Chapter 8

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As the ship traveled through hyperspace, Tiddus was sitting calmly in the co-pilot seat as he would slowly move his hand from time to time, making the ship rock back and forth slightly. " Ok this is making me space sick why do you have to do that?" Lux spoke up irritated. "Ahsoka nudged his arm telling him to shh. " He's concentrating." She said. " On what? Man you force wielding people never make any sense." Lux blurted out. " I am maneuvering us through." Tiddus said keeping his hand up and his eyes closed. " Through what?" Lux asked. "I told you, these hyperspace lanes are not like yours oh no, these are quite more difficult to maneuver through." He said once again as he tilted his hand making the ship rock. " ah, well why have a Navi-computer then, if it can't get us through." Lux asked. " Because, I or any other Skywalker cannot force a ship into hyperspace, the ship can do that while we see the dangers ahead, and control the ship's path." " What dangers are ahead?" Sabine asked, now curious of what Tiddus was doing. "The dangers are things Like solar storms, nova clusters, and-" he cut himself off, he squinted his already closed eyes, and he wrinkled his already wrinkled forehead and put his hand on his head and groaned out in pain as if he just had a massive headache. " Tiddus? Tiddus! What's wrong?" Sabine asked frantically. " Ahsoka closed her eyes and put her hand on his shoulder and tried to sense what he was sensing, but only saw darkness and cold around them. She gasped at this which scared Sabine and Lux . "We're being pulled out of hyperspace! Maybe a black hole!" Lux Shouted as he took the ship out of hyperspace. "No..." Ahsoka started. " What do you mean no?" Lux panicked. "It's not a black hole..." as they exited hyperspace Tiddus passed out and fell on the floor. Sabine started to treat him until the engines died and they sat dead in space, when a fleeting shadow passed above them. " Is that what I think it is?" Sabine asked with fear lining her voice. "Is that an imperial star destroyer?" Lux asked. "It's an intridictor class star destroyer. It has gravity wells, we need to get out of here now!" Sabine yelled as she tried to get there engines back up and running. " Look! There's Roatan!" Lux shouted as he pointed to their left at a distant green planet only 1 click away. " If you can get the engines back up we can fly there and hide." Ahsoka said. " Working on it!" Sabine said as a voice came over the coms. " Unidentified shutte. You are trespassing on First Order space! Prepare to be borded. Just then, a transport and two tie fighters by its side. "This can't be good." Lux said nervously, when Ahsoka gasped and stumbled on the floor, and Lux got up to help her. "Are you ok? What happened?" He asked. " I felt a presence...two presences..." Ahsoka said sounding out of breath. " Is it Ezra?" Sabine said eagerly and sitting up now. " Yes but... it's really weak, and there's another one, that's coming. It's so dark. And cold." Ahsoka said hugging herself on the ground next to the unconscious Tiddus. Lux tried to comfort her but the ties started shooting, but not at them. The fighter escort that Thrawn had granted them arrived late, and had began fighting true ties while the transport was approaching their shuttle. Another voice came over the coms but it was one of the Chiss pilots. " TK-125 to shuttle make your escape! We'll cover you!" Lux got on the coms and replied "negative sir! Our engines are dead. We're dead in space!" Lux shouted. "Almost got it back on!" Sabine said not taking her eyes off the wiring. The Chiss pilot came back over the coms and said " acknowledged, we're sending a distress signal now, if your weapons are operational use them, we will buy as much time as we can." The Chiss pilots were very skilled, and had the superior fighters, and took out the tie fighters with ease, and damaging the transport forcing it to turn back. " Nice flying there Tk-125, thanks for the save." Lux said over coms, but there was no time for victory. The destroyer sent two more transports accompanied by half a dozen tie fighters. Even for two talented Chiss pilots this would be difficult. And the star destroyer was firing at the fighters not the shuttle, so it was obvious they wanted prisoners. One of the Chiss pilots got shot down and only TK-125 was left. "Got it!" Sabine yelled as the power was restored. " Engines to full power!" Lux yelled as the ship jolted towards Roatan. The star destroyer noticed this and focused all fire on them. A couple of the ties broke off from the fight to pursue. TK-125 came over the coms. " Make it to the planet! I contacted Csilla, they send helll-" he was cut off as his ship got shot down, and a worried expression showed up on all of their faces as ties opened fire on them. " does this ship have any weapons?" Sabine asked frantically. " There's one tear gun." Ahsoka said getting up and setting Tiddus on the seat behind lux as he trying to evade the ties shots. " I'll go then." Sabine said as she ran to the back of the ship. They weren't far from the planets surface and they had just entered the atmosphere. The shuttle took a direct hit from a tie making the lights flicker and the ship  rock. " Shields are down!" Lux yelled. As Sabine was trying to get the ties off their back she shot down two of them, but then a third one evaded her blasts and shot the thrusters, causing the ship to loose all control. " I can't control it! We need to abandon ship!" Lux said. "There's an escape pod, come on!" Ahsoka said as she and Lux picked up Tiddus and ran from the cockpit. Sabine quickly met them at the pod but frowned at what she saw. " This pod is too small, not all of us will fit." She stated with panic in her voice. " Sabine, start it up, Ahsoka said as she set Tiddus down in the pod and Sabine ran to the controls. When Ahsoka looked up to motion for lux to get in the door closed, with lux not inside. " Lux what are you doing?!" Ahsoka said trying to get the door open. " It's ok Ahsoka, I'll be fine, you need to get out." He said smiling sounding so calm, and put his hand on the glass, which Ahsoka quickly met with her hand. "No..." She said sadly as a tear went down her face. Lux, still smiling, presses the eject button shooting out the pod. Ahsoka watched helplessly as the ties kept blasting the ties relentlessly kept blasting the already failing shuttle as it exploded above the planets surface. "We're going to land just outside where Ezra's outpost was." Sabine said turning around for the first time. " Wait, where's your friend lux?" She asked. Ahsoka just looked at her sadly with tears threatening to come out. " Oh... I uh, I'm sorry..." Sabine started, but just then, Tiddus gained consciousness and woke up gasping. " woah, what happened?" He asked holding the back of his head looking around. " We were attacked and you passed out." Sabine said. " I-I don't remember..." he said flatly, then looked at Ahsoka. " Hey, uh are you alright?" He asked looking up at her. "She needs some privacy right now." Sabine said as she brought the ship near the planets surface. It was covered in tall jungle lime trees, with different colors being able to be seen under them, until they got to a building in a cleared out plain that looked deserted and destroyed. " I guess this is it." Sabine said as she landed the ship.

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