burning roses
suffering beauty
the sacrifice
of something you needour love was like that
romance in my lungs
that's how i breathed
how on earth
i got free
that's sincerely mysteryi'm proud to be detached
from a guy like that
and the guy before
there was a lot he lackedjust as toxic
nicotine in my veins
unhealthily addicted
to loneliness and painbroken hearts and broken trust
broken promises, and
greedy, unfaithful lust
i'd burn each etching he put
in my life
but i'm forced to bear him in my mind,
if even for glimpses,
and what was left behindi always keep a clock
so i can keep the time
and watch the years go by
since he said goodbyelove lost and dead
like wilted roses
i'll burn them, and bury them
forever to part with them
in my future, i will bloom
like a red rose garden