Chapter 10

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The three ran and ran until they stumbled on a stone structure covered in vines and vegetation. It appeared to be really old, possibly centuries old, but as the three searched around the temple, they old found what appeared to be one entrance, but there was no way to open it. "How do we get in?" Tiddus asked annoyed, and panting from all the running. "Isn't there a way to open it with the force?" Sabine asked Ahsoka remembering the temple on Lothal she and Ezra infiltrated. Just the thought of Ezra gave her an odd feeling. Why did she miss him so much? It was as if all her joy was gone, like that part of her was sucked out when Ezra was taken out of her life. "Yes, two Jedi are able to open the door. A master, and an apprentice, but seeing as though we have neither, we can't get it open." "But do we need to? Ezra said the compass thing was the key to finding him." Sabine said. Ahsoka took the compass out of her pocket and examined it, then it hit her. "This was the piece of the puzzle." She muttered to herself. " What are you talking about?" Oh, when I was looking for Jedi and force related treasures with master Luke, we came across one just like this, there was a riddle saying that it went with another piece of the puzzle, to complete puzzle of your search, or something along the lines of that. I didn't know what it meant, but Luke wanted to keep it, and later when I was by myself, I found my staff- My Staff!" Ahsoka went into panic mode. " it's still in the escape pod!" She yelled out, when she heard voices coming their way. " I heard something over here!" One of them shouted. " must be the stormtroopers." Sabine said grabbing her guns. "We need to go back to the pod if they haven't blown it up yet!" Ahsoka said with a hint of urgency in her voice. "You go, I'll draw them off, Tiddus, you stay here and hide." Sabine said as Tiddus nodded and hid in some tall plants. Sabine and Ahsoka split up to try to get the staff, the item they so desperately needed to find Ezra. As the stormtroopers got to where Tiddus was hiding, Sabine came out of the bushes and blasted both of them making noise loud enough for every stormtrooper in the area could hear her. Back at the pod and blown up transports, the troopers all heard the fighting and looked at their commander, who said " Go! Capture them but shoot to kill if you have to!" Ahsoka took this chance to get to the pod as quietly as she could, but when she got there, it wasn't there. "Looking for something?" A voice came from behind her. She turned to see the red armored commander holding her staff. "We've stolen many artifacts to sell to build our fleet, I wonder how much this is worth, along with a fine togruta woman like yourself." He said smirking under his crimson colored helmet. " Ahsoka rilled her eyes and forced pulled the staff out of his hands into hers. She smiled and said. " thank you." As she jumped off the pod. "So..." The Cardinal started. " I must've found myself a Jedi." He said chuckling. "You will be a worthy opponent." As he took out a vibro blade that extended into a double bladed shirt sword, humming a low buzz. "Come and face me!" He yelled running toward her. Ahsoka calmly set the staff against the pod, and grabbed her lightsabers as The Cardinal lunges at her viciously. She parryed everyone of his attacks before splitting his blade in two right down the middle. Hesitantly, he back up, raising his now two blades, and charged once again. Ahsoka stars calm, with almost no emotion on her face, this fight was a waste of her time, she needed to help Sabine. Locking blades with him, she harnessed the force to throw him across the clearing and crashed into the tree knocking him out. Ahsoka wasted no time to run to Sabine's aid. Sabine was running through the forest completely zoned out only focusing on killing every trooper she saw. Blasting them left and right. She hadn't blasting bucket heads in years, and it still felt good, but these were different, they were a little better than the old imperial ones, but nothing she couldn't handle. She thought. As she kept moving, trying not to get hit she was beginning to feel overwhelmed. She was getting tired really fast. She hadn't fought this hard since Lothal. Not being in top shape was really starting to take a toll on her. Not paying attention she was shot in the back of the shoulder by a trooper, causing her to fall dropping her gun. Two troopers surrounded her. "Drop your weapons!" They yelled at her. Not having much of a choice, she did as they told, and put her hands up. The trooper in front of her got out some binders and walked over to her. "Try anything, and you're dead." He said, not sounding very old, near the same age as Sabine. As the trooper finished putting her binders on, the trooper behind her got force pulled back screaming. The trooper who cuffed Sabine looked surprised and didn't know what to do, so Sabine used this opportunity to head butt the trooper who dropped his gun and held his head, but grabbed Sabine by the binders trying to hold her away, but Sabine grabbed his hand, and blasted away with her jet pack going as high as she could. The trooper was screaming at the top of his lungs begging for her not to drop him. "Wanna live?" The trooper nodded over and over and pleaded with her. "Please! Please! I'll do anything." His voiced cracked as if he was about to cry, and Sabine could t help but chuckle at this as she took the stormtrooper back to the ground next to Ahsoka. "Now take these off." Sabine ordered, so the trooper obeyed and took her binders off. "Now, you're going to talk." She said punching the trooper in the gut who collapsed on the ground. "Oww, ok ok I'll y'all!" He said wheezing, and taking off his helmet. He was even younger than Sabine thought, only being around 16 or 17, he had longer blonde hair and electric blue eyes that reminded her of Ezra's, and found herself lost staring into them. "What are you staring at?" He asked angrily. She shook her head regaining her focus. 'Ezras eyes are much bluer. Wait, what am I saying?' Sabine wasted no time interrogating him bombarding him with dozens of questions at once, not giving him time to answer. "Sabine, we should do this in another place, and we still need to get-" Ahsoka was cut off by some rustling in the bushes, and Sabine. Immediately pointed her blasters towards it and Ahsoka readied her lightsabers. The thing that came from the bushes happened to be Tiddus. Sabine and Ahsoka sighed, put down their weapons, and Sabine went straight back to the stormtrooper on the ground. "What's your name?" Sabine asked not so friendly. " m-my name is JY-3107." He said nervously. Sabine rolled her eyes and said " not your operating number, your real name." "That's the only n-name they ever gave me." He said. "Who's they?" Ahsoka spoke up stepping forward. "The First Order, who else?" He said.

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