Chapter 2: That Libero

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*One Month Later*

I've been attending Karasuno High School for about a month now. I still stay after school everyday while my brother practices. I've gotten pretty close with a lot of the players. They tell me I'm like a little sister to them and much to my brother's dismay, I've found that I especially get along with Hinata. We have similar energetic, childish personalities. Whenever we talk, we match the excitement and energy of the other, usually causing the whole team to laugh at us.

Since I've been sticking around so much, if I'm not working on homework during their practice, then I act as an assistant manager along side Kiyoko. She's so shy and sweet, but I love her so much and I think my presence makes her day a little brighter as well.

Today in particular, we arrived at practice early, so Tobio was working on his accuracy, which instead turned into giving Hinata a chance to practice receives. Since I'm used to being the one who practiced with Tobio, I hopped into their mini practice as well.

Tobio set the ball over to my direction, but it skewed a little too far to the side, so with my quick reflexes from martial arts, I skid across the floor and dove for the ball, resulting in a nearly perfect receive.

Hinata paused and just stared at me dumbfounded, "Y/N-Chan, you play volleyball too?" he questioned me.

I glanced over at my brother to catch him smirking. Focusing my attention back to Hinata, I responded, "Actually, I've never played a game before in my life. My quick reflexes are from martial arts. And my receives are only decent because no one ever wanted to practice with my stubborn ass brother. So normally, I'd help him practice after school."

Hinata just let out a small, "woah," and I giggled. "I've never seen him capable of working with anyone other than me... then you came along, Hinata-kun."

A giant smile spread across Hinata's face. He turned to Tobio and yelled, "Give me another one!"

Through gritted teeth my brother spoke, "Move out of the way idiot! Just let me practice my accuracy shots." With that, he set the ball over the net. We watched as it was heading straight for the bottle positioned on the court. Suddenly, a small figure whooshed out of no where, smacking a perfect receive right back at the setter. "AGHH!" my brother groaned.

As the small figure turned around, I immediately recognized that face. Nishinoya. "Nishinoya-kun!" I yelled with probably a little too much excitement.

His face lightened up when he realized who I was, "Kageyama-Chan?" he questioned.

"That was an amazing receive!" I praised him.

"Hey, don't sell yourself short. I saw your receive too. I'm assuming you're a libero as well?" he looked at me with sparkling eyes.

I adverted my eyes shyly, "Actually I-," but I was interrupted by Nishinoya's sudden explosive outburst of excitement.

I watched as he ran over to the gym door towards Kiyoko, attempting to hug her, but was fully rejected. I felt as small pang in my heart at his actions. But why?

"Noya!" I heard someone yell.

I turned to see Tanaka, excited to find his teammate back on the courts. He rushed back over to his friends and Hinata asked him why he chose Karasuno. I felt another pang in my heart as he talked about all the cute girls in our school. Note to self: Nishinoya is a fuckboy. Don't get engaged.

Feeling a little overwhelmed, I started to walk towards the gym doors to leave, but then I heard Nishinoya ask something about the ace, Asahi, I believe he said.

As I was lost in thought, Nishinoya rushed past me and out the door. My legs moved before I could think. I was chasing after him. I approached him as he stopped at a tree and set down on the ledge.

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