~*Chapter Seven*~

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- - Annabeth's POV - -

As I watched Percy swim away, I could've sworn that he remembered my name. That gave me some hope. As Frank, Hazel, Jason, and Piper finally reached me they looked at me and then at Percy's tail disappearing into the waves. "What the hell just happened back there..?" said Frank as he helped me to my feet. I wiped my tear stained face and blushed. Piper wiggled her eyebrows at me and smirked. "I think she's just got herself a date!" she giggled. I explained the deal that I made with him back when we were getting attacked, and how he saved us. I also explained his promise to meet me tomorrow at the same time, right here.

"Wow..." breathed Hazel. "Does he remember anything...?" I looked down at my feet, remembering the look on his face when I mentioned my name. He must remember something. "He doesn't remember anything, except when I mentioned my name... He said that it sounded familiar!" I exclaimed. "That's great! We're one step closer to breaking the curse, and bringing Percy home!" stated Jason. "Just wait until the gods find out!" exclaimed Piper.

It was such a coincidence that we had beached right on Olympus! We trudged into the castle, which surprised our parents that we were home earlier than expected. When they saw me smiling, which hasn't happened in almost two years, they new something good had happened. Athena came rushing over to me and dusted sand off my shirt and shorts. "Annie, you made it back home! And.. you're smiling!" said Athena. Poseidon came over and greeted us as well. "I've seen the wreck on the beach, what happened out there...?" he questioned.

After explaining that we found Percy and that he saved us from a monster attack and promised to meet tomorrow, Athena and Poseidon started tearing up. "Y-you've found him..." said Poseidon shakily, as a tear rolled down his cheek. Poseidon pulled us all into a long hug, and thanked us. He then sent us to our rooms to rest, for tomorrow was going to be a big day!

~* T I M E S K I P*~

I dreamed of a memory of Percy and I in the kitchen making his favorite food, blue chocolate chip cookies. Since he wasn't that great of a cook, I did most of it and he helped along the way. He rested his arm on my shoulder and kissed me on the cheek. "Oh stop it Seaweed Brain! I gotta concentrate on measuring!" I said playfully, as I pushed his face away. He smiled his goofy smile and rested his head on mine as he hugged me from behind. "Whatever, wise girl." said Percy as he reached over and stole some cookie dough. "You're so childish!" I shouted, as I chased him around the kitchen. He smirked at me and ate the ball of cookie dough, leaving blue food dye all over his lips. He turned around and picked me up, and then pecked my forehead with a kiss, leaving a print of blue lips. I smacked him gently on the face as he laughed. He threw me down onto the couch, and then ran over to steal some more cookie dough. "Oh no you don't!" I shouted. Then the wonderful dream ended.

I woke up feeling the best that I've ever felt in years. I smiled as I looked up at the ceiling, remembering that I was meeting Percy today. I jumped out of bed and got ready for the day. I ran downstairs to find Piper and Jason cuddling on the couch. I greeted them "good morning!" and went into the kitchen to make some breakfast. I felt a pang of jealousy as I watched Jason and Piper lean in for a kiss. Hopefully this curse will be lifted soon... I thought.

I ended up making blue pancakes for breakfast, which reminded me of Percy. As I cleared my plate, I walked out into the garden to find Hazel and Frank sitting together under a tree. Their hands and legs entwined. I felt another pang of jealousy. I strolled over to the docks, hoping to see Percy somewhere off frolicking in the waves. I watched the calm waves crash onto the beach and couldn't wait for later.

~*T I M E S K I P*~

It was around 3 o'clock when me and my friends started heading over to the beach to meet Percy. They were all jittering with excitement to finally meet their friend. Athena and Poseidon agreed to come later to meet Percy, so that they wouldn't overwhelm him. We had all agreed not to tell him about the curse or the argument, or that I was his girlfriend because we didn't want him to feel pressured to remember everything.

We waited on the beach, at the exact same spot where we had met yesterday. Not too long later, Percy slid out from the water and greeted us with a nervous smile. "Hey Annabeth..." he said glancing over to me. "Who are you guys...?" he questioned nervously, his tail twitching in the water behind him. "H-hey Percy! No need to be nervous around us, we're friends as well. " said Jason. "This is Piper, Hazel, and Frank!" he said, pointing to them as he said their name. Percy gave a little wave and they waved back. "Oh, and I'm Jason." Percy and Jason did a little handshake as a greeting. "Nice to meet you dude. Or... meet again...?" said Percy. "Did I lose my memories or something..? 'Cause I feel like I know you... or used to..."

"Actually, you have lost your memories. And you do actually know us!" exclaimed Piper. That seemed to confuse Percy even more. He glanced over at me, as if looking for an explanation. All I gave him was a shrug, and then I ran a hand through his unruly black hair. He didn't flinch at all, and even started blushing. "If you have no memories, then what do you remember?" asked Frank inquisitively. Percy frowned and said "I really don't have any memorable memories. But I do remember waking up at a place much like this one. I remember hearing shouting and crying above the water, but this gut feeling told me to swim far away and to get out of this place."

Percy looked up at us and noticed that we were exchanging glances, but decided to let it go. "Any more questions...?" he asked. I was still running my hand through his hair, and he didn't seem to mind. "Actually, yes. I see that you have gills, yet you are able to breathe above water as well...?" questioned Hazel. Percy laughed and said " That's a good question! I've trained myself to be able to breathe above water. " Hazel grinned at Percy. "I like your tail, Seaweed Brain." I said with a smirk. He smirked back "Thanks Wise Girl.." Everyone looked shocked. "H-how do I remember that..? We had nicknames? That's cute." he blushed and splashed me with his tail.

My friends asked Percy more questions, while I leaned my head on his shoulder and stroked his tail. I guess that caused him to freeze or something, because he stopped mid-sentence while answering one of his questions. "No, I've never seen a do--" his sentence was interrupted by a series of coughs and splutters. Everyone looked at Percy worriedly. Something was wrong. He raised a hand to his neck where his gills were, and gasped as he felt them disappear. He then felt his fins fading away as well. "G-guys... I don't feel so good." said Percy, who started shaking and then fell unconscious in my arms. We all watched in awe as Percy's tail melted away into a pair of legs.

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