Chapter 21

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The displease in his voice is painfully obvious. In response to his comment I rush out of his car and into Skylar's arms. Nobody is around so it won't do much harm. Tucker catches up to me still reeling from the surprise of seeing me with my secret girlfriend, instead of my fake boyfriend. When Skye sees him she remarks "I didn't know you guys were close enough to match!" I give an awkward chuckle. "Yeah we've known each other for almost 7 years. Thank you so much for coming with me today. I'm not sure to what extent we'd be allowed to display our relationship physically, so we should probably keep it on the down low; our school can be very stern on that kind of thing" once again, another lie leaves my lips. People would makeout everywhere at our school and most of the time do more than just that. I'm hoping to keep her as far away from my piers as possible, it's better to be safe than sorry. I'm not sure why I decided to take her to prom with me, but my heart made the decision and now it's too late to fix it. Over the next half hour people start pouring into the lot of the venue and at 8:00 they open the doors and allow us in. That's when I see Jessica off to the side taking selfies of her and her new College boyfriend that she hasn't been able to shut up about. When she sees me staring she looks at me with a glare that has such a strong emotion behind it, but I still can't seem to pick up on it. Ever since Tucker and I started 'dating', she has been acting so different. She is almost never quiet, but she has been nothing but since Tucker cut things off with her for good. It seems to be some form of suspicion. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves at seeing her and I continue into the venue. The dance drags on like any other, mediocre music with sweaty teenage bodies piled together in one small space. Skye and I keep dancing and with every move she tries to make on me I push her off and avoid it. The attraction I feel for her is so strong that being this close yet unable to touch her or kiss her is killing me with every minute we stay like this. We are so close but it feels like we are so far. After about an hour and a half of dancing and other activities our school planned for our classes' prom the feeling becomes too much. I have been to a few events here and even participated in organizing one, so I know about the room in the back. Due to being overwhelmed by the attraction and desire I feel for her, I grab Skylar's hand and pull her into the back room. The main room is so crowded that I doubt anyone will notice what I'm doing, and Tucker is too busy dancing with his best friend Alex. Those two have been inseparable since the second grade and I doubt Tucker will even notice me leaving, he is too busy with Alex. As we walk across the dance floor she asks "Where are you taking me? It doesn't look like we're going anywhere-" I say nothing and instead I show her the door that blends in with the wall. The dance is too dark to notice it, and likely for a good reason. I look around before turning the knob so nobody catches us, and as soon as the door shuts behind us I push my mouth against hers. I grab a hold of her waist and pick her up and rest her on the small desk in the break room. I hold her waist as she sits on the desk, her curly blonde hair mixing with my bouncy brown curls as our faces melt together into one. When I stop to briefly breathe I say "I missed you so fucking much." and immediately continue. She doesn't even resist me as I continue to kiss her and lose all concept of time. Both of us are too intensely combined with one another that neither of us notice the door opening behind us. I see a brief flash of light in the dark room.

"Oh my fucking god!" a voice screams. I snap my head towards the door where Jessica is standing, in pure shock. Fuck. After her shock wears off, she laughs her annoying 'Ohmigod you will not believe this' laugh and says "Just wait until the school hears about this." and she walks out. I run after her, behind me Skylar is running after me asking "What is going on here Blake?" I use all my energy to ignore Skylar and I continue running after Jessica yelling "Jessica! Wait! Let me explain!" by then I have stopped at the edge of the stage where all the sound equipment is set up and a few administrators, including Jessica's dad: the principal, are there holding a mic for some of the activities going on this evening and as a way to keep control of the crowd of teenagers. Jessica has climbed up the stage and started speaking to her dad. Behind me Skylar is asking "Are you cheating on her with me?" I turn around and tell Skylar "No! God no! You are all I have ever wanted! Just give me a minute to explain" I continue to yell after Jessica. But it's too late, Jessica has convinced her dad to give her the mic for her "Big announcement" Behind me Skylar says quietly, but with intense hurt behind her voice "If you won't tell me what's going on, I'm leaving" and before my eyes I watch as my prize and my pearl walks away from me and I do nothing to stop her. Jessica taps the mic a few times before saying "I have a huge announcement to make!" by then Skylar's exit and Jessica's use of the mic has gathered Tucker's attention and now he is at my side asking "What happened Blake?" with clear worry and fear in his voice. Before I have a time to explain and tell him what happened Jessica begins speaking the words I will never forget. "Two of the seniors at our very high school have been lying and deceiving us. Blake Thompson and Tucker Collins have been dating for the past month as we all know. They have become the couple our high school looks up to and dreams to be." she pauses and Tucker gives me a look of pure disbelief and panic. "But they haven't been dating. No,in fact, something much bigger has been going on. Blake and Tucker have each been pretending to date each other as they date other people behind our backs. And I'm sure you are all wondering why this might be, well, I'll tell you why. Blake and Tucker are each gay. Tucker dated his best friend Alex even under Blake's own nose." she stops once again to focus her eyes on Tucker and I. I look to Tucker in shock, "What the fuck Tucker, how could you be such a hypocrit-" but I'm cut off when Jessica continues. "While Blake dated someone who didn't even go to our own school. Tucker tried multiple times to break them up, but failed. Now, how can we stand for such a couple that doesn't even exist? How can we continue to consider these two people as one of the best at SandCoast high when they have made such a fool out of us and turned love into such a twisted game? Do what you will, but I could never speak to them again with the embarrassment they bring upon our school and the entire senior class. That's it everyone, continue to enjoy your dance organized by me." And with that she ends. Between her ending her speech and the music beginning there is a silence filled with only the murmurs of our piers. Tucker turns to me and says "How could you? I trusted you to keep this secret and now we've both been outed to the entire school!" I don't respond I just run outside looking around for Skylar, hoping she hasn't left yet. Tucker stays in his spot as everyone begins to disperse and move away from him until he is only left with Alex at his side. After a few moments of me being outside in the cool nighttime air searching for any sign of Skylar still being here, Tucker comes running out and says "Jessica posted the photo to social media and the entire senior class has seen it. It's over Blake. Walk yourself home tonight, it isn't too far and I need some time away from you." I take a deep breath to keep myself from crying. Still in my prom dress, I walk home. All I really want to do is lay in bed and cry, it's fairly late and I have work in the morning. I've left almost a hundred texts and voicemails for Skye, but I think the damage has been done. After almost a half hour of walking I reach my house, I walk into the driveway and go to open the front door. I hope my parents are awake, I just want some form of reassurance that everything will be okay. I walk up the small steps to my front porch and as I go to open the door my foot gets caught on something. I almost trip from it but catch myself before I do. I look down and see a few bags lying on the porch steps. I look in through the windows but all the lights have been turned off and there is no sign of my parents. I rest on my knees next to the bags and pull out my phone to turn on the flashlight. The bags look like mine... On top of the pile a note lies. "Blake, having you as our daughter was wonderful and we were so proud of who you grew up to be, but you turned out to be a disgrace you. You are not welcome back into our house until this phase passes. You turn 18 in a few weeks and won't need us for anything. Goodbye Blake, I hope this choice of yours was worth it" attached to the note is the photo of me kissing Skylar. I look behind me as the tears begin to roll down my face. Behind me at the edge of the steps Jessica stands, watching me. "You should think twice next time before messing with me. I have more power and wits than you think" she turns on her heels and walks away.

And with that, I lost everyone I love with one, small, move.

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