~*Chapter Nine*~

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- - Annabeth's POV - -

I ran back into the palace and into my room to get changed into my bikini. I decided to put on a sea green bikini, with daisies on it. This was Percy's favorite, I thought sadly. I still can't believe that my seaweed brain is back! I fought my happy tears and ran back downstairs, hair flowing behind me.

When I went outside, I saw Percy still on the float. He was on his belly and was talking with his father, Poseidon. As his tail swayed in the water, Poseidon pulled him into a hug. Percy hesitantly let this happen. Poseidon smiled sadly back at Percy, and ruffled his hair. Percy chuckled and waved good bye to his father.

I ran over to Percy and surprised him from behind by jumping onto the unicorn float with him. "GAH! Oh my gods Anna, you scared me! exclaimed Percy, as he positioned himself on his back. I giggled and layed down next to him and started stroking his chin. He then shifted to his side, looking me in the eyes. "I like that suit on you." he said as he blushed. "T-thanks.." I stuttered. Percy then leaned in closer, his sea green eyes gazing into mine. I closed my eyes expecting a kiss, but what I got was a push off the float.

I splashed into the water, and immediately resurfaced to drag Percy in as well. "Seriously Seaweed Brain?!" I shouted, as I pushed Percy. He grinned and splashed me with his beautiful tail. I then started chasing him around the pool, which was about the size of a lake. He laughed when he saw me trying to keep up with him. He then used his powers to form a float out of water, then threw himself on top of it. He grinned childishly as he watched me struggle to catch up to him.

I then felt a rush of speed as the water around me pushed me forwards at a fast pace. I looked at Percy and laughed as I sped towards him. I was thrown onto the water like float along with Percy, who was laughing hysterically. I rolled my eyes at him and pushed him off the float, beaming proudly as I was the one to stay afloat. "Really Wise Girl?" I heard Percy shout, as I noticed the once peaceful waters of the pool suddenly became very agitated. The waves threw my balance off and therefore made me tumble into the water.

I opened my eyes underwater and took a deep breath. There was an air bubble around my nose and mouth. I looked around for Percy, and then suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around to see the one and only, Percy Jackson. I held onto Percy's shoulders and pulled myself closer to him. I ran one hand over his shirtless, muscular body. Percy looked at me and entwined his tail with my legs. He pulled me closer and closer, until we shared the same air bubble. His hands were around my waist while he pulled me closer to him.

I couldn't take it anymore, so I pulled him into a long kiss, eyes closed. I could feel Percy blushing, and his tail twitched with pleasure. I ran my hand through his hair, still kissing, while Percy swam us towards the surface. When we finally pulled out of the kiss, we were back at the shallow end of the pool, near the steps.

Percy looked at me and smiled, blushing like crazy. I giggled and noticed that my legs were still entwined with his tail. As if like magic, his tail melted away once again to reveal two legs and his fins disappeared as well. "Woah..." breathed Percy, as he observed his legs, which were still entwined with mine. I blushed and pulled away from him, rubbing the back of my neck in embarrassment.

"I missed that." said Percy sadly. He was rubbing his temples again and then slipped into a trance, staring blankly at the water. I shook him and brought him back to reality. "S-sorry!" he stuttered. "Another memory..."

I smiled and gripped his hand. I wonder which one he saw, we've had so many wonderful memories together, I thought cheerfully. "So, I saw that you were talking with Poseidon! What did you discuss?" I questioned. Percy looked at me sadly. "He told me he was my father. That explains my powers..."

"HOW did I lose my memories...? Was I always like this...?" he said angrily, as he gestured towards where his tail used to be. I felt a pang of guilt and fear when I heard Percy's tone. What if his memories reveal too much and tell him that I cursed him? How would he feel? I felt Percy's eyes on me as he watched me fumble with my hands. "It's okay... you don't have to tell me yet..." he said, and then he started to braid my hair.

I smiled and leaned back on him. He is so understanding and kind... I'm so lucky to have a boyfriend like him... When Percy finished my braid, he nagged me for a rubber band or a scrunchie to tie it up. I threw a scrunchie at him and that shut him up. He put his hands on shoulders, admiring his braiding skills.

He created a mirror out of water and showed me my reflection. "Wow Percy! You really outdid yourself!" I exclaimed, throwing my hands around him. He chuckled and hugged back. "Let's head back" said Percy, using me for support to get up. He used his powers to dry us as I continued to assist him back into the castle.

It was already getting late, so we went straight to my room. I showed Percy to his room and layed out some clothes for him on the bed. I insisted that he come over to my room to watch a movie and eat something. He nodded and wobbled into his room, closing the door behind him.

A few minutes later, I heard a knock at the door. I walked over and opened it, and was surprised to see Aphrodite, the goddess of love, at the door. "Why hello Annie!" she said slyly, striding into my room. "How can I assist you?" I asked wearily. "Oh, I'm not here for any help. I just wanted to check up on my favorite couple! I sensed some romance coming from you two just a few hours ago!" Aphrodite exclaimed, clapping her hands in excitement.

I blushed and fingered my braid that Percy made for me. Aphrodite giggled, "I see it's going splendidly! I must warn you though, I sense anger and trouble up the road" she said mysteriously. She then giggled some more and teleported away in pink smoke and hearts just as a knock was heard at the door.

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