~*Chapter Twelve*~

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- - Percy's POV - -

The rock tunnel was smooth but splattered with red liquid dripping off the walls. I had a very bad feeling and thought I knew what the liquid was, and I didn't like it. The floor seeped with murky sea water. I froze it so that I wouldn't become a merman due to contact with water.

I passed a cell with a very familiar looking animal inside. "Percy!" cried the animal, flapping it's wings excitedly. A Pegasus... I thought. Oh my gods, Blackjack! "Blackjack...? W-what are you doing here?!" I said, fumbling with the cell door to get it open. The winged horse happily trotted out of the cage. "During one expedition to find you, I was captured and brought here. They don't pay much attention to me, thankfully! Oh, I'm so glad that you're back!" the Pegasus cried as he threw his wings around me.

"Blackjack, it's great to see you, but my friends have also been captured and I need to find them!" I said desperately, thinking of the horrible shape they were all in. Blackjack nodded. "I'll help you. I'll go this way, and you go that way." I nodded and patted him on the back.

- - Blackjack's POV - -

As I ran out, Percy broke away immediately. For some reason, he had been quiet and sad, unlike his usual confident self. But then again, who would be confident in a place like this.?

I heard the faint sounds of clanging weapons and Percy yelling in anger, drawing all the monsters toward him. I turned a corner, searching for any sign of the demigods. After about 6 more corners, I neighed in frustration. I must be going in circles! I hit the wall angrily with my hoof. The wall rumbled and the tunnel shook. I leapt back to watch the rock roll back to reveal four chained demigods staring at me.

I surged forward and sliced through the chains and restraints with my razor sharp wings. Almost all of them collapsed in exhaustion except for Annabeth and Jason.

"Where's Percy?!" Annabeth rasped.

"He's distracting the monsters. Hurry, we have to go now!" I yelled and used my wing to help Hazel and Piper up. We slowly made our way down the tunnels with Annabeth in the lead. We finally reached the main tunnels again. I turned toward the exit.

"C'mon, Percy will meet us outside."

"No!!" Annabeth yelled and pulled away from Jason who had been supporting her. "We won't leave without him!" The rest of the demigods nodded in agreement.

"Fine!" I sighed and led them toward the tunnel Percy went through. We followed the trail of golden monster dust and destruction with the demigods limping behind. All their faces was a mask of pain and worry for their friend. I wonder why. Percy should be fine.

- - Annabeth's POV - -

Percy. That was the only thing going through my head. Ever since I had gotten captured, I'd thought about him every single day. Okay, here's the truth. Even though Blackjack thought we'd only been tortured for a day, they were wrong. Yes, wrong. I didn't know how it worked, but one day on the outside world was one month on this island. So we'd been tortured for a month. But all I could think about, however, was my Seaweed Brain and how he would probably sacrifice himself to save us.

I limped faster, determined to find him before that happened. Finally, the darkness faded and brightened. The tunnel opened into a wide cavern lit with eerie green blue torches like Greek Fire. Prometheus stood in a raised golden floor on an obsidian black throne. I found the contrasting colors a bit strange. On the middle of the rock strewn floor stood Percy, facing Prometheus defiantly even though he had a swollen black eye and several scratches that bled. I heard everyone gasp in shock and horror. I listened as Percy spoke in a harsh but confident voice.

"I'm here Prometheus! You promised to let ALL my friends go without harming them!"

"Percy no!!" I yelled and jumped forward before smashing into an invisible barrier. I banged my fists into it and ignored the pain, trying to get Percy to stop. The other demigods started yelling and pleading along with me. Blackjack shifted nervously on his hooves and neighed loudly in protest. Prometheus merely laughed gleefully.

"Gaea was right! You would do anything to save your friends, Perseus Jackson. And don't worry, I won't hurt them."

Percy snarled angrily. "You swore on the Styx you Minotaur dung!"

"Tut tut. As your friend said, Percy Jackson, I am the Titan of forethought and... Crafty Counsel." He cackled evilly but stopped halfway through coughing. Percy was stifling a laugh while Prometheus glowered at him angrily then smiled creepily. "Prepare to die, demigods!" He raised his hand and brought it down in a swift fluid motion, releasing a horde of monsters that rushed straight for us.

Faster than I thought possible, Percy took out Riptide and stabbed it straight into the ground and splitting it apart. From the point where Riptide cut through the rock, a series of cracks were spreading out in which the monsters ran straight into and fell out of sight. This time, it was Prometheus' turn to yell angrily. "You'll pay for that, Jackson!" He held out his hand, palm facing Percy and chanted fast in Ancient Greek. I could only make out a few words: Gaea, Titans, Perseus Jackson, and Torture. Percy started to glow gold and fade into the background. Before he was gone completely however, he raised his eyes and started into mine. He whispered, "I love you," Before fading into nothingness.

I sobbed and crumpled against the barrier crying and pleading for Percy to come back. I didn't even care that my friends saw me like this. All I cared about was Percy, and Percy was gone.

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