A/N: Hey! This was a request from @A_rocker121! I changed the whole "carnival" idea to a "Coney Island" idea because I haven't gone to a carnival in forever, but I live in NYC so I can speak from experience in the rides and stuff of Coney Island. Hope you enjoy! -Alice
Warning: Another long ass chapter.
Best. Day. Ever.
Chiron had decided that all the demigods in camp deserved a day off. You thought that by "a day off" he meant no schedule; doing nothing all day. But no. Chiron was better than that.
He let every single person in camp go to Coney Island for one full day. One full day.
Anyone with at least two brain cells knows that Coney Island is one-hundred times better than Olympus itself. It was the best place ever. And you got yourself a full-free day.
"Leo! Come, come, come!" you yelled, dragging him behind you to the Steeple Chase ride.
You probably looked like a cliche couple. You were wearing a short floral dress while holding an ice cream cone. Leo was carrying all your bags, not because you wanted him to, but because he insisted. Like a gentleman.
Leo stopped running, yanking you back with him.
"Wait, wait, wait! Look, (Y/N)!" he said, pointing to a stuffed animal game.
You sighed. "Oh, come on, Leo. Those games are totally rigged!"
"Do you want that one? I'll get you that one if you want!" he continued as if you hadn't spoken, pointing to a big Pikachu plushy.
"Oh, that one is actually pretty cute. Okay, fine. But you won't get it!" you told him, shoving a ten dollar bill into his hand. (A/N: The ten dollar Founding Father without a father got a lot farther by working a lot harder, by being a lot smarter, by being the self starter by 14... Wrong fandom...)
Leo walked up to the man and took his seat behind the water gun. Apparently he had to knock down three moving targets in order to get the smallest plushy. The medium one was five moving targets. The largest one (the Pikachu you wanted) was seven moving targets. The problem was, you only counted six targets total. Like you said, rigged.
"Okay, start," the man said. Leo shot water at everything.
"DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE! I WILL GET MY GIRLFRIEND THE STUPID PIKACHU!" Leo went on full Coach Hedge mode. Not a good thing.
Somehow, he knocked down all the targets. Well, dam.
"Okay, medium plush. Now get out," the man said handing you a Squirtle plush and pushing you away before you could argue about the whole 'target' thing. You smiled. One plushy worked just fine.
"I'm so stupid. Why couldn't I get you the one you wanted?" Leo whined. You cupped his chin and raised his face to look at yours.
You kissed him. "It was super rigged. Don't get worked up. Now, Soaring Eagle--"
"Oh, look! Another booth! I bet I can make it this time!"
Five plushies later, it was getting late. You had only enough money for one more ride, and you knew exactly what to spend it on.
You might not have gone on the Soaring Eagle, or the Steeple Chase, or the Brooklyn Heights, but you got the best view on the Wonder Wheel.
Over-looking the sunset-tainted beach, you and Leo sat on the top cart of the ferris wheel. It was high up, but it didn't bother you.
It was amazing, sitting with your boyfriend and your children (the plushies), just gazing at the sunset.
Leo kissed you, pulling you into his lap. You stroked his face, trying to remember every detail of the moment.
"I love you, (Y/N)." Leo whispered, hugging you tightly.
"I love you more, Leo. And there is nothing you could do to change that."
A/N: Yay! I updated! I wasn't planning on updating this week, but hey, the more the merrier. I actually liked this oneshot. BTW, did you see my icon change? It's Laurens being a gay turtle, in case you were wondering. Okay, hope you liked it! -Alice

Leo Valdez x Reader (oneshots)
FanfictionHey. Title basically says it all. This is just a book about you and Leo Valdez's relationship. No smut, just kissing and cuddling. All the characters belong to Rick Riordan, and I DO NOT own you. You own you :) I do requests! Have fun, you closet fa...