~*Chapter Eight*~

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- -  Annabeth's POV - -

I watched in awe as Percy transformed back into a human. I put my hand on his cheek and felt his forehead for any sign of a fever. I heard Athena and Poseidon teleport behind me. Poseidon ran over to me and stroked Percy's cheek and smiled at me. He stepped back and let Athena take a look at Percy. "Amazing..." said Athena, as she was checking him for any signs of remaining merman traits. "It seems that part of the curse was broken temporarily, because he was developing feelings for you..." she said happily. Percy has a crush on me again...? I thought gleefully.

"It seems that this may only be temporary, for if he loses any feelings for you, he may return to his merman state. But this is a start! Now we know how the curse could be broken! You two must fall in love with each other again!" exclaimed Athena, clapping her hands joyfully. "Take him to his room Annabeth. I hope that you'll take good care of him. " said Poseidon. And with a snap of his fingers, we were all whisked back into the castle.

Instead of bringing him to his room, I thought it'd be best to bring him to my room. Just to be able to keep a better eye on him. I set him down on my bed and ran to his room to grab a new change of clothes for him to sleep in. When he had changed back to human, he was still wearing the same clothes he was wearing the day he was cursed.

I changed him into one of his hoodies and gave him some new shorts. I changed myself into one of his large shirts and threw on some short shorts. I tucked him in my bed and turned off the lights. I jumped in with him and threw one arm over his shoulder, snuggling in closer to him. I sighed contently as I kissed him good night.

~* T I M E  S K I P*~

I woke up to the snores of Percy. I rolled my eyes and thought he still drools while he sleeps. I giggled and started to get out of bed. I had slept wonderfully last night. Just as I got out of the blankets, Percy grabbed my hand and said groggily "Don't go yet... don't go..." I looked at Percy all nice and comfy in the blankets, I couldn't turn down his plead. I got back in bed with him, and he pulled me closer. He put his arms around me and fell back asleep. Typical Percy, I thought with a smile. I was so happy to finally be with him again..

Our wonderful moment was soon ruined by Piper barging open the door and screaming "GOOD MORNING LOVEBIRDS!!" Percy was so startled, that he fell out of bed. Piper looked at me and then at Percy and started giggling like crazy, and then ran out of my room. I closed the door and thought I'll get you for that Piper!

I walked over to Percy, who was stretching and sitting on the floor. "Mmm. What happened yesterday...?" he said with a yawn. He looks so cute right now I thought. "Hey Percy... how'd you sleep?" I asked. He smiled at me and ran a hand through his hair. "Ah.. the best..." he said groggily. "W-where am I?" said Percy, as he rubbed his eyes. "You're on Olympus right now. In my room!" I said, pulling Percy's hood over his head. He grabbed my hand and held it in his lap. "That's very kind of you..."

He tried to get up but almost fell instantly. He took one look at his legs and screamed. "HOLY SHIT." He touched his legs wearily, and pinched them to see if they were actually real. I giggled at this hilarious sight. I helped him get to his feet and assisted him down the hallway, with him leaning on my shoulder.  "This is crazy... my tail's gone! I'm like you now!" he said excitedly. "Yep!" I replied, bopping him on the nose, making him blush.

As we entered the kitchen, everyone looked up and greeted us "good morning". Percy smiled at everyone as I led him into the kitchen. I sat him down at a table and got out the pancake mix. "Ack-" mumbled Percy, as he rubbed his temples. I looked over at him to see him in some sort of a daze. I accidentally dropped a bowl on the ground and that seemed to wake him up. "Anna... I just remembered something..." said Percy. I anxiously looked over at him. "Yea...?" Percy fumbled with his fingers and blushed. "I just had... a memory of us baking cookies.. and I was wondering... were we ever in a relationship?" Percy asked shyly. Oh.. that memory? The one I dreamed about?

I put down the pancake mix and glanced over to Hazel, who nodded to me. I walked over to Percy, and sat on his lap. Percy gulped and blushed as I ruffled his unruly hair and took his hands in mine. "Percy... yes, we were in a relationship. Until you lost your memories. I don't want to force you into a relationship if you don't want to." Percy gazed into my stone-grey eyes and brushed my cheek with his hand. "Of course I want to be in a relationship with you... let's just give it some time... okay?" said Percy. I nodded as he pulled me into a long cuddle hug. I heard Piper "awwww" in the background and that made me blush even more.

When I finished making the pancakes, I put some on Percy's plate. He gasped when he noticed they were blue. "My mother's recipe..." said Percy sadly. Ah, yes. Mrs. Jackson was furious when she heard the news. I must tell her that we've found her son so she could stop worrying. "Wow, you remember....?" asked Jason. Percy shrugged and said "Only bits and pieces..."  He took a bite and before he knew it, he finished his plate. "Man that was good... I haven't eaten in years! " Percy chuckled.

"You haven't eaten in years...?" I said surprised. Percy grinned and explained "Mermen don't need to eat. I don't know why though.." He then struggled to stand up and leaned against the table. "I think I'm getting the hang of this!" said Percy, who was grinning his goofy smile. He took a shaky step forward, then another. On his third, he slipped and hit his head on the table and a glass of water fell off and shattered on him. "Ouch-" mumbled Percy. "Oh my gods! Are you okay?" I said. "I-I'm fine... Just a little queasy." he said. Almost right after he said that, his tail and fins grew back. "Uhmm.." said Percy, who was just as surprised as we were. "You guys have a pool here?"

Jason used his powers to lift Percy off the ground and to the pool. If anyone else was in Percy's situation right now, I bet they'd be so embarrassed. Oh, but not with Percy! He was smiling and laughing the entire way. I wish I was as confident as he was... "Here ya go, you big fish." said Jason, as he threw Percy into the pool. After swimming around for a bit he came back to the surface. "Now, that's no way to treat a friend!" joked Percy, who splashed Jason with his tail.

Jason waved him off and strolled back into the castle. I glanced at Percy, who propped himself up on a unicorn float. He looked at me and said with a smile "Wanna come for a swim, Wise girl?" I nodded and said "Whatever Seaweed Brain!" I ran back into the castle to get my bathing suit on.

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