~*Chapter Ten*~

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- - Annabeth's POV - -

As Aphrodite left, I heard someone else knock at the door. Probably Seaweed Brain I thought. I walked over to the door and opened it, revealing the one and only Percy Jackson. He had his hood over his head and his hands in his pockets. I went on my tip toes and pecked his cheek with a kiss, then dragged him into my room. He stumbled onto the couch and observed the snacks I put out for our movie night.

"Wow Wise Girl, this looks great!" he joked as he threw a handful of popcorn into his mouth. I closed the door behind me and sat down next to Percy, who pulled me in for a cuddle. I blushed and played with the drawstrings of his hoodie, while Percy played with my hair.

"What movie?" he questioned. I got up and pulled out a CD. "Finding Nemo!" I giggled as I looked at Percy's curious face. "This was your favorite movie." I said as I giggled some more. Percy sat up on the couch, looking very excited. He still doesn't realize that this is a kid's movie... I thought as I put the CD in the CD player.

I sat back down next to Percy, who grabbed a blue sour gummy worm out of one of the bowls and was staring intently at the movie. I could tell he enjoyed it, because he was smiling the entire time. By the end of the movie, he was asleep with his arm around my shoulder and his head on mine. I carefully wormed out of his grasp and placed his head down on a pillow, and covered him with a blanket. I pulled down his hood to give him a kiss on the forehead, before heading to my own bed.

~*T I M E S K I P*~

When I woke up, I yawned and stretched. I got up and out of bed sluggishly, and went to check on Percy. I gasped and started to worry when I saw he wasn't there, and instead there were a few sea green scales strewn on the blankets, and out the door. I quickly changed and ran to the kitchen. "Guys, has anyone seen Percy..?!" I exclaimed, which made everyone jump.

"Don't tell me he's missing again." groaned Jason, rubbing his forehead. I looked down at my feet and nodded. "H-he was with me last night! I woke up and all I saw were scales..." I said, taking one out of my pocket. Frank, who can transform into animals, turned into a wolf and sniffed at the scale. His eyes widened as he signaled us to follow him.

We followed Frank back to the beach, were we saw Percy sitting down hugging his knees. Scales were strewn around him, and some were on his face and arms. When he noticed that we were here, he shakily stood up and put his arms across his chest. I ran over to him and stopped short, noticing the anger and pain in his eyes.

I reached out my hand to touch his face, which had beautiful azure scales dotting his cheeks. He flinched at my touch, and pushed my hand away. "P-Percy..? What's wrong...?" I asked. He looked at me angrily and mumbled "You were the one who cursed me..."

I knew this day would come... I thought. I only nodded weakly to Percy, who turned away from me. "I had my suspicions, but here we are." shouted Percy, throwing his hands up in the air. I flinched at the tone of his voice. With every word he said, his fins started growing back. "I trusted you so much... You were my everything... Yet, you left me alone for two years over some stupid argument. You even cursed me to become a freaking fish! I feel so betrayed right now..." shouted Percy, as his gills slowly appeared on his neck.

I started sobbing as my friends only watched our argument in shock. Percy also started tearing up, remembering all the heartwarming moments they shared. "I-I'm SORRY!" I screamed. "I was going to tell you!"

I looked at Percy, who also had tears running down his cheeks. His instinct made him reach his arms out to me, as if to comfort me, but then quickly pulled away. He took one last look at me as he crumpled to the ground, his fish tail returning. He dove into the ocean and briskly swam away, his sea green tail once again disappearing into the waves.

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