~*Chapter Four*~

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- - Poseidon's POV - -

Everything was perfect until now. I was having a great time at the party with my dear brother and my niece Athena until she started to pale, and even shake a little. "Athena, is everything alright..?" I said. She replied in an anxious and worried way : "No, Percy is in danger!" Danger...? Surely nothing too bad could happen to my beloved son. After all, he has defeated Gaea herself and plenty other powerful beings.

Boy was I wrong.

The next thing I knew, Athena bolted out of the ballroom and ran outside. "I wonder what's up with her?" replied Zeus in a drunken way. He took another swig of wine, and then fell unconscious, with his head on the table. He started snoring. Typical Zeus, I thought with a smile. I decided to go check out what Athena was so worried about.

I strolled outside, and wondered why there was such a huge crowd gathering by the docks. I pushed through to see Annabeth yelling at Percy. Athena is worried about her daughter doing something to my son?, I thought with a laugh. I bet she can't even lay a finger on him. The next thing I know, my son dropped to his knees, clearly in pain. He then grew gills, fins, and even a fish tail! The heck...?

Athena rushed over to Annabeth and Percy, and shouted something I couldn't hear. They then pushed my son into the water, and watched him swim away. They were sobbing and hugging each other, as if they were fearing something to come. I shooed the crowd away, but Jason, Piper, Hazel, and Frank remained. They looked horrified at what had become of their dear friend. Surely it can't be that bad... I thought. I strolled over to my dear niece and her daughter to figure out what's wrong.

"Hey girls... what happened back there...?" I asked. Athena looked up at me and started to explain that Annabeth had cursed Percy, and that she doesn't know if he could be found. I then started to frown. Annabeth was sobbing and repeating "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." Curse...? My son was cursed...? He can't be found..? "What kind of curse?" I asked anxiously, as my temper started to rise. Athena explained to me that out of her pain and anger, Annabeth had cursed my son to become a merman, be a loner, and to lose his memory. Annabeth kept apologizing and weeping, hoping that it would fix something.

"My son, was cursed by your daughter. And now he's a merman with no memories?! It could take weeks, months, even years to find my son!" I exclaimed as the ocean's waves grew higher and more violent. "I want you to find my son! You have all the time you need, as you are now immortal!" Annabeth nodded her head weakly, getting soaked by the tall waves crashing down upon her and her mother. "Good.." I said with a grunt, and then turned back to the castle.

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