~*Chapter Three*~

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- - Annabeth's POV - -

Percy was right. What I did was selfish and cruel. I could barely believe what was happening to me right now... I regret everything... I messed up so bad that the love of my life left me for my harsh decision. I was crying so hard that my eyes started to hurt.

What happened next was the worst part.

I felt this new power pulsing through my veins, causing me to have rising anger at Percy for ending our perfect relationship. I wanted him to pay for the pain he was causing me. I stood up and followed Percy to the docks without noticing that my fingertips started to glow...

- - Athena's POV - -

I was sitting with Poseidon and Zeus drinking wine and cracking jokes with each other at the party, when I felt a familiar chill go down my spine. I put down my wine glass, suddenly not feeling too well. This usually is the start of a bad omen, which meant something horrible was going to happen.

That's when I remembered.

I gifted my dear daughter Annabeth the gift of immortality, but as also assigning her as my assistant, which meant that she was given powers much like my own.

She was going to curse someone I thought shakily.

"Athena, is everything alright..?" Poseidon asked, noticing my sudden change in mood. I replied with a shaky "no" when I noticed Annabeth following Percy to the docks. Her fingertips were glowing and her eyes were shining with anger. "Quite the commotion outside, I wonder what's up?" Zeus stated obliviously. "Percy's in danger!" I shouted in fear, and then ran outside into the garden pushing through the gathering crowd.

- - Percy's POV - -

I walked to the docks, yearning for the comfort of the ocean to soothe my pain. Annabeth was following me, and there was a strange light coming from her fingers... Must be a trick of the light, I thought. My eyes are just blurry...

Boy was I wrong.

- - Third POV - -

Annabeth started yelling at Percy, just as he was going to jump into the water. Her fingers glowing brighter with every word that she said.

"We can't end our relationship just like that! We've been through so much together! We can work this out! Stop being so sensitive and come here right now!" she screamed.

"I'm sorry Anna, I just need some time to think... Just leave me alone.." replied Percy, as tears streamed down his face.

"FINE THEN!" screamed Annabeth, her cheeks also glistening with tears. "Leave! Swim far away! Start a new life as a loner! Grow a fish tail and gills for all I care!"

It was too late for Annabeth to realize what she had done, because a beam shot out of her hands straight into Percy, who started screaming in pain. "Annabeth, NO!" shouted Athena from somewhere in the shocked crowd. There was no turning back now, the curse has begun.

Annabeth looked at her mother, with pain in her eyes. She then looked down to Percy, who fell to his knees and was gasping for air. "PERCY!" shouted Annabeth as she rushed to his side. Three streaks appeared on Percy's neck. Gills... Annabeth thought with fear, suddenly realizing what she had done to her lover. Scales started to dot Percy's arms as fins appeared on his forearms and back.

His sea green eyes were shimmering with pain and agony, as he continued gasping for air. Then almost instantly, Percy's legs started merging together as more scales covered them. A tail... thought Annabeth. This is all my fault! The curse is coming true...

Indeed it was. Percy was now a full merman, and the only of his kind. His tail was a beautiful shade of sea-green and aqua, which matched his eyes. "Percy..." Annabeth breathed, reaching out to Percy. He was shaking now, and still was hyperventilating. Athena rushed to Annabeth's side. "He needs the water to breathe! Quick, push him in!" Without hesitation, they pushed him into the water.

That was a mistake. The last thing that everyone saw that night of Percy, was his magnificent green tail disappearing into the waves.

Annabeth started sobbing and her mother was trying to calm her. Athena was worried about how this would affect Poseidon. Annabeth lost Poseidon's favorite son... This could cause a war... Who knows how long it could be until we see Percy again... Athena thought worriedly. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." repeated Annabeth, who was crying and shaking violently. Athena did her best to calm her, but feared the worst as Poseidon came running over.

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