I don't like you!

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A/N: Hey! This was a request from my friend. Hope you enjoy! - Alice

"Oh my gods, Leo! I don't feel anything for you! Nothing!" you yelled. 

Leo had been bothering you all morning. He had been saying that you liked him, and you had denied it every time. But it wasn't exactly true. You might have had a small crush on him. Okay, huge. But he couldn't know that. You didn't want to ruin your friendship.

"Is that so?" he mused. You hated it when he acted flirty, but it still made your heart flutter.

"Yep. Nothing at all."

He smirked and stepped towards you. You backed away from him. You knew exactly what he was doing. You kept backing up until you hit something.

Ugh. Stupid pine! you thought. Leo pressed you against the tree, his face an inch away from yours. You swallowed. He laughed at your discomfort.

"What are you doing, fire boy?" you asked nervously. His expression softened.

He smiled subtly. "I don't know..." he said. Leo ran his thumb across your bottom lip, then grabbed your waist and kissed you. You froze. Leo noticed and backed away, completely beet red.

"Sorry- I didn't mean to go that fa-"

Before he could finish, you grabbed his face and kissed him again. This time, you wrapped your arms around his neck. He almost immediately kissed back, but you didn't want to get his hopes up. You backed away. 

"This does not mean I like you," you said, then walked off leaving a star-struck Leo behind.

A/N: Aaaahhh! This one was trashy... I'm almost out of school and they kind of bombarded us with work. Hope you liked it! -Alice

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