~*Chapter Two*~

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Before I begin, I want to tell you that this is my first fan fiction, and I appreciate all those who are reading and commenting nice things!

Nowwwwww without further adoooo.....

enjoy the story!

-Marshmallow :3

- -  Percy's POV - -

I couldn't believe that Annabeth had accepted the gift. I turned down immortality TWICE just to be with her! And here she goes throwing it all away. I was beyond furious. After only a few minutes of the god's party, I couldn't take the pitying looks from the others. I could almost imagine what they were thinking about me. Poor Percy, I can't believe that he turned immortality down again for his girlfriend. What a stupid decision...

I couldn't take it anymore. I bolted out of the ballroom and into Hera's garden. I sat down next to a fountain that my father had designed himself. It had dolphins and starfish carved into it, which reminded me of the ocean. The thought of the salty water and fresh air seemed to calm me down. What's going to happen now..? Are my friends going to leave me because of turning down immortality...? Is Annabeth thinking of breaking up with me...? I buried my face into my arms and started to stress over what would happen next.

- - Annabeth's POV - -

What a crazy day. I was granted immortality and a chance to work with my mother! This was awesome, and if Percy didn't like it, so be it. He should be happy for me! This party was great too, I love being recognized for all my hard work.

I felt a hand over my shoulder and turned around. To my surprise, it was Piper! "Hey Pipes!" I exclaimed. "What's up..?" Piper had a sad and annoyed expression plastered on her face, as if she knew something that I didn't. "Piper you're worrying me, what's wrong?" I asked worriedly. "I just saw Percy run out of the ballroom, he didn't look so happy. Go comfort him." she stated. I then started to feel bad for how I thought of him before. Sure my decision was selfish, but I'm sure he'll understand how badly I want this. "Alright Pipes, I'll go." I said with a weak smile. Piper smiled back, and ran back into the crowd of partying demigods. She's probably looking for Jason, I thought with a smile.

- -  Third POV - -

Percy was sitting on the edge of Hera's Garden, next to a fountain when Annabeth walked over to him. She sat on a bench next to him and put her hand on his shoulder. He shrugged it off because he was really angry with her, she left him for immortality. He turned down godhood TWICE for her.

It hurt her when he shrugged her hand off, he normally doesn't act this way. "Percy what's wrong?" After she said that she instantly regretted it because of the obvious anger it caused.

"WHAT'S WRONG? What's wrong is that you chose immortality over me. I turned down GODHOOD twice for you, but when you are offered immortality you throw me out like yesterday's trash. You abandoned me! For gods sake, I followed you into the labyrinth for you, I swam in the River Styx so I could keep you safe, I kept going when I lost my memory for you, I fell into TARTARUS for you. But when you are offered immortality you thought about yourself, and you didn't even think if I'd be okay with it, did you think of what it would do to me...? You betrayed my trust! Then you have the nerve to ask what's wrong! What is wrong with you!" Percy yelled. She started crying as he yelled at her, she didn't think about him, and now she hurt him. "It was everything I've ever wanted. What do you expect me to do, turn it down..?!"

After she said that she said that she realized how selfish it sounded. Percy's anger grew "What about me? Do I not fit into your perfect world? You let your pride get in your way, you let your fatal flaw blind you! Well, I guess I let my fatal flaw blind me too. Because I trusted you and was loyal to you, I expected you to be the same to me. I guess I was wrong. We can't stay together, this is a one-sided relationship, I loved you, I trusted you, I was loyal to you! But you aren't loyal to me, you aren't worthy of my trust, you aren't worthy of my love, you messed up, you broke us. Goodbye Annabeth." He walked away with tears streaming down his face either not noticing or not caring about the crowd of wide eyed people in the garden, or Annabeth balling her eyes out.

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