Chapter 20

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"Aren't y'all a couple? Why don't y'all dance?" Jay asked the two young adults, who just blushed. "Um, n-no we're not a couple." Ezra said. Sabine just looked at him with sad puppy eyes, "please Ezra, let's just have some fun." She said. Ezra sighed, he wanted to make Sabine happy, but didn't want to dance. "Fine." He said looking down. "Yay!" Sabine said as she dragged Ezra to the dance floor, leaving Jay all by himself. He sighed and looked at a glass of wine that hasn't been touched yet. He eyed the glass and looked around. He'd never tasted alcohol before, and took a sip of it, when he heard a voice behind him. "You're a little young to be drinking that, don't you think?" The voice startled him making him spit out the drink and turning his head, to see a Chiss girl about his age standing behind him smiling. He was dumbstruck at how beautiful she was, and she had a long white dress, and had a flower in her hair, and looked back at him puzzled. "Are you ok?" She asked raising an eyebrow. "Oh uh y-yeah I'm fine. Uh, h-how are you?" He said wiping himself off and setting the glass down. "I'm good, but I doubt you're old enough to drink." She said still smiling. "Oh uh what do you mean?" Jay asked confused. He didn't know there was a certain age when you were allowed to drink alcohol. She giggled and sat down next to him. "You have to be 21 to drink, how old are you?" She asked. "I uh, I'm 17... I think." He said putting his hand on his chin trying to think. "What do you mean, think?" She asked confused. "Well, I don't know when my birthday is, and they never told me how old I was when they took me." He explained. Now she was as confused as ever. "Who took you?" She asked. " I was a stormtrooper in the first order, they took me as a baby and trained me to be a soldier." He said looking down, bringing back painful memories. She looked at him sadly, not realizing what he had been through. "That sounds terrible." She said. "Yeah, it was hard, but I'm free now, so might as well make the most of it." He said forcing a smile. "My names Quora, what's yours?" She asked smiling again now. "I'm Jay." He said looking up smiling. "So how did escape?" She asked. "Well, I was fighting against them." He said pointing towards Sabine and Ahsoka. "When they spared me, and in return I helped them get away from the first order." He said proudly. "Wow, you must be really brave." Quora said scooting closer. Jay was starting to blush now, and just chuckled. "Uh it was nothing really." He said trying to act cool. "But enough about me, what about you, what are you like?" He asked. "Well, there's not much to tell, I haven't really done much in my life. I'm 17 as well, but I'm only here because my dad owns the corporation that builds ships for the Chiss navy, so that's why he was invited, and I didn't really want to come, but he made since he said it was 'and honor' to be invited." She said. "But I've always wanted to fly, my mom was a pilot, but she died in a battle against the Grysk, so that's why he won't even let in a starship." She said then sighed. Jay knew how she felt, she felt trapped, like he did when he was a soldier against his will. "Hey, maybe one day you will." He said putting a hand on hers. "Yeah maybe. Anyway, you wanna get something to drink?" She asked standing up. "But not alcohol since we're not allowed." She added smiling. "Yeah, I'd love to, it wasn't very good anyways." He said standing up as well. "Great let's go." She said taking his hand and leading to a table with many drinks on it, including wine where they found List, his coat drenched, and had his arms wrapped around two female Chiss with a glass in both hands. He noticed the two teens walking towards the table. "Heyyyyyy, Jay, who's you're little lady friend?" He asked slurring his words, then he hiccuped. "This is Quora, Quora, this is List." He said acquainting the two. "It's a pleasure." He said spilling some of his drink. Jay pulled Quora away from him as they got non- alcoholic drinks and chatted.

Meanwhile on the dance floor, A slow song started to play, and Sabine was begging Ezra to dance with her. "Sabine, I-I can't dance." He said sheepishly. "What do you mean you can't dance Ezra? It's easy, just come on." She begged. "No, I don't know how." He said. She stopped and looked at him, "oh Ezra, it's not that hard, here, I'll show you." She said as she dragged him to the middle of the dance floor before he could do anything to stop her. She took his hand and put her other on his shoulder. "Take my waist." She said. "What?" He asked nervously. She rolled her eyes. "Come on Ezra, it's not that hard." She put his hand on her waist as they started to step in sync. "One two three one two three." She started to say trying to help Ezra. Luckily, he was a fast learner, and was able to keep up with her as they gazed into each others eyes. "So... that thing you did when I woke up, what was that all about?" He asked with a smirk. She rolled her eyes again, something she had done a lot to him in the past. "I don't know what you're talking about." She said looking away. "Suuuuuure." He said still smiling. She turned around to face him, and had to look up slightly at him. "Sabine... do you... uh, well, I don't know if you do and that's ok if you don't but basically what I'm asking is-" he was cut off by a finger to his lips. "Shhhhh." She said as she got in closer. "Yes... I would love to get a drink." She said then leaned in... and pecked him on the cheek.

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