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A/N: You are mortals in this oneshot. Hope you enjoy! -Alice

(H/C) = Hair color

(F/C) = Favorite color

Leo's POV

Leo hated math. He hated school. And just because he hated math, they would make him do more. Go figure, right? 

He was sitting on his couch waiting for his tutor. Basically some student from his school was going to help him with his homework. Like a little baby. Ugh, he hated this. 

The doorbell rung. Leo sprung off the sofa and walked to the entrance. This was his first tutor ever, and he hoped they went easy on him. He opened the door to reveal a girl. She was wearing a pair of jeans and a (F/V) shirt. 

"Hi! Is this Leo's house?" she asked. Her (H/C) hair was slumped over her shoulders like a silk curtain. Leo nodded.

"This is he. And you're my tutor, right?" Leo replied, letting the girl in. 

"Yeah. I'm (Y/N), by the way," she said. She put down her backpack on the couch and grabbed a math book. She tucked her hair behind her ear in an adorably cute way. Dang. My math tutor's hot, Leo thought. He brushed the feeling aside. (Y/N) took a bag of chips from her bag and put it on the table. 

"Here. You can eat while you work. It helps me a lot. Food, I mean." she giggled, sitting at the table. The sound of her laugh made Leo's heart hammer against his rib cage. He sat beside her. He grabbed some chips and stuffed them in his mouth. 

"Okay, so which one do you have trouble with?" (Y/N) asked while tying her hair up in a messy bun. Leo couldn't help but stare.

"Uhh, all of these. I just don't get it. They don't make sense," Leo grumbled. (Y/N) smiled in sympathy. 

"It's okay. Pick one and we start." she said softly. Leo pointed to the second problem and they got to work. 

(Time skip)

"THEY DON'T MAKE SENSE!" Leo yelled. (Y/N) rolled her eyes playfully. 

She smiled. "You almost had it. But the exponent tells you how many times you multiply 87 by itself. Then plug that into the equation. Boom, problem solved." she said. Leo tried to follow her lead. He sighed.

"Look, here." (Y/N) said. She grabbed Leo's hand and rested her head on his shoulder. She made him draw and equation on the paper. "There, solve that," she took her head of his shoulder and looked into his eyes.

Before Leo knew what he was doing he leaned in and kissed her. She almost immediately kissed back, but the kiss was cut short. 

"Ahem." someone said. Leo and (Y/N) broke apart, gasping for air. Leo's mother, Esperanza Valdez was watching them, leaning on the door frame with her arms crossed.

"Am I interrupting something?" she asked, smirking.

(Y/N) cleared her throat. "No. Not at all. In fact, I was just about to leave," she said. She wrote the answer down on Leo's paper and grabbed her bag.

"I'll go drop you off at the door." Leo offered, awkwardly trudging to the door with (Y/N). She slung her backpack over her shoulder. 

"Um... Sorry for kissing you-"

"It's okay, flame brain. I'll see you tomorrow at school." (Y/N) pecked his cheek and ran off.

"Dang. My math tutor is hot." Leo whispered to himself.

(A/N: Hello, reader-chan! I hope you liked this oneshot. My friend requested this and I thought it would be cute. Okay, bye!! -Alice)

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