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God knows you by name!💫

How can you tell me you're on the brink of the cliff?

Because of one failure you're not going to try harder

Yet you've not even waited long enough for God's upcoming cliffhanger

Where he'll climax all your struggles with a victory so spectacular

Yes, it'll happen just like that you'll even be amazed

Do you know why? Because though our earthly parents gave us our names

God already designated each name
specifically to each person specially

But you think you've been forgotten by the Almighty already?

Because your prayers have been declined more than the failed attempts of unlocking an I phone with a puzzling password

Listen, God's power is strong enough to overcome the Devil's schemes

When the tides rise let us not think God is trying to jeopardize our lives

God's children will never go astray

From God's narrow gate to the devil's tempting lane

For He will call us by name and bring us back home safely

Because God's power knows no bounds and He is strong and mighty

His children will forever remain undefeated

As long as they live by His word!

Read Isaiah 40:26! My inspiration behind this piece

Afriyie: Ghanaian girl name meaning born at good times💃🏽❤️ (my close friend's name too🤞🏽) just in case you don't know it's pronounced /Ay-free-yiay/ both the a and e sound like a from "alien"🤷‍♀️
Btw: the triple update I promised are going to be named after my friends names. Next one will be called Amee🍃 (find out the meaning in the next chapter 🤗)
Thanks a lot for 1K reads again❤️🙏 God bless you all‼️❤️
Special shoutout to lil_jessi (for being the first to vote like always❤️)romanzolanskiIV (chapter title❤️🙈) and Memevenger (my "senator" "right activist" cousin🤪❤️)
~Xoxo, Ann💗

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