Summer Dance

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A/N: Hey! In this oneshot, imagine there is a dance at Camp Half-Blood. Hope you enjoy! -Alice

Warning: Long ass chapter

Dances weren't your thing. Any formal stuff in general. The dresses and the dancing, nah. Maybe the food. And the music. But not the social part. 

But despite that, all campers were encouraged, no, forced to participate. They used it as a benchmark for being alive. Woohoo.

You stood in front of the mirror adjusting your (F/C) dress. It wasn't all lacy and flashy like the Aphrodite girls' dresses, but it looked good on you. Nice and sweet, at least on the outside. You barged out of the bathroom to face your siblings. 

"Dang. You look good, (Y/N)." your sister said. You smiled and mock-curtsied, making your siblings giggle. At least you had their honest compliments on your side. If you looked bad, they would kick you into the bathroom and not let you come out until you looked decent enough. You and your siblings walked out the door and to the dining pavilion. 

Everyone was gathered there. They were all wearing something nice. Dang, even Percy was wearing a dress shirt and some clean pants. His tie was undone, but you guessed it came with the package. 

"Hello, Perclassy," you mused. He scowled at his new nickname. Annabeth was usually the one that came up with them.

"Oh. I get it." he said blankly, clearly flattening the urge to throw you into the lake. 

He cleared his throat. "What are you even doing here? I mean, I know you don't like dances and such," he asked.

You sighed. "I don't know. I just thought I'd stop by and see. Also Chiron said I had to come. As a benchmark or something," you muttered. Percy nodded knowingly. He was like a big brother to you. 

"Oh. Okay. Um... I gotta go. Annabeth is waiting." he said, then ran off. You sat down on a bench by the snack bar. At least you had food. You grabbed some cookies. 

The dining pavilion looked different. The tables had been cleared to make a dance floor, and there was a small stereo where the Stolls were jamming out to some music. It looked like a cliche. It was a cliche.

You were so busy looking around and listening to other peoples' conversations that you didn't notice Leo tapping your shoulder. 

"Oh, sorry. I didn't see you, Leo," you said, smiling warmly at him. He was wearing a clean shirt and pants, but his hair was as unruly as ever. Not that you cared. He was your best friend, and you might have had a small crush on him. He probably didn't feel the same way, so you just kept it a secret.

"Hey, (Y/N). I was wondering...if... you might wanna dance?" he stammered. You were so shocked at his question that you didn't say anything for a little. 

"As friends." he added. Your excitement died a small bit.

"Leo, you know I suck at dancing." you whined. He smirked mischievously. 

"Come on! Please! For me?" he pleaded, going down on his knees and putting his hands together. You giggled.

"Fine. Just this once, though." you laughed, taking his hand and walking to the dance floor. There were coupled strewn about everywhere, and it made you feel weird being with Leo. 

What did this mean?

Leo looked to the Stolls, who nodded and changed the music mid-song. Oh, no.....

A slow song.

You looked to Leo nervously, but he just set his arms on your waist and pulled you close. Carefully, you placed your arms on his shoulders. After an awkward moment, you started swaying slowly. You seemed to get closer with each sway. 

"You enjoying yourself, princesa?" Leo mused. You punched his side playfully. 

"In your dreams," you sighed, but you were a little flustered. Leo was flirty with everyone, right?

You were closer now. Your noses were almost touching.

"Leo..." you breathed. He cut you off by kissing you. You almost immediately kissed back. His grip tightened around your waist. It was a sweet kiss, but it was long. You parted to breathe, gazing into his eyes.

"GET A ROOM!" Clarisse yelled from the Ares kids bunch. You blushed and ruffled Leo's hair. 

"Come on, let's get outta here," you whispered, and you skipped away with Leo's hand in yours.

A/N: Hey! I wanted to do a short cute one, but it ended up being long. If you didn't get it, Percy (being the bro he is) told Leo to make a move on you since you came alone. They made a plan, and then you guys kissed. Ha... ha ha.... I'm tired. Hope you liked it! -Alice

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