Chapter 16

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As the Rest of the Chiss fleet went into hyperspace, Sabine only had one thing in mind, and that was to save Ezra. She carried him to the led bay herself despite the pain in her injured shoulder, and rested him on a bed. "Hurry, he needs help fast!" Sabine yelled at the medical droids who gave her an emotionless stare. "Of course, we will get to work." They said in a very monotone voice as they quickly got to work on treating all of Ezra's wounds. Sabine was by his side the whole time holding his hand and stroking it gently with her thumbs. "Please be okay Ezra... please." She whispered softly as a tear escaped her eye. The doors opened and Thrawn, Ahsoka, and a little Chiss girl, one that they rescued was holding Thrawn's hand walked through the door. "How is he?" Thrawn asked one of the medical droids. "It appears that the patient has been through extreme torture, which has affected him physically and mentally. He has 3 broken ribs, numerous cuts and bruises and a severe concussion. Lastly,his left arm will have to be amputated due to an infection in a large cut that was never properly treated, and to stop the infection from spreading, it will have to be cut." Sabine broke into tears as the medical droid explained this, crying into Ezra's chest, where she could barely feel the rise and fall of his shallow breathing. "Do what you must to ensure his survival. How long will the procedure take?" Thrawn asked. "It will take approximately 6 hours to complete the operation." The droid answered. "But it would not be effective to do it here, better to do it at Csilla, where we have acces to more tools and machines better suited to treat his injuries. Although we can prepare him for it here." The droid continued. "Very well, we will leave you." Thrawn said almost sounding sad as he turned and left the room followed by the little girl. Ahsoka was left standing in the doorway. Sadly gazing upon the heartbroken mandalorian sobbing on her best friends chest, not knowing if he would make it, or even be the same kind, and caring boy he was before. Ahsoka walked up beside her and put her hand on Sabine's shoulder as she looked up at her, with tears filled eyes. "D-do y-you think he'll be ok?" Sabine said choking on her own words. Ahsoka gave her a reassuring smile. "He'll be fine Sabine, I know you care about him, but you're not so good yourself." She said pointing to her shoulder which still had an open cut right under her mandalorian shoulder armor plate. Sabine sighed and nodded her head, only now realizing the pain it caused her, just not as near the pain of coming so close to saving Ezra, her best friend, her family member, and maybe even more than that.

As the ships arrived on Csilla, Ezra was immediately rushed to a larger, more state of the art med bay in the capital city. "Clear the way!" Chiss doctors shouted as they pushed a stretcher with Ezra lying still unconscious through the halls of the medical center. Sabine was not far behind trying to keep up with them, but then realized how tired she actually was. She tripped and stumbled but someone from behind caught her. She turned around to see who it was and realized it was Ahsoka, who smiled softly at her. "Looks like you need a good rest." She said. "But Ezra, I have to make sure-" Sabine started but was cut off by Ahsoka. "He'll be fine, there's nothing you can do now, besides, they're not letting people in the surgery room. Go get cleaned up and rest, it's late, we've had a long couple of days, and besides, I'm sure you too will have a lot of time to catch up after he wakes up." Ahsoka said kindly, yet sternly, sounding like Hera had all those years ago, like a mother. "Okay." Sabine sighed, knowing there was no point in arguing. Ahsoka smiles and walked her to a room with a refresher where she could stay the night.

It was an almost sleepless night for Sabine. She tossed and turned and couldn't take her mind off what could happen to him. She hadn't felt like this since the last time she saw him, when he sacrificed himself to save Lothal. That night she went to his tower and cried knowing it was her fault for not telling Hera what he was going to do. If she would've known what he was gonna do she wouldn't have let him leave. She felt like this again, and couldn't not worry about him. As morning struck, she quickly got dressed and headed to the med bay as quickly as she could. People were standing outside the door talking, including Thrawn and Ahsoka, along with the little Chiss girl she rescued. All of them turned as they noticed Sabine walking towards them. "Greeting Sabine Wren, I want to thank you personally for the rescue of my niece, Taelia. I owe you an apology for my actions in the past, but know that I will do everything I can to ensure that Bridger comes out of this ordeal alive and well." Thrawn said sympatheticly with the young Chiss girl holding his hand. "Thank you Thrawn, so how is he?" She asked wanting to know the condition of Ezra. "I had my doctors work all throughout the night, and unfortunately you know, he had to get his left arm amputated but I have ordered it to be replaced with him the most sophisticated technology available in his prosthetic." Thrawn said. "He has a prosthetic arm?" Sabine asked, when just then, the doors opened and a Chiss doctor stepped out of the room. Everyone looked at him with anxious worried eyes. "The patient is well and needs his rest, he is still asleep, but I am happy to inform you that the procedure was a success, although he will need therapy to cope with the mental and physical stress he endured, and also to get used to his new prosthetic limb." The doctor explained. "Is he able to have guests?" Thrawn asked. "Yes sir, although they won't be able to interact much, given that he is still unconscious." The doctor explained but Sabine didn't need to be told this twice, and ran to Ezra's bedside.

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