Cahpter 13

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'List?' Sabine thought in her mind. "I remember you. You were friends with that young Jedi weren't you?" He asked Sabine. "I'm yeah, I am, you look familiar, we're you an imperial?" She asked. "I was, and I was accused of treason by your friend and Kallus." He said as Sabine chuckled. "What happened to Kallus after the war? Did he survive? Ahsoka asked. "Yeah, he's on Lyra San with Zeb." Sabine added. "Did you know him?" I was good friends with him before he joined the Empire, but we still kept in touch, and I persuaded him to become a Fulcrum agent and help the rebellion." Ahsoka answered. "Well, it certainly didn't do me any good, but I'm still here, I survived that little hyperspace trip, and I was able to stowaway on their ship and ended up here, where Thrawn was impressed by my determination, and knows I was falsely accused, so he put me in command of my own ship." List stated proudly, obviously impressed in himself over his accomplishments. "Okay, that's great, but can we get going?" Sabine asked impatiently. "Oh uh of course, set course for these coordinates." He commanded as the ship blade too to hyperspace. Tiddus was with them too, in the lower decks, Sabine and Ahsoka were in the barracks, making their final preparations, and Jay was on the bridge with List. Ahsoka soon felt a dark presence as the ship started rocking. Her and Sabine ran up to the bridge where alarms were blaring. "Sir we're being pulled out of hyperspace!" One Chiss crew member said. Just then, the came out of hyperspace completely disabled, where they were face to face with the intridictor from earlier. "Then the coms came on." Unidentified Imperial ship, do you have imperial codes to travel through this airspace?" The voice asked. "I do have imperial codes yes." List said as he plugged in his code cylinder to send the codes. The officer laughed over the coms and said "Lieutenant List, you and your ship are approved, but how you managed to stay in command of your ship being at such a low rank is...amusing." He continued. "Yes, well anyway, I have prisoners in need of a transfer, my ship isn't big enough to fit them, so I'm personally bringing them aboard." List said slightly irritated. "Very well, sending a transport now." The officer said as a transport cane from the ship and landed at the docking bay of the cruiser. 6 stormtroopers and and officer walked out into the airlock and were greeted by List. "Where are the prisoners?" The officer asked. "You." List replied. " excuse me?" The officer asked raising an eyebrow, when just then, Sabine jumped down from a vent knocking out two of the stormtroopers and stunning the rest joined by List and a few Chiss that came from the sides. "Okay, nice some of the Chiss take the stormtrooper armor, Jay you take the officer clothes and me, and Ahsoka will be the prisoners." Sabine said excitedly, it was one of the first times she was excited to were binders. Once they were all changed, they loaded back up into the transport and headed for the star destroyer. As they got off, everyone gasped at the sight. It was upgraded from the standard imperial destroyer, with just as many troopers and officers moving about doing their jobs. "This is insane, how is this much of the empire still intact?!" Sabine asked surprised. "Shh, I do t know, but we need to be quick about this." Ahsoka said quietly as they made their way to the elevators. Once they got to the detention block, the doors slid open to reveal a row of prison cells, with a control center with two guards and an officer. Nothing to bad. "What is this?" The officer asked, and before List could answer, Ahsoka stepped up and waved her hand at the guard and said " we need to free some prisoners." And the guard repeated what she said. "You need to free some prisoners." "They are Chiss younglings, take them out of their cells." "They are Chiss younglings, I will take them out of their cells." He respected and signaled for the guards to let them out as he unlocked the cell from the control panel. "You will not make a report on this." Ahsoka said once again waving her hand." "I will not make a report on this." He repeated with a blank face. The guards came back with 6 Chiss children who all looked scared as if they had been through a lot, with rips all over their clothes. "Sabine knelt down next to them and said, "don't worry, we're here to save you, now, where is Ezra?" She asked. One of the children who was a girl spoke up and said " he was taken to another cell." Sabine grunted in frustration, then turned to Ahsoka. "Can you find him?" Ahsoka smiled and walked back over to the officer. "Tell us where the Jedi prisoner is." She said calmly. "The officer looked at his computer and typed something in, then said "the classified prisoner is in secured cell 172 on level 3, under maximum security. Scheduled to be terminated at 0600 today." This got Sabine's attention who looked at a clock on the wall. "That's in 30 minutes!We need to hurry!" Sabine said ushering everyone who was with them out, along with the younglings. "List, Jay, get the kids and all of our people back to the ship, Sabine and I will go get Ezra." Ahsoka said, as they split up to go their separate ways. Sabine and Ahsoka ran to the elevator, they pressed for level 3. "I sense a trap." Ahsoka said looking at Sabine. "So what do we do?" Sabine asked. "Spring the trap." She said smiling. When they got out of the elevator, there were less people walking around, almost no one. "It sure would be nice to have Chopper right now." Sabine said as they tried to get their bearings. They were running through the halls, they noticed two troopers with electro blades following the lead of a stormtrooper in all red. "That must be the execution team." Sabine whispered. Ahsoka nodded and they followed the troopers to a cell, but kept their distance so they wouldn't get spotted. The Cardinal opened it and revealed a beat up man, with long dark blue hair, and a stubble, with blood all over his ripped clothes. "Time to die Jedi scum, supreme leader wants to personally see it." The Cardinal said with a chuckle. Ezra spat up blood as he forced a smile. "Does dying amuse you?" The Cardinal asked still grinning. "Yeah, I'll finally be free of this hellhole. And be one with the force, like my master before me, and his master before him. The Cardinal was livid with Ezra now, and grabbed him by the throat. "You're not out of this hellhole YET!" He yelled.

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