Chapter 19

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The two had so much catching up to do, since it had been 5 years, and they wasted no time talking and laughing together as they walked around the capital complex. They had just painted Ezra's arm orange with a blue Starbird, a lothcat, and a lothwolf on different parts of it. She also cut his hair, begging to color it just a little, but last time she did that he had to cut it all off, and he wasn't doing that again. Thrawn was the Admiral of the Chiss Ascendancy Fleet, so he had other matters to attend to, and since Ahsoka's had never had an apprentice of her own, her and Taelia grew close as Taelia was very interested about the force, and the things that had happened to her in the clone wars.

Ezra and Sabine were on one of the many balconies of the capital complex staring at the sunset, when jay came up behind them. "There you guys are! I've been looking everywhere for you." He said sounding out of breath. "How come Jay?" Sabine asked, also confused as to why he was in formal clothes. "Thrawn is having that celebratory dance thing because we rescued you and the younglings." He said. Both of them had completely forgot and looked at each other panicking. "I completely forgot about that." Sabine said. "We don't have any dress clothes." Ezra said. "Don't worry, Thrawn  wanted me to take you two to a tailor, and there y'all can fancy clothes there." Jay said gesturing at his own tuxedo. "Okay, let's go." Ezra said as Sabine and him followed jay to a speeder. Jay told the driver to take them to the tailor, so they took a short trip through the city,  with dozens of people walking the streets and in speeders all in formal wear, heading to the Capital complex building. As they arrived at the tailor shop, they walked in, to see hundreds of tux's and dresses hung up, with mirrors everywhere. At a desk to the side sat a Chiss with a white colored shirt with the sleeves rolled up, and a black vest with a measuring tape across his neck, and looked up when he saw them come in. "Hey Brax, these two need outfits, Thrawn wants you to fix them up. Jay said as the tailor sat up with excitement. "Oh goody." He squealed in a high pitched voice. Ezra looked at Sabine with a worried look as she just giggled. "Okie dokie what have we got here, let's see... mhm, ok I got it this way pleeeeaase." He said after he looked them up and down. Sabine basically had to drag Ezra over to him, and Jay waited at the entrance.

After what seemed lime hours of trying something new on over and over, Brax was finally satisfied with Ezra's dark blue tux, with a matching bow tie that went well with his eyes. He waited outside when Sabine came out of the dressing room, and his mouth dropped at the sight of her. She had a dress that went to her ankles, and had was sleeveless. It was black up top but faded to the same blue as Ezra's tux at the bottom. She noticed Ezra staring and blushed a little bit. "How do I look?" She asked him. "Uh y-you look great." He responded snapping out of his trance. "Thanks, you look very handsome". She said fixing his hair. "Oh my goodness, you too are so cute together and you look faaaaaabulous!" Brax said leaning on the wall. This made both of them blush now, as they thanked him and left with jay to go to the party. When they got there there was hundreds of people waiting at the entrance, but the speeder drove past all of them and parked near the front of the building in front of a red carpet. "Oh fancy." Sabine said as they all got out and walked to the entrance. "Yeah, I guess." Ezra said frowning. "What's wrong?" Sabine asked him putting her hand on his shoulder, similar to what she did before the battle of Lothal. "It's just... I've never been to anything fancy before, what if I embarrass myself, or you." He said sheepishly. Sabine just smiled. "It's ok Ezra, we're just here to enjoy ourselves." She said. "If it makes you feel any better, I've never been to anything fancy either." Jay added. This made Ezra feel a little better, but he was still nervous when they entered the building, and saw dozens of tables with rich Chiss people sipping on wine and eating off of tiny plates. At the front of the room, Thrawn sat at the head of a large table surrounded by high ranking Chiss military officers, and politicians. The three sat down ag some empty chairs next to List and Eli Vanto, and Ahsoka, with Taelia sitting next to her, who smiled and waved at them. Thrawn saw them and welcomed them in with open arms, and introduced them to all of the important Chiss figures at the table. Ezra has never shaken so many hands and it was making him feel uneasy. They ate really small meals that left Ezra still hungry, but he tried not to show it, but Sabine could still tell. She could still read him like a book. "When we get back to the room, we can make some space waffles." She whispered to him. He smiled and said "thanks bean." "What did you call me?" She asked. "Uh, I said Bean?" He answered nervously. She smiled, "I like that, Ezzy." She said as Ezra blushed. "May I have everyone's attention?" Thrawn said standing up. "These brave people saved our children, and friend, from the clutches of the Evil First Order. This in turn calls for a CELEBRATION!" He said pumping his fist and raising his glass up in the air. Ezra not Sabine had ever seen him like this before, and never thought they would. Thrawn was always a calm, collected, sophisticated person. But that's what alcohol does to a person, they guessed. He got up as music stared playing and made his way to the dance floor joined by multiple female Chiss who he started to dance with. Other people started to make their way over there too, even Taelia drug Ahsoka to the dance floor, who just stood there at first, until she let herself have fun, not caring if she didn't look wise anymore,but Ezra, Sabine, and Jay sat at the table awkwardly.

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