Chapter 15

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"Jay! Kriff come in Jay!" Sabine yelled into her coms and got no response. "Uh, y-yes?" She heard Jay's voice in the coms, but it sounded like he was in a fight. "Where are you at?" She asked. "Well, funny story actually, you see, List and I, and some of the Chiss got bored waiting for you, so we set off to put a couple of explosives in the reactor that powers the gravity wells so we can get out of here without being pulled from hyperspace." He said sheepishly. "But we got caught and we're in a tight spot right now." "Okay font worry we'll be over there in a bit." Sabine said as the turned to head to the reactor room where they found dozens of stormtroopers firing on a small group of Chiss and two humans taking shelter behind a control panel. Sabine got some explosives off her belt and tried to throw it, but her arm was still hurt. "Allow me." Ahsoka sai as she carefully put Ezra down and took the detonators from Sabine. She harnessed the force and was able to throw them exactly were they needed to be, to kill the stormtroopers and damage the reactor enough to make it unstable. The group of infiltrators looked up with joy and saw Ahsoka and Sabine, and another boy who was unconscious. "Who's that boy?" Jay asked List, who sighed and said "a friend of theirs, and nothing but trouble, we should get out of here now." Jay nodded as them and the remaining Chiss fled the room and made it to the hangar, where dozens of troopers and other personnel were trying to evacuate. They spotted their transport and hurried inside as the troopers noticed them, and started shooting at them. Once all were inside the Chiss children looked absolutely terrified and Ahsoka tried to calm them, as she set Ezra down on the floor, since there was no where else to put him. List and Jay immediately got in the pilot seat and took off, now with ties chasing them down. "Well never make it!" List shouted as the unshielded transport was taking heavy fire. Just then, and fleet of 3 Chiss cruisers with dozens of fighters appeared out of hyperspace began to clash with the ties. The transport they were in lost all power and was never going to make it back to the cruisers airlock, so they directed it to the Chiss flagship, and crashed in the hanger. Everyone was quiet for a second until the cockpit started to catch fire. "Everyone out now!" Ahsoka yelled as she picked up Ezra and everyone jumped out of the ship before it exploded blowing shrapnel all over the hanger, with the blast knocking the light Chiss children almost all the way on the other side of the room. The ships crewmen and medics all rushed to the scene as the fighting outside the ship still raged on. Thrawn arrived shortly after  with more medics as he scanned the hanger to find the person he was looking for, when he saw her. "Taelia!" He shouted and ran over to her. "Taelia, are you okay?" She looked up weakly at him and smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck. "Uncle!" This melted his heart as he, Admiral Thrawn, never showed emotion, let a single tear fall from his eyes as he returned the hug, but the fighting was not over yet. The other ships next to them were taking heavy damage, the Intridictor was damaged but was far from destroyed. "Sir, we're taking heavy damage, should we retreat?" The commander of the other ship asked Thrawn through his coms. "Yes, the ship is failing, order all ships to return to base." He ordered as the Ships turned to go to hyperspace, when 3 more star destroyers came out of hyperspace to assist the smoking Intridictor. "Hurry! Get us out of here!" Thrawn ordered as his men worked as quickly as they could on the bridge to calculate the jump. "Contact the light cruiser. Tell them to jump as well." Thrawn said when a familiar voice came on the coms from the light cruiser. "Thrawn sir." It was Tiddus. "What is it Tiddus? Is there a problem?" Thrawn asked worried. "Yes sir, the destroyers gravity wells are coming back online, and then we will never be able to jump, we need to take that ship down." Tiddus explained, when Thrawn was about to say something, Jay, List, and Ahsoka walked in. "We've got it," Jay said smiling as he held up a controller, and as he pressed the button, and explosion went off in the Intridictor, causing it's shields to disable, but not the gravity wells. "Sir, the wells are still online." Tiddus said. "What?! How?!" Lost said shocked. "They must've recallabrated all power to the gravity wells." Thrawn muttered utterly furious, that his weapons were being used against him, but he still remained calm on the inside. "Don't worry sir, we'll handle it." Tiddus said as the light cruiser went away from the rest of the fleet, and headed straight towards the star destroyer. "No wait Tiddus what are you doing!?!" Thrawn asked, voice cracking. "The crew onboard have made up their mind, it was an honor serving under you Grand Admiral." Just then, the cruiser crashed head on, into the Intridictor, causing both ships to go up in flames as everyone on the bridge stares in shock at what just happened. The silence was broken when a transmission from the other ships came through. "Jumping to hyperspace sir." As all the remaining ships fled.

Onboard the Intridictor

"Supreme leader! Our escape craft is ready, we need to leave the ship is lost!" One of the generals said walking into Snoke's throne room followed by a young red headed boy. "Ah yes, I am aware alliegient general Hux, however, you are so willing to toss away the lives of troops and crewmen who you and the Cardinal personally trained to save your own life?" He said gesturing towards the Cardinal's dead body. "I Uh- well you see- ack!" He was lifted off the ground and was gasping for air and holding his throat. "That is a sign of weakness and cowardess, general. Perhaps your son will learn from this moment. "Snoke said snapping the mans neck and instantly killing him. "Come boy, we need to leave." Snoke said leaving the boy in school as they both left and evacuated the destroyer before it completely exploded in on itself.

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