~*Chapter Five*~

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- -  Annabeth's POV - -

It's been two years since Percy was cursed. Two years since he disappeared. Two years since I've seen his warm and comforting face... I missed him so much, and so did everyone else. Even though I have been forgiven... I regret that fateful day constantly, and blamed myself for everything.

I've been given much work by my mother, since I was her new assistant. The new stress and assignments have made me feel overwhelmed. At times like these what I need most is my seaweed brain...

Poseidon hasn't taken this whole situation well either. He's sent me on numerous voyages around the world to try and find Percy. The violent waves that Poseidon caused due to his grief often rocked the boat so much, that I would get seasick. Percy would always comfort and care for me during voyages, because he knew that I get like this.

Word got out that Percy has disappeared, and monster attacks resumed. Some were so bad, that we believed Kronos has returned.

Today was supposed to be Percy's 20th birthday, and instead of him running up and down the halls boasting about it and spreading the birthday cheer, the hallways were dead silent and gloomy. In honor of him, I decided to go on another voyage to look for him.

"I'll see you guys in another week or so... I'm heading out to look for Percy..." I said. "Girl, you've gotta catch a break sometime! I know that today is his birthday, but that doesn't mean that you have to wear yourself out again by going on another voyage!" said Hazel. "Hazel's right. How about we just bake a blue cake for him? That's what Percy would want us to do." stated Frank sadly. I knew that they missed him terribly as well. "No... I'm going..." I said shakily, as tears started to brim my eyes.

"Well... then we're coming with you!" shouted Piper. I smiled weakly at my friends and nodded. I ran up to my room and packed my things. I hesitated when I found an old Polaroid picture of me and Percy having a picnic on the beach together. He was kissing my cheek and I was smiling and blushing at the camera. Tears started dripping onto the picture, and I quickly wiped them off so it wouldn't get ruined. I stuffed the picture into my bag and ran downstairs to find Jason, Piper, Hazel, and Frank all ready to go.

"Good luck my child... may you return safely soon..." said Athena sadly. I nodded to my mother and gave her a quick hug. My friends and I walked towards the docks, where the Argo II was waiting for us. Before I boarded, Poseidon flashed behind me. "I wish you luck Annabeth... If you do find my son, please bring him home..." he said sadly, as a tear ran down his cheek. I smiled weakly up to him, and he pulled me into a long hug. "May there be smooth sailing for you and your friends..." he said. With a wave of his hand, the ocean's waves calmed. I boarded the ship and waved back to him. I have a good feeling about this one... I thought.

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