Spanish Lessons

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A/N: Hey, this was a request from my friend. Hope you enjoy! - Alice

"I'm never going to get it. It's impossible," you grumbled. Leo squeezed your hand tightly. He grinned crookedly.

"Look. Just say 'my name is'" he instructed, smiling. He placed one hand on your thigh, making your heart do a little tap dance in your chest. You were in your cabin, alone on your bed. Leo was supposedly teaching you Spanish, but the lesson had turned into a lot complaining and pouting. And maybe some occasional kisses.

"Mi nombre--me llam-- ugh! Why are there so many ways to say the same thing?!" you screamed, burying your face into your pillow. Leo chuckled. He pulled you into his lap and kissed you. It was a soft and sweet kiss, like butterflies settling on your lips. 

"Mi princesa, it's not that hard. Just repeat after me," he whispered. You nodded.

Leo kissed you again. "Mi nombre es (Y/N)."

"Mi nombre es (Y/N)." you repeated, trying to not botch up the pronunciation. He smirked. 

"That's right. Anyone could mistake you for a Latina." he joked. You hugged him, and you felt his arms wrap around your waist. 

"I love you, mi princesa." he whispered.

"I love you, mi principe." you replied softly. 

A/N: This was a short one. It was more of an image, but I enjoyed doing this one. Hope you liked it! -Alice

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