Chapter Fourteen

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When morning came, y/n woke up in Revali's wings. She could tell he was still asleep or choosing to keep his eyes closed. She could hear voices calling hers and Revali's name from below Medoh. She rolled her eyes when she felt Revali bring her closer.

"I did say we wouldn't attend," Revali told her.
"I did say they would come here," y/n pointed out, chuckling.
"They aren't coming up here," he stated as Medoh seemed to agree.
"Well, I'm going to see them," y/n told him, smiling.

He tried to keep her with him but failed when y/n got up before he could react. Her wings appeared as she started to descend from Medoh. Revali sighed before following her.

"Look who decided to show up," Urbosa smirked.
"Didn't I say we weren't attending?" Revali stated irritated.
"You're still a Champion Revali so these meetings are important," Zelda sighed.
"Then start it so I can leave early," he sighed in annoyance.

Y/n chuckled along with Daruk, Mipha and Urbosa. Link remained silent like didn't care. Revali rolled his eyes at the silent Champion.

"I wanted to give you new roles as Champions and new directions for the Divine Beasts," Zelda started, "I'll start with your new roles."

All the Champions listened closely.

"Since the calamity is no more. I want all of you to become the special pillars of Hyrule if we ever find ourselves in trouble. I don't think peace will last forever and your gifts will be the key for future generations of Champions. The calamity has returned before so it's better to be safe then sorry," Zelda explained with the last part being a theory.
"I don't think it would return. We did give the big fella a beaten," Daruk spoke his thoughts.
"It's best we don't chance it," Mipha smiled softly.
"If it does happen, we have our Divine Beasts," Urbosa hinted to Medoh.
Zelda sighed as she said, "I'm afraid that we won't have the Divine Beasts. Y/n gave them their freedom with their forms and in the future, the Beasts could be no more. We have to think of other ways to defend ourselves."
"What about y/n's bloodline? Maybe the sages of old are still around or someone of their bloodline?" Urbosa suggested.

Link just nodded. Y/n frowned slightly but it seemed to go unnoticed.

"Is it possible to sense them?" Zelda questioned y/n.
"Mhmm," she hummed in response.

Y/n knew they wouldn't find any remaining descendants of the sages. She was the last one. She knew they wouldn't believe it unless they saw it. The only one who would believe it was Revali since he met Sage Rauru.

"Then let's start! Better to find them now," Zelda grinned, unknowing to the dark truth.

Y/n only nodded as she led the way. She didn't bother to get Nightmare because it wouldn't take long to reach. It was only the temple of time after all. Carefully, the group scaled down the cliffside before arriving at the forgotten temple. Zelda walked closer to y/n as Link kept an eye out, following the champions too. Y/n could hear the fading temple calling to her. Revali brought y/n to his side, ignoring the other champions.

"How are you going to tell them that this hunt is pointless? We both know that you're the last one," Revali questioned, lowly.
"I sort of need your help with that part," she muttered, "Gotta hide my gift. Kinda need it to reveal the truth to them."
"How? My gale isn't like your gift," Revali pointed out, quietly.
"I was thinking of you using it on the puddles around. It will give me the opening to have the ice reveal the tragedies."
"You want them to think it's me?" Revali chuckled, "I might as well start saying how beautiful my gale makes everything."
"You already do," y/n smiled.

Revali smiled before returning to his unamused look when Link got closer. Y/n rolled her eyes, in amusement. She held his wing when they stopped. Her gift started to mix with Revali's but the other champions thought it was Revali's Gale. The puddles around had water droplets float upwards before y/n's gift started to freeze the past history/memories. All of the Sages started to appear as the ice moved like a flurry. Revali looked at y/n since he didn't know that the ice she used, could do this. Y/n recognised each one, especially Sage Rauru.

"You don't seem to understand the severe nature of this! Our descendants are dying!" Sage Rauru spoke up.
"I'm afraid Sage Rauru is right. All of my Zora descendants, have met their end by this calamity," Sage Ruto spoke sorrowfully.
"The same goes for me," Sage Saria sighed, "The last of mine and his bloodline, died a month ago."
"Is there any way to stop it?" Sage Ruto asked, pleadingly.
"I'm afraid there isn't. My descendants are dying too. Only m/n is left. I heard she's pregnant so maybe she's the key?" Sage Rauru sighed.
"What if we combine our remaining power? Like what we did in the Past? That way we can ensure our last descendants survival. M/n's child could be our last hope," Sage Impa spoke thoughtfully.
"Very well," Sage Rauru sighed again.
"I hope we aren't too late," Sage Darunia spoke up.
"We shouldn't be. The child isn't born yet," Sage Nabooru stated.
"Let's give the child a chance then. Sage Rauru will remain to watch over until his spirit finally fades," Sage Zelda of the timeline in Ocarina, appeared.
"Until we meet again," Sage Rauru bowed his head.

Each Sage's gift, floated into sight before Sage Rauru made the spirit of a baby appear. The gifts were all absorbed by the spirit. Sage Rauru watched his fellow Sages disappear before the baby's spirit did. The champions saw something they didn't expect. Sage Rauru turned in y/n's direction. He smiled at her, bowing his head towards her. Y/n smiled as she bowed back.

"He sees us," y/n whispered to Revali.
"How?" He muttered.
"We're technically back in time but not," y/n smiled.

The ice started to fade as everything returned to normal.

"Does that answer your question?" Y/n spoke up.

Zelda seemed to frown but Revali ignored it as he started to drag y/n away.

"This has been fun," he started jokingly," But bye!"

Both him and y/n flew into the sky so they could just chill for the rest of the day. They spent their time, chilling on Medoh as it was the one place they wouldn't be disturbed.

Sorry it's a short chapter. Hopefully the next one will be longer. Also thank you for your patience on it <3

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