Chapter 14

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"You're not out of this hellhole YET!" He yelled then pulled out a taser and electrocuted Ezra who screamed out in pain. Sabine tried to get up, but Ahsoka pulled her back down. "Wait, we can't go just yet, wait until they take him out of the cell, when the cameras from inside don't see us. Sabine nodded reluctantly, not wanting to hear Ezra in pain like that, but it soon stopped, and Ezra was dragged out of the cell by the two troopers with the Cardinal leading the way. "Now!" Sabine whisper yelled, and took off following them. "Sabine no wait!" Ahsoka knew she was t going to listen, so she went after her. When she caught up with Sabine she was hiding out side of a blast door, with her thermal sensor on her helmet activated. "There are 10 bodies total, 6 lining the perimeter, they seem to be standing still, then there's Ezra on the ground with the Red trooper and the two guards next to him, and... it looks like someone is in the middle of the room, but it's got to be at least 7 feet tall!" Sabine said. "It's their supreme leader." Ahsoka said, when just then, two troopers approached from behind. "Hey! Who are you what are you doing- agh!" Sabine shot both of them without a second thought, but everyone inside the room heard it. And Sabine could see via her thermal sensor that all the bodies except Ezra, the supreme leader, and the Cardinal were running towards the door. "Uh oh." She muttered. "Uh oh what?" Ahsoka asked worried. "We're gonna have some company." Just then, the door opened, revealing two stormtroopers with melee weapons, and 6 guards dressed in all red armor with different vibro weapons. Ahsoka wasted no time at all force pushing them back then told Sabine "get Ezra, I'll take care of our new friends." Sabine didn't have to be asked twice to save Ezra so she ignited her jets last with blasters in hand and glided over the pile of pissed off guards and landed in front of the Cardinal, who was in between her and Ezra. "Should we kill the boy?" The Cardinal asked turning to face the supreme leader. He was really tall, and appeared to be some humanoid creature. He had grey skin, with cuts and wrinkles everywhere, he looked really deformed and ugly Sabine thought to herself. "No," The supreme leader answered the Cardinal in a low, raspy voice. "Kill the girl, with the ones he loves dead, he'll have no choice to turn to the dark side." He said chuckling. "As you say supreme leader." The Cardinal said taking out a double blades vibro blade, then Sabine realized she had something. She took out Ezra's lightsaber and ignited it, much to the surprise of the Cardinal. "So... you carry a lightsaber, well, let's see if you can wield it!" He charged at Sabine, who remained calm, and used her mandalorian band braces to to air blast him back, falling down right next to and unconscious and totally oblivious Ezra. Meanwhile, Ahsoka was having little to no problems fighting the guards, the two stormtroopers were taken out almost immediately, and with two lightsabers, it made parrying multiple attacks easier, and being force sensitive made it almost unfair. Her white sabers quickly made work of the highly trained, but still no match for her, guards, who were picked off one at a time, until there were none left. She quickly ran over to help Sabine, who seemed to be tiring out, when a bolt of force lighting hit her in the side throwing her across the room. She looked up and the bolts came from the supreme leader who just chuckled at stood up. "My name is Snoke, it is a pleasure to meet you Ahsoka Tano." He said with a deformed evil grin on his face and he limped off his pedi still. " The pleasure is all mine." Ahsoka said and charged at him who just waved his hand and force pushed her away. He chuckled, then coughed due to the pain it caused him then looked down at Ahsoka. "Your devotion to helping people is quite... admirable." He stated. "But your actions will be in vain. Soon, the girl will die, and the boy will join me, and learn the dark side of the force, which has been eating at him for years, but he's just bottled it up." He said. Ahsoka stood up, and deactivated her sabers. "How did you learn the ways of the force?" She asked having to look up at the tall figure. "I was made knowing all of it, all of the dark side that is." He said. "What do you mean made?" She asked "and how did you come to power?" She had a million questions, but only important ones came out. "How I was made is classified, but I have always been there, plotting from the shadows, waiting for the empire to fall so I could take what was left of it, and form what I have now." He gestured to a window which overlooked a section of the ship with thousands of stormtroopers training, talking, or doing other things. "Once my fleet is ready, I will launch a devastating attack on the New Republic." He said still grinning his evil grin. Sabine and the Cardinal were still fighting, but she was tiring out, and fast. The Cardinal was blocking all of her attacks, leaving no openings for her to exploit, when just then, he knocked the saber out of her hands and slashed her shoulder, making her dominant right arm completely useless, as she tried to jetpack away, he grabbed her throat with his free hand as the lightsaber skidded across the floor. Sabine gasped for air as he tightened his grip around her neck. "You fool, how could ever possibly think That you could beat me in combat!" He raised his vibro blade and was about to impale her chest, when a green ray of light passed through his chest, making him drop Sabine who gasped for air and landed on her knees. He looked down, then realized it was the green lightsaber, but who was holding it? He turned his head slightly to see a weak, and beat up Ezra, holding the blade which impaled him, then he collapsed on the ground. Dead. Sabine looked completely taken by what just happened . She looked up at Ezra who just gave a little forced smile, then collapsed on the ground next to her. "Ezra!" She yelled even though he was only a few feet from her. She crawled over to him and put his head on her lap. He was so cold. "Ezra, Ezra please answer me." She said as she started to tear up. Ahsoka and Snike were still having a stare down when she saw that Sabine had Ezra and the Cardinal was dead. Snoke noticed her gaze and looked behind him and was consumed by anger. How god are he save her and kill my commander. He turned around to see Ahsoka running at him, and before he could react, she left ahuge cut on the left side of his face, deciding not to kill him, since she sensed he wasn't a real consciousness being, and more of a meat puppet. Snike had no reaction to the immense pain he should feel, which further proved the fact that he was a soulless being. "I will not let you-" he was cut off when Ahsoka force pushed him into the window as he crashed through it and fell into the crowd of stormtrooper recruits, who all looked at him with surprise. Ahsoka then turned back to Sabine holding Ezra in her arms crying. "Sabine, we need to get out of here." She nodded and tried carrying Ezra but couldn't because of her arm, so Ahsoka picked up Ezra in her arms as they ran out of the room, only to get chased by dozens of troopers. "Jay! Jay!" Sabine yelled into her coms.

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