Chapter 17

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He looked so peaceful, he had a sheet pulled up to his stomach, and was shirtless with his arms resting on top of the sheet. She walked up next to him held his newly made prosthetic hand, intertwining his and her fingers. 'I'm gonna need to paint this.' She thought to herself, bringing a small smile to her face as Ahsoka and Thrawn walked in. "He seems to be physically fine." Thrawn said. Then Ahsoka put a hand on Ezra's forehead, reaching out with the force. What she saw inside was terrible. She gasped as she pulled away from him. "What's wrong?" Sabine asked worried. "I sense...fear, anger, and hate... it was as if he was turned to the dark side, but resisted it, and now it's tearing him apart." Ahsoka explained. "So how do we help him?" Sabine asked. "He needs to feel comfort." Ahsoka said. "Without it, he feels lost, and there is nothing that will stop him from turning." Sabine didn't know what to do. 'Feel comfort? How can I make him feel comfort?' She thought frantically. She then took Ezra's hands again intertwining their fingers together, as she then put her forehead on his, and spoke softly. "Please Ezra, fight the dark side, please. I love you." Ezra started to stir, and groaned as if he was in pain. Sabine looked up with delight as Ezra was finally awake and conscious. His eyes fluttered open, trying to get used to the light. "Ezra!" Sabine said holding his face in her hands on the verge of tears of joy. Ezra looked around as if he forgot what had happened, but soon broke into a smile when he gazed upon the face of the one girl he always loved. "Sabine?" He asked grinning wider now as Sabine nodded, and wrapped him up in a hug which he returned. "What happened?" He asked "how long has it been?" "It's been too long Ezra, but I wonder who's fault that is?" She said as her tone shifted from a joyful one to an angry one that took Ezra and everyone else in the room by surprise. "What?" Ezra asked as Sabine lightly slapped him across his face. "Ow, what was that for?" He asked rubbing his cheek looking scared and confused. "That was for being an idiot and leaving all of us. But... this is for staying alive." She said right before leaning in and kissing him on the lips, their first kiss together. His eyes widened with shock and happiness, his childhood crush was actually kissing him, and he turned redder than the Cardinal who tortured as he closed his eyes and embraced the kiss. As they separated they locked eyes and smiled at each other. "I liked that better than the slap." He said laughing, and making Sabine chuckle too. "Ezra Bridger, I'm glad to see you back in one piece." Thrawn said sort of interrupting the young adults and startling Ezra as he looked up not knowing him and Sabine weren't alone. "Oh, uh, yeah thanks." He said as he turned to Ahsoka. "Oh hey Ahsoka, thanks for finding me." He said and Ahsoka just smiled and nodded, holding her staff with the force guided compass now attached in it. It wasn't the key to finding Ezra, but it was the key to finding something, something she didn't know yet, but that was her next mission. Ezra turned back to Sabine and asked "what happened? How did you rescue me? Are the younglings safe?" He asked almost panicking at the last question. Sabine just smiled and said "yes, they're all fine, but you need your rest, she said still holding his hands as Thrawn's niece Taelia walked in followed by 5 more young Chiss children. "Ezra!" They all said in high pitched childish voices, they were about to jump on him and give him a hug but Thrawn stopped them. "Now now children, Ezra needs rest, and is hurt very badly, you can all hig him later. For now, we should give him his long awaited alone time." Thrawn said smiling and turning to Ezra and winking then ushered everybody except Sabine out of the room. "Oh, and once Ezra is all better and well, we will hold a massive celebration for our victory over the first order, and the rescue us of our children, and Ezra!" Thrawn announced as they all left the room leaving Sabine and Ezra. The two smiled at each other and blushed, not really knowing where to start over the last five years, since there was so much to talk about. "How've you been?" Ezra asked Sabine breaking the awkward silence. "I've been better. You have no idea how worried I was for you." She said. "Really. You were worried about me?" Ezra asked as Sabine turned red. "Well, yeah Ezra, you almost died you idiot." She said playfully before yawning. "Woah someone looks tired." Ezra said. "You should really get some rest." He said. Sabine thought about what he said, then smiled and stood up. "You're right, I'm really tired, you gave me a scare and I barely got any sleep." She proceeded to take off her armor leaving her in only her black jumpsuit and tights, and noticed Ezra staring, which only made her blush more. "So scoot over." She said motioned for him to move over. "W-what?" He asked sheepishly. 'He's so cute like this.' She thought. "I said scoot over, you're taking up most of the bed." She said smiling and climbing into the bed as Ezra nervously scooted over. She snuggled in closely to him resting her head on his shoulder, as she set her legs on top of his. He still didn't fully comprehend what was happening. Was he in bed with Sabine? He could barely believe it. "Why did Thrawn wink at you when he left?" Sabine asked with her eyes closed. "What are you talking about?" Ezra asked. "You know, he said 'giving a long awaited alone time." Sabine responded. "Oh, uh, well, Thrawn thought we were dating before the fight on Lothal, but I told him we were just friends, but he didn't believe me." Ezra said nervously. Sabine chuckled at that. "Well, here's the alone time, better make the most of it." She said as she fell asleep and Ezra wrapper her in his arms as she did the same.

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