room, with a small box in the middle. Ahsoka was to small to fit in the room, but she used the force to pull out the box. She opened it and found a note, and it was from Ezra. " What's that?" Sabine questioned. " it's a note from Ezra." Ahsoka said and Sabine eagerly told her to read it. 'Sabine, if you are looking for me, this is the key to finding me. It's a force guided compass or something like that I think, I found it in the Jedi temple on this planet, it's not far from here, just a couple miles north. I felt a strong connection to the force on this world so I chose to bring my students here, but we were ambushed. You probably won't believe me but I think they were bucket heads, but not the stupid empire ones, no. These had different armor and different helmets, and were ruthless killing anyone who was in their way. I sensed darkness around them so I knew their leader must be a dark side user, so I hid this and destroyed the entrance to the temple. I won't be able to tell you if I'll survive, but if you made it this far, thank you for trying. I couldn't have asked for a better friend Sabine. Your friend, Ezra.' There was a heart after 'Ezra,' and she broke down into tears. " Ahsoka put her hand on her shoulder and said " don't worry, I sensed he was still alive, and on that ship. He may be in pain because of a dark force user, but we can still save him, I know he won't give up, and I know he won't give up on you." She said as Sabine looked up tears in her eyes." thanks Ahsoka." " anytime." Just then their peaceful silence was abruptly broken by Tiddus limping towards them and yelling. " someone's coming!" He yelled as they looked up and three gunships were landing near their escape pod. " we need to hide." Ahsoka said taking Sabine's hand and grabbing the compass and running behind some large colorful plants. Sabine seemed to blend in perfectly with them because of her colorful armor. The ships landed, and opened their blast doors revealing about a dozen stormtroopers in each one, but they didn't look like your average imperial troopers. Their armor was more slim, and they had a different design on their helmets, and they looked more menacing. "Search the area and the pod, they can't be too far!" A stormtrooper said walking out last from one of the gunships. He was wearing all red and seemed to be the commanding officer. "Didn't ezra day there was a Jedi temple or something?" Sabine asked Ahsoka. " there is, but why?" She asked. "Because we need somewhere to hide." Ahsoka nodded, but then said " he said it was north, and that just happens to be that way." She said pointing towards were the stormtroopers landed. " Karabast!" Sabine said. " ok, we need a diversion, and I have just the thing. She reached into her pack and pulled out some explosives. " what's your plan?" Tiddus asked nervously looking over Ahsoka's shoulder. " I'm going to go around and blow up the transports, while you too go around quietly. Since we'll be on different sides they'll have to split up their forces on us. Got it?" Sabine said. Ahsoka nodded then got up gestured for Tiddus to follow. They went left as Sabine went right as the troopers gave up the search. " Destroy their pod so they're stuck on this rock. There is no need to waste time here." The commander said as the troopers filed back into the transports while a few of the put detonated a on the escape pod. 'I need to hurry.' Sabine thought to herself. She rolled three color grenades under the ships, one under each, and they blew up one after the other creating a huge explosion of colors, and killing the troopers getting inside, but not all of them. The commander in red was knocked back by the blast and so were a few other troopers. Ahsoka took advantage of this and her and Tiddus made for the temple, quickly meeting up with Sabine. " Nice work." Ahsoka complimented. "Thank you I haven't done that to bucket heads in a while. The troopers were gaining consciousness now, and as the commander woke up, he was furious. "Spread out and find them! I want them alive!" The rest of the troopers moved out in different directions as ordered. The commander took out a holo disk and a blue figure appeared on it. " Supreme leader sir, we need assistance down on the planets surface sir. The Ship we were chasing landed here, and the survivors are nowhere to be seen." The supreme leader was old and wrinkly, looking on the verge of death, and spoke in an old, raspy sounding voice. " I will order general Hux to send reinforcements to assist you. Oh, and Cardinal, shoot to stun, I want prisoners to accompany my new apprentice." He said with an evil grin on his face.

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