Chapter Fourteen: What's This?

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The voice seemed to have a different objective each day. This made it harder for the young angel to understand it. It was frustrating for Malak as he couldn't figure out its motives. He tried to remain calm as they talked this time though. Hopefully, this would allow him to get answers.

Unlike last time, Malak actually told his mate what the voice was saying. Zion was grateful for this. He didn't like seeing his mate suffer alone. This also gave him the chance to figure out the voice's intentions. But, like his angel, he wasn't having much luck.

None of this made sense. Especially today, the voice wanted the angel to steal from a small human. The small being, also known as a child according to Zion, had something similar to Zion's phone. Except this technology was much bigger which fascinated the angel. However, he didn't want to steal it.

Zion was confused. The voice kept trying to convince Malak to steal anything that caught Malak's attention, which happened to be a lot of things. It claimed Malak deserved everything he wanted. Even if it had to be at the expense of others.

That's why Zion was confused. The voice clearly didn't know who's head it was in. His angel would never steal anything. He wasn't greedy. The voice was trying to convince Malak to be another person and Zion hated it. His angel was perfect just the way he was and no one should try to change him.

Zion thought about everything the voice said to his mate. Everything the voice tried to convince his mate to do a lot of things which never worked because of who Malak was. He didn't understand any of it but maybe he could. Zion's always loved going to the library. Like Malak, Zion enjoyed learning new things which was why he enjoyed Earth so much.

The library was an interesting place. It was filled with things called books which were very colorful and had beautiful coverings. Though Malak couldn't read anything, his demon gave him a book with no words. The angel really enjoyed it as it filled his imagination with brilliant ideas. He thought of things he could do with a bag full of magic chalk. He would draw many animals because they are the best.

There were many books with the information Zion needed. He had at least two armfuls of books. Thankfully, he liked reading- and helping his mate- or he wouldn't have gotten through less than half the books. Each was informative books about Christianity and interpretations from the Bible. Most of it was rather interesting like the four horsemen and Cherubims; however, he couldn't focus on it as he needed to figure out what's happening to his mate.

Malak finished his few books and decided to stare at his mate. The demon was very attractive when he was concentrating. Even more so than when he smiled. Eventually, Malak decided to wander around. He figured staring at his mate would get a little creepy after a while.

There were a lot of books but Malak couldn't do anything except look at the intriguing covers. He was going to ask Zion to teach him to read sometime. The demon was a very good teacher. Yesterday, he was very patient with the angel while teaching him to fight. Malak was thankful for this because he wasn't very good. But he was willing to learn and that's what counts.

"Hello!" A cheerful girl greeted Malak.

It was clear to the angel that the stranger was human. He wasn't completely sure how to react to her. Sure, his duck friend said they were mostly harmless. But Mr. Baker definitely wasn't and she could be like him. Then again, she may not be. This stranger could even help him understand human beings better.

He smiled at her, "Hello, I am Malak."

"I'm Anna. I really like your hair. It's super cool!" She said cheerfully.

"Thank you. Your hair is nice too," he stated, noticing her curly, fiery red hair. It was wild and untamed. It looked beautiful.

"Thanks! So, Malak, what brings you to the library do you like reading?"

He shrugged, "I do not know how to read but I am hoping to learn."

Anna decided not to question him. She didn't want to seem rude. Though she couldn't figure out how someone didn't know how to read. It was rather odd. "Well good luck to you! Who brought you here?"

"My boyfriend," he simply replied. The angel didn't really know what a boyfriend was but he heard Zion call him it. He figured it was like the human version of mates. He wasn't sure though since some humans actually had mates.

"Of course you're gay. All the hot guys are. Well, Malak, I'm going to grab this manga and get out of your way. See you later!"

Malak didn't know what a gay or a manga was. She grabbed a book with some blond guy on the front. Maybe that was a manga. He would ask Zion later. After saying goodbye to Anna, he grabbed the book and brought it to his mate.

The demon looked up from his book with a questioning look. His mate was holding out a book with some anime character on the front of it. It wasn't what he usually read as he found fiction rather boring. He always preferred more informational books.

"Is this a manga?" His angel asked, tilting his head.

"Uh, yeah it is," he said surprised. He never expected his mate to know what it was.

Malak smiled. He loved being right. It made him really happy. "That is great. What is a gay?" He curiously inquired.

Zion's heart stopped. Did someone insult his mate? This worried him. He had no idea how his mate handled it. "Why? Did someone say it to you?"

"Yes. Her name is Anna and I told her I came here with my boyfriend. Then she said I am a gay because I am hot which does not make any sense. Though, you are very hot. Are you a gay also?"

Sighing in relief, Zion decided on what to say. He was very thankful that this Anna girl wasn't homophobic. "Gay is a sexuality. It's when guys like guys and girls like girls. When someone calls you it, it isn't an insult. Okay? Liking the same gender isn't a bad thing."

"Of course it is not. Why would anyone use it as an insult?"

"Because some people think it's weird but it isn't."

"I do not see anything wrong with love. Maybe those people do not understand," he replied.

"Maybe. Who knows. Did you enjoy your books?"

"Yes, I really liked the one with the chalk. It was very creative. How are your books?"

"Interesting but I can't find what I'm looking for," Zion answered. He was more than halfway done with all the books since he was a fast reader. There was a lot of information but nothing stood out to him. Nothing answered what was happening to his mate. He hated being so clueless.

Malak shrugged, oblivious to his mate's internal battle. He had no idea what his mate was looking for. "Maybe you could try the manga. What you're looking for might be in there. There is also a bunch of pictures which is great," he said, giving his mate the book.

"This isn't really the book-" The demon stopped himself when he saw the title. It was so obvious before. Why didn't he realize sooner? "You're amazing, Angel." He kissed his angel's head before going back to find some more books. Books about the seven deadly sins.

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