Chapter Twelve

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Y/n breathed in the familiar mountain air that Rito Village held. Revali landed by her as Night Sky was boarded for the best care.

"What would you like to see first?" Revali asked, trying to hide his excitement.
"Show me everything," y/n smiled.
"That could take a long time. There's so much to see. Everything is something us Rito pride ourselves on," Revali replied.

He tucked his wings behind him as he started walking. Y/n walked by him as she admired him. He didn't seem to notice until he felt someone brush up, against his side. His eyes shifted to meet with y/n's. He raised a brow, silently questioning.

"What?" She replied, acting innocent.

Revali rolled his eyes in amusement whilst y/n giggled at his reaction. A small star flickered to life by her, without her noticing. Revali ruffled her hair playfully before walking ahead. Y/n rolled her eyes, amused. The star flickered away. Y/n decided to mess with him so she used her wings to make her hover out of sight. When Revali turned to see her, she was gone. Or so he thought until he was tackled to the ground.

"My, my," y/n teased, "That easy to take down Master Revali."
"Ha ha," he replied sarcastically.

He flipped them since y/n was light and he was stronger.

"You forget I am the best among the Rito," he smirked.
"That was until you found a distraction like me," y/n winked.

Her Rito wings pushing Revali off of her. She chuckled at his surprised reaction as her wings returned to her arms. She sat up as Revali stood.

"I got to give you that one," he chuckled.

He helped y/n to her feet before holding his wing out to her. She took it in her own hand as she walked by his side. It felt so right to the two of them. Being close and in their own worlds; together. Their heartbeats beating in sync. The power they both had, merging without them knowing. Even just wandering around Rito Village, made it even more perfect for them. Each other's company being the only thing the other needed yet wanted. Revali would never admit to liking another's company but something in him, told him he wouldn't be ashamed to shout it to the world if it meant having y/n with him. If it meant, having her in his wings. Y/n felt the same way and how she knew, her power would always show itself if Revali was around. Her heart would flutter or everything in her, would want him. It was like her entire being was calling for him.

"What do you think the Princess will have us do? The calamity is gone so the Divine Beasts aren't needed nor are we," y/n questioned.
"I will have the Rito to protect. I am their best warrior after all," Revali smirked, "Also gives me the chance to see that one place in Faron."
Y/n smiled, "We'll he seeing each other more then."
"Of course but not the pest," Revali chuckled.
"Never Link. Only me and you," y/n giggled.
"It's the pretty Hylian that Master Revali likes!" The small pink Rito exclaimed.

Revali choked on the air as a pink tinge, hinted at his cheeks. Y/n flushed bright red.

"SAKI! DON'T EMBARRASS MASTER REVALI!" The small white Rito exclaimed.
"But Teba! They are cute together!" Saki whined with puppy dog eyes.
"I'm so sorry Lady y/n!" Teba exclaimed, bowing respectfully.
"Uhh.." y/n was at a loss of words.
"Lady y/n doesn't mind Teba. Now why don't you and Saki run off and play?" Revali suggested, trying to get away from the topic.
"How did you two meet?" Saki continued as she ignored Revali.

Y/n knelt so she was eye level to Saki.

"I believe me and Revali met when me and Link were sent to confirm him as Champion," y/n answered softly, "He's quite prideful, isn't he?"
"That's Master Revali! Only cares for us Rito!" Saki laughed as Teba joined in.

Revali smiled, rolling his eyes.

"He was shocked about my wings. Maybe they are the reason," y/n joked, winking to Revali.

He rolled his eyes once again, amused.

"He's lucky to find such a pretty Hylian. Your eyes are so pretty!" Saki exclaimed happily.
"Is that Master Revali's feathers?!" Teba asked curiously.
"Yes it is," y/n answered, gently touching the feathers.
"Master Revali has hers too!" Saki pointed out cheerfully, "Let's tell the others!"

Saki had then dragged Teba away and to some young Rito.

"They are so precious," y/n awed.
"Indeed they are," he replied but his gaze was on y/n.
"You're looking at me Rev," she giggled, leaning more against him.
"Not my fault that you catch my attention. A rare feat indeed," he winked.
"Very rare," y/n added happily.
"I know somewhere you would like but it's best to go tomorrow," Revali told her.
"Really?!" She asked, her eyes lighting up again.
"Yes. A place no one can find us," he rested his beak on the top of her head.
"Anywhere you take me is perfect," y/n told him, trying to stop herself from grinning.

They knew that tomorrow would be best time to explore since the long journey made them slightly tired. They had headed to Revali's hut before he brought her against him. He was lying on a hammock of a sort as y/n laid on his chest. His wings wrapped around her protectively whilst she traced shapes in his feathers.

"I can't wait to see that spot you mention," she whispered against him.

His feathers acting as a welcoming pillow. She snuggled closer to him, almost cuddling.

"I can fly us there. Save you the journey," he teased.
"Is this an invite?" She chuckled.
"Maybe," he nuzzled his beak in her hair, "You are the only one I would give a lift too."
"If you're offering," she spoke softly, "Then sure. Gives me a change to witness the great Revali fly."

He rolled his eyes at this, knowing it was a joke.

"Are you cold?" He questioned, feeling her shiver slightly.
"A little," she answered tiredly.

Revali brought her closer as his wings covered more.

"Thank you," she said.
"Sleep well n/n," Revali whispered.

He knew she fell asleep when more weight was added onto him. He was admiring his own feathers that still rested in her hair. He loved how much he loved her and how much his feathers looked perfect on her. Everything about her, made him love her more. He wanted this to last forever and so he hoped it did. His soon tired self, brought him into the darkness. Welcoming it like an old friend.

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