~*Chapter Twenty*~

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- - Annabeth's POV - -

I can't believe it... I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! My true love and soulmate, Percy Jackson, was dead.




The word seemed to echo through my skull as I was dragged out of the throne room, where Percy's body was whisked away to a room. I was sobbing and screaming to go back to Percy, even though he was dead, and wasn't coming back.

Seaweed Brain was born a hero, and died like one too. He risked his life coming to save us and endured months of horrible torture. Even though he was mad at me for cursing him, he still came to rescue us. Speaking of the curse, it was finally broken. Yet, it doesn't really matter now.

I cried into my mother's arms while she stroked my hair gingerly. My friends were also crying. Piper weeped into Jason's shoulder while Jason punched the wall with anger and guilt. He then started sniffling and cried with Piper. Frank was wrapped in a warm embrace with Hazel, both with tear stained cheeks.

Athena flashed us into our rooms, Piper with Jason and Hazel with Frank. And me.. with no one. I wailed and then threw myself onto my bed, pulling Percy's hoodie over my head and breathing in his salty scent.

~* T I M E  S K I P*~

It has almost been a week since Percy had died, and I haven't left my room since. I mostly spent the day curled up in my bed and crying for my Seaweed Brain. My friends came to check on me once in a while, urging me to come out and eat. I never answered, and just continued to cry.

I sniffled and looked up at the ceiling. My stomach rumbled painfully, signaling me to eat. I dragged myself out of bed and looked at myself in the mirror. I was still wearing Percy's Finding Nemo hoodie and had red and puffy eyes from crying. My hair was like a rat's nest, all messy and unkept. I had dark circles under my eyes, from lack of sleep. It also looked like I had lost a few pounds, because I wasn't eating as much. I sighed at my reflection, then trudged out the door and into the hallway. As I was walking towards the kitchen, I saw a blur of raven black hair in the corner of my eye.

It couldn't be.


He was dead.

I'm hallucinating..

I'm going crazy!

No no no no...

My curiosity got the best of me as I followed this figure. I followed him as quietly as possible, hiding behind corners and large vases. When the figure finally stopped to take a breath, I caught a glimpse of his eyes.

They were sea green.

I gasped and the vase I was hiding behind tilted and shattered all over the floor. Percy jumped at the noise and turned around to meet my eyes. A tear ran down his cheek as he opened his arms, as if readying himself for a hug. I cried out to him and ran into his arms, almost knocking him over.

"What... how... HOW ARE YOU ALIVE?!" I cried, kissing his scarred face. He looked down at me and pulled down my hood. "I-I don't know... I just woke up in this room and felt fine. All of my wounds are healed!"

I punched him in the chest. "Don't ever do that to me again!" He grinned as he rubbed his stomach. "Sorry, Wise Girl." I tackled him and we both fell to the floor. He pulled me close to him and sighed. "We don't ever catch a break, do we Wise Girl?" he sarcastically said. I was about to reply when we were flashed into the throne room.

The gods looked down at us, and their mouths hung open in shock. Poseidon ran to us and tackled us in a huge hug. "PERCY! My boy! I thought you were dead!" Percy explained what happened and everyone gasped in admiration.

"That has only happened once... for a great hero much like yourself. This is the Fate's doing." said Athena, smiling warmly down at us. There was the sound of running feet as the door was kicked open, revealing my friends. They ran toward us, tears in their eyes.





They embraced Percy in a huge hug. "A-alright guys! I missed you too! Now.. l-let me go.. I can't breath" Percy gasped as they released him from their bear hug. "It's good to be home." he said smiling.

~* T I M E  S K I P*~

It's been about two months since everything happened. Percy and I enjoyed lots of time together, as well with our friends. Since the curse was broken, Percy was no longer a merman and now had his memories back. He has forgiven me, yet I still am guilty. He was offered immortality again, and he accepted it this time.

He gave me this beautiful ring that Hephaestus made himself, to mark our anniversary. We've definitely grown much closer these past few months. We went on a trip to Orlando, Florida. We went to Sea world, Universal, and Disneyland. Percy, being the child that he is, had the best time.

We've traveled to Europe and to Australia. We've gone on multiple cruises as well. Life was great with Percy around. Olympus seemed happier and lighter when Percy returned, and so did the people who lived there. We enrolled in a college in Olympus, were we study together.

Percy invited me out on a date tonight, by the beach. He said we'll have a late-night picnic. I am so excited!

When I got there around 5 o'clock, there was a picnic blanket spread out neatly as well as Chinese food takeout sitting on the blanket. I sat down and looked for Percy. Where has Seaweed Brain run off to now? I thought with a laugh.

I was watching the waves crash onto the shore when I saw a familiar face pop out of the waves, and onto the beach. I blushed when I realized he didn't have his shirt on, revealing his toned body and 6-pack. He noticed me staring and said "Like what you see?" I gulped and glared at him playfully. I threw a shirt at him and he laughed as he pulled it on. He used his powers to dry off.

He sat down next to me and kissed me tenderly on the lips. As we pulled away, he smiled and I smiled back. He glanced at the food. "Ah, I was going to cook tonight but it kind of backfired. So takeout it is!" he exclaimed opening the Chinese bag. "So that's why there was so much smoke in the kitchen!" I replied, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek. He blushed and handed me my food.

After we ate, we layed down next to each other, gazing at the stars. I pointed out constellations and Percy made a few quirky comments, making me laugh. As we were about to pack it up, Percy grasped my hands and then used one to push a hair out of my face. He chuckled as he watched me blush at how close he was to my face. He wrapped the other hand around my waist and pulled me into a kiss. I was so distracted that I didn't notice that someone had been watching us.

There was a faint shwoop sound as a dart penetrated Percy's neck. He pulled out of the kiss and started at the dart blankly. "Oh shit." he said, before collapsing onto the sand. "Percy..? PERCY?!" I shouted. Why does this always happen to us?

To anyone who has read this....
Thank you! Thank you so much for following through with my first fan fiction! Just a heads up, there will be a sequel to this! It'll be called "Subject Five" or something along the lines of that! Go ahead and check it out! I wonder what our Seaweed Brain has gotten himself into now! I love y'all so much! <3

Marshmallow Girl :3

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