Chapter 22

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"It's so beautiful." Ezra said gazing upon his once burned and destroyed planets surface. Sabine smiled and took his hand as the ship entered the atmosphere and flew over the land. Ezra couldn't stop looking at the ground, how green the grass was, and how healthy the planet looked. "Did you do all of this?" He asked in astonishment at Sabine who smiled back and shrugged. "I helped a little, it was mainly the citizens, they even have a celebration called 'Bridger Day,' to celebrate what you and your parents did for Lothal." She added. "They do?" He asked, and she nodded. "That's... that's kind of cool." He said perking up, which made Sabine roll her eyes and smile. The ship landed near Ezra's old tower, where the Ghost was parked on a hill. "Never thought I'd see that ship again." Ezra said as they landed next to them. "Come on! Everyone will be so happy to see you!" Sabine said eagerly practically dragging Ezra to the ramp. When it opened they saw people that he hadn't seen in years. Hera, Zeb, chopper, a little kid with green hair holding Heras hand, Kallus, Ryder, and even Jai, Zaire, and the Iron squadron were there, and were all stopped talking when Sabine led Ezra down the ramp followed by Ahsoka. Hera was the first to approach, and slowly put her hands on Ezra's cheek. "Hey Hera." He said sheepishly, but he cut cut off a light slap to the face. "Ow, what was-" he started but Hera was quick to interrupt. "Ezra Bridger don't you ever do that again do you hear me? I thought you were dead and I can't believe you disobeyed a direct order and-" she sighed. "I'm just glad your safe." She said wrapping him up in a hug and letting a tear fall down her face. "I'm glad to be home." Ezra said hugging her back. Zeb and chopper came over too and chopper shocked Ezra and said he was glad to be back. "Kid, it's uh, good to have you back." Zeb said patting Ezra's back. "Oh come on Zeb." Ezra said throughing his arms around the Lasat and pulling him into a tight hug. "Agh, uh ok come on kid." He started, but soon a single tear came from his eye as he returned the hug. Everyone else came over too and welcomed him back. "This calls for a celebration!" Ryder shouted as he told everyone that he would arrange a huge city wide celebration for Ezra's return as he rode off in his speeder to the capital. "So, you must be Jacen. My names Ezra." Ezra said kneeling down to talk to him. Jacen nodded nervously and scooting behind Hera. "It's ok sweetie, he was a friend of your fathers, he saved all of us." Hera said. Jacen was a shy kid, so meeting new people wasn't his favorite thing to do, but Ezra seemed nice enough. As the time passed, the Iron Squadron said their goodbyes, along with Jai, which left the Ghost crew and Kallus and Ahsoka, who were all in the common room, except for Ahsoka, who was still outside the Ghost looking into the afternoon sun. "I thought you had died." Kallus said walking up beside her. "Being the last Fulcrum was kind of lonely." He added. Ahsoka grew a confused look, "the last? What happened to Cassian?" She asked. Kallus frowned at the question. "He gave his life in the battle of Scarif to revive the Death Star plans." He said sadly. "Oh." Was all Ahsoka has to say. One of best friends in the rebellion, was only a teenager when she met him, broken and alone, much like Ezra he had lost his parents at a young age. "Anyway, are you going to attend the festivities tonight?" Kallus asked changing the topic to a less depressing one. "I'm not sure, are you?" She said. "Of course, although I would rather not go alone, Ryder mentioned there would be dancing and it's difficult to do that without a partner." He said subtly hinting at what he wanted, and Ahsoka picked up on it and a slight smile came over her, but she wasn't going to let him win that easy. "Well, have you found one?" She asked teasingly. Kallus sighed softly and said "no, I haven't." Quite bitterly. "Oh, that's too bad, I'm also looking for a partner too, to help me on a quest in the unknown regions. Someone who's brave, strong, kind, and is also good company." She said looking over at him. "Have you found one yet?" He asked them both of them laughed, both knowing they would help each other in both of their tasks.

Back on the Ghost, everyone was trying to catch Ezra up on everything that had happened. "Wow, the rebellion was that big, and organized?" He said amazed by what they had started, grew into something huge. "Yeah, all from us." Sabine said putting her hand on Ezra's shoulder. This made Heras heart melt. The two teens she kind of raised in a way, watched them grow up, and work in perfect sync together, were together again. "So what are you going to do now Ezra?" Zeb asked. "I'm not sure." He responded then glanced at Sabine then back at Zeb. "But I'm sure I'll have friends to help me with whatever I chose." He said making everyone smile. "Can you teach me the force?" Jacen spoke up excitedly. He had heard stories of how his father was a Jedi, and so was Ezra, and he wanted nothing but to fly the Ghost, and have magical powers lime his father. Everyone shared a small chuckle after he said that. "Sure thing Jacen, that is, if it's ok with your mom." Ezra said. Jacen turned to Hera. "Please mom pleeeeeeaase!" He begged sitting in her lap now. Hera didn't even know if he had the force, and she had lost the most important person in her life because of it. "I'll think about it." She said softly. "But right now, we all have to get ready, there's a party and we don't want to be late since it's for Ezra." She said.

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