Chapter Fifteen: Drugs

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Throughout the day, Zion was very tense. He had no idea what the voice had planned for today. What was the voice going to do for lust? His angel didn't even know what sex was. Was he going to have to explain what it was to him? The demon wasn't ready for that.

He decided to take his angel to a small cafe, hoping nothing would happen. Zion ordered a hot chocolate for Malak and a black coffee for himself. This would give him some time to think about what's going on. He figured out what the voice was doing, or trying to do, but he couldn't figure out why. Its motives were still unclear. But the demon hoped to figure it out.

Cafes seemed to be similar to restaurants. Though it seemed cozier which Malak preferred. He liked the warm and friendly feeling he got from being there. The air smelled like baked goods and coffee. He loved the smell of coffee even though the taste was to bitter for him. He couldn't understand how his demon drank it.

The angel preferred the drink Zion gave him. It was sweet and warm. Perfect for the angel. He slowly drank it while listening to a human play music. It was soft and beautiful music which Zion called acoustic. After a while, Malak started to feel odd.

The feeling he got when they kissed was back even though they weren't kissing. Except the feeling wasn't just in his stomach. This confused the angel as he's never felt anything like it. He looked at Zion, hoping for an explanation. However, just looking at his demon made the feeling intensify.

The demon has always been good looking to Malak. But now, he was even more attractive. Malak needed to kiss. In fact, he wanted to do more than kiss him though he didn't know what.

"You want to sleep with him, Child," the voice told him.

Malak was going to block the voice. It was clear he wasn't going to get any information from it. However, what it said confused the angel so he decided to talk to it just for a little bit. "Zion and I do not need to sleep," he stated.

"You want to have intercourse with him. Give in to your feelings. Do it," it said.

He sighed and blocked the voice. It was getting more annoying and less scary now. He just wanted answers. Sadly, it didn't seem like the voice was going to give him that.

Zion's attention quickly focused on his mate. His angel looked frustrated which most likely meant the voice was back. "What did it say this time?" He cautiously inquired.

"She said I wanted to have intercourse but I do not know what that means," the angel muttered frustratedly.

The demon definitely wasn't ready to have the talk with his mate; however, he'd try his best so his angel wasn't confused. It was clear this whole situation with the voice was bothering the angel. He'd do anything to help relieve his stress. Even if it meant explained what sex was to his innocent mate.

He tried his best not to confuse the mate but also not go into full detail. He didn't want to scare his mate. Also, he made sure to emphasize consent. Of course, Zion would never do anything without his mate's permission. But he wanted to make sure his angel knew how important it was to consent.

After their talk, Malak understood what he was feeling a bit more. Though he was still confused about why he started to feel lustful. He figured it had to do with the voice but it's never been able to influence his feeling before. How did this happen?

Zion was wondering the same thing. As far as he knew, the voice didn't have enough power to make his mate feel something. If it did, it wouldn't have to try and persuade his angel constantly. So, the demon decided to figure out how this happened.

The music was his first guess but he quickly ruled it out. If it did make Malak aroused, Zion would be affected too. In fact, most things the angel was exposed too, Zion was also exposed too. Everything except one thing. The hot chocolate was the only thing that made sense as it was the one thing that only Malak had. However, it looked just like normal hot chocolate.

It didn't smell like normal hot chocolate. There was a slightly bitter. It was barely noticeable unless someone was looking for it like Zion was. He wondered if the hot chocolate was drugged. Zion wanted to taste it just to be sure. Nonetheless, the demon decided it wasn't a good idea. Zion couldn't afford to be drugged right now if the hot chocolate was actually roofied.

"Malakai, how about we go home? Maybe you can sleep this off," the demon suggested. He was worried that his angel would want to sleep with him. Zion didn't want to hurt his mate's feelings but he wouldn't sleep with him. Not yet anyway. Malak wasn't in the right mindset.

"Okay," the angel smiled brightly. He still wanted to sleep with Zion but he tried to fight the feeling. Zion explained how special it was and he didn't want to mess that up. He wanted everything to be special.

Once Malak fell asleep, Zion teleported to the graveyard. Though he didn't like the idea of leaving his mate alone, the demon needed to talk to Saleos. He hoped the elder demon could give him some guidance.

The demon had his pet crocodile, Bethany this time. She made him stick out even more. Everything about Saleos screamed 'look at me'. "Hey, Sally. Glad to see Betty today," Zion said with a small smile.

"Young Zion, glad to see you. Though I hope it's not because you're running from your mate," Saleos stated.

The elder demon already knew the answer. He thought it was very obvious that Zion was in love. He knew the demon well as they've known each other for thousands of years and he knew the demon would rake a while to accept his feelings. When it came to love, Zion was very oblivious even to his own feelings.

"Of course not. I actually came here for him," Zion replied.

"Did something happen?"

Zion sighed before explaining everything. Saleos listened intently while petting Bethany. The crocodile loved attention. Listening to the younger demon, Saleos realized what was happening to his mate. History was repeating itself and sadly, the pair was involved. He hoped the angel wouldn't end up like the last angel. She fell into the trap and sinned. Unfortunately, she died.

Saleos didn't know if he should explain the whole story to the demon. He didn't want him to worry about something that the demon might not even have to deal with. Still, he wanted to explain somethings as it could save Zion's mate's life.

"This has happened before. Though it was a very long time ago before I was even born. But I can give you some details I know. A very long time ago, someone figured out how to use an angel's innocence to become more powerful. No one knows how he figured it out but he did. Slowly, he used her to become stronger and she had no idea. Not until he started talking to her with their mind-link. He convinced her to commit all the seven deadly sins, corrupting her.

"Her corruption made him stronger than a thousand angels while it ended up killing her. He planned on taking over Heaven which almost happened until God intervened. He saved Heaven and made sure to give the elder angels the power to kick angels out of Heaven.

"Now, I believe history is repeating itself. Someone must have figure out to use your angel to become more powerful. So far, it seems he's safe as he hasn't sinned yet. But I'd be careful. After whoever it is gets on the last sin, I don't know what will happen. Things might get more serious."

Zion didn't know how to handle all the information that was just dumped on him. His mate's life was in danger. That's the main thing he focused on. "So, someone's trying to kill my mate?"

"More like trying to get more powerful. Though yes, they would most likely kill your mate in the process."

"That's not fucking happening," Zion lowly growled. No one would ever harm his angel. Never again.

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